
Corafoam pb 40 m1 hc. CORAFOAM® PB 55 M1 HC 3.

Corafoam pb 40 m1 hc N° 5 - Date 01/08/2020 Surface burning characteristics ASTM E84 FSI <25 Surface burning characteristics ASTM E84 Smoke Dev. CORAFOAM® PB M1 HC HCFCs-free and ODP=0 PIR Foam. 03 PIR PB 35 M1 HC 35 2. 300 Fire reaction ASTM D3014 % Ret. 49-165/+100-265/+212 X PIR RTS 60 60 CORAFOAM® poliuretano, poliisocianurato, isolamento termico, schiuma poliuretanica rigida, ME 32 M1 33,0 21,0 0,2 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN 13501 Euroclass E -180/+120 H 40 40,0 18,2 0,3 DIN 4102 Class B3 EN 02. A. 500 m3 del nostro materiale CORAFOAM® PB 50 M1 HC saranno utilizzati per ricavare coppelle, curve e accessori che andranno a coibentare le tubazioni del blocco principale dell impianto di liquefazione del gas naturale di Arzew, in Algeria. Most important symptoms/effects, CORAFOAM® PB M1 HC HCFCs-free and ODP=0 PIR Foam. “Since this transition, we have seen a number of performance 02. . 12-200/+120-328/+248 X X PUR GP 40 40 2. 4210 FM 1405 Baytown, TX, 77523, USA 1-281-383-3862 info-dunausa@dunagroup. HIGH DENSITY FOAMS Suitable for the insulation of cryogenic pipe supports, where strong mechanical characteristics are requested as well as high insulation properties. 7. 250 GOST CORAFOAM® PB und RTS sind die PIR-Schäume in kältetechnischer Qualität, mit niedriger (35 bis 50 kg/m³) bzw. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name ®CORAFOAM PUR FOAM CAS number Not applicable Product type and use Rigid expanded polyurethane foam Company DUNA-USA Inc. 4 48” x 36” 27” -310/+248 *All insulation products also available in 108” length DUNAPOL™C POURABLE FOAMS Rigid, expanding polyurethane foams for cold shoe/pipe support, core, 11. -328/+176 U 60 6,0 0,2 (75°F) 148,0 N. 2012 On the 07 th of February 2012 the very first production of polyurethane foam CORAFOAM® has been carried out in Fujairah by DUNA-Emirates. N° 3 - Date 01/03/2018 Description Polyisocyanurate rigid foam Blowing agents: HFCs/CFCs/HCFCs-free Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP): 0 Global warming CORAFOAM® Low density polyurethane and polyisocyanurate foams are rigid foams mainly used with thermal insulating purposes, thanks to their low thermal conductivity values CORAFOAM® PB and RTS are the cryogenic-grade PIR foams, with low (from 35 to 50 kg/m³) and high density (from 60 to 320 kg/m³) respectively, combining best fire reaction performance with high-end insulation property. 49 14. CORAFOAM® PUR FOAM CORAFOAM ® PUR FOAM rev_2 Page n. 02. La mousse de polyuréthane CORAFOAM® est un matériau qui, au cours de son histoire de plus de 50 ans, est devenu synonyme d' économie d'énergie et d' isolation thermique dans ses lignes de mousse à faible densité et de sa facilité de travail et de sa fiabilité dans ses lignes de produits For further information about CORAFOAM® installation and technical recommendations, please scan the QRCODE or contact your DUNA commercial referent. com Corafoam® 1. 17” 360 mm Required thickness to achieve the same thermal insulation effect CORAFOAM® CORAFOAM® DUNAPIPE CORAFOAM® DUNAPIPE DUNAPOL® C DUNAPOL® SPINPIPE pouring and spray PUR/PIR Blocks Fabricated Pipe Sections In-situ foam and injection systems Fittings (valves, flanges, Pre-insulation elbows, reducers) • Ethylene For further information about CORAFOAM® installation and technical recommendations, please scan the QRCODE or contact your DUNA commercial referent. 13. With one of the two Mobile Foaming Units Pegasus, DUNA-Emirates yesterday realized the first cubic meters of CORAFOAM® PB 50 M1-HC, the most requested material in cryogenic field for its many CORAFOAM® est la mousse polyuréthane expansée rigide produite par DUNA-Corradini. Elle est également utilisée dans la réalisation de formes approchantes pour pâte extrudable ou réalisation de gros volumes type décors, ou modèles de grandes . N° 4 - Date 03/01/2018 Description Polyisocyanurate rigid foam Blowing agents: HFCs/CFCs/HCFCs-free Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP): 0 Global warming potential (GWP): <10 Approvals, Homologations, Compliances ASTM C591 Type IV Grade 2 Typical characteristics Nominal density ASTM D1622/EN 1602/EN ISO 845 lb/ft³ (kg CORAFOAM® Low density polyurethane and polyisocyanurate foams are rigid foams mainly used with thermal insulating purposes, PB 40 M1 HC 2,6 0,1 (50°F) 46,4 NF 92-501 class M1 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN ISO 3582: ≤0. CORAFOAM® PB 35 M1 HC Rev. CORAFOAM® PB 40 M1 HC Rev. 195 Fire reaction ASTM D3014 % Ret. hoher Dichte (60 bis 320 kg/m³), die bestes Brandverhalten mit hohen Dämmeigenschaften kombinieren. 4 48” x 36” 27” -310/+248 *All insulation products also available in 108” length DUNAPOL™C POURABLE FOAMS Rigid, expanding polyurethane foams for cold shoe/pipe support, core, CORAFOAM PUR Foams HFCs/CFCs/HCFCs-free - ODP=0 - GWP<10 DUNA-EMIRATES LLC FZC PB 35 M1 HC 35 20,9 0,250 NF 92 501 Class M1 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN ISO 3582 mm EN 13501/EN 11925 Euroclass E-200/+120 PB 40 M1 HC 42 20,9 0,320 NF 92 501 Class M1 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN ISO 3582 mm ≤10, s ≤10 ASTM E84 FSI <25, SD 250 GOST 302444-94 For further information about CORAFOAM® installation and technical recommendations, please scan the QRCODE or contact your DUNA commercial referent. Le gamme CORAFOAM® PB e RTS propongono invece schiume PIR per applicazioni criogeniche, rispettivamente a bassa (da 35 a 50 kg/m³) e alta densità PB 40 M1-HC 40,0 20,9 0,3 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN 13501 Euroclass E -200/+120 PB 45 M1-HC 45,0 CORAFOAM® PB 50 M1 HC Rev. 99 In January 2015, DUNA-USA converted from pentanes to an Enovate 245fa/pentanes blend for its CORAFOAM®PB 40 M1-HC rigid foam pipe insulation. CORAFOAM® U 40 4 48” x 96” Up to 24” 32. HIGH DENSITY FOAMS Suitable for the insulation of cryogenic pipe supports, CORAFOAM® PB und RTS sind die PIR-Schäume in kältetechnischer Qualität, mit niedriger (35 bis 50 kg/m³) bzw. 80-200/+120-328/+248 X X PB 50 M1 HC 50 3. >90 Fire reaction (blocks, sheets) EN 13501/EN ISO 11925 Euroclass E Leachable chlorides EN 13468/ASTM C871 ppm <60 pH EN 13468/ASTM C871 6,0-7,0 CORAFOAM® PB and RTS are the cryogenic-grade PIR foams, with low (from 35 to 50 kg/m³) and high density (from 60 to 320 kg/m³) respectively, PB 40 M1-HC 40,0 20,9 0,3 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN 13501 Euroclass E -200/+120 PB 45 M1-HC 45,0 ®The thermal conductivity rating of CORAFOAM rigid polyurethane/ polyisocyanurate foams (PIR/PUR) is the lowest value among expanded materials for insulation. 135 Fire reaction ASTM D3014 % Ret. 4210 FM 1405 Baytown, Texas 77520 Ph: 281-383-3862 Fx: 281-383-0115 Toll Free: 866-383-DUNA Emergency telephone number of the company and/or of an authorised advisory centre: DUNA-Usa Inc. 49 7. 500 m3 del nostro materiale CORAFOAM® PB 50 M1-HC saranno utilizzati per ricavare coppelle, curve e accessori che andranno a coibentare le tubazioni del blocco principale dell’impianto di liquefazione del gas naturale di Arzew, in Algeria. CORAFOAM® PB 45 M1 HC Rev. 136/TB-TCHQ mã hs Nhựa cứng định hình Polyisocyanurate (PIR) – CORAFOAM PB 40 M1-HC TRIMMED BLOCKS, 42 kg/m3, dùng để sản xuất tấm bọc bảo ôn cho ống, co, te, bồn. 40” 188 mm 14. -328 ®The thermal conductivity rating of CORAFOAM rigid polyurethane/ polyisocyanurate foams (PIR/PUR) is the lowest value among expanded materials for insulation. 6 of 8 CERCLA (Superfund) reportable quantity (lbs) (40 CFR 302. 500 m3 of our material CORAFOAM® PB 50 M1 will be used to obtain pipes, elbows and fittings that will be used to insulate pipelines of the main body of gas liquefaction plant (LNG) in Arzew, Algeria. Il progetto ha la finalità di realizzare una stazione di liquefazione del gas che, una volta liquefatto alla temperatura di 02. N° 10 - Date 10/21/2020 Values shown are determined from laboratory tests and obtained under controlled conditions; they outline typical characteristics and CORAFOAM® cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately. PB 40 M1 HC 40 2. N° 3 - Date 01/03/2018 Surface burning characteristics ASTM E84 Smoke Dev. >90 Fire reaction (blocks, sheets) EN 13501/EN ISO 11925 Euroclass E Fire reaction (pipe thickness ≤25 mm) EN 13501/EN ISO 11925 Euroclass DL-s2-d0 CORAFOAM® Safety Data Sheet dated 10/3/2023, version 4 1. N° 3 - Date 01/03/2018 DUNA-Corradini S. N° 8 - Date 01/25/2016 Description Polyisocyanurate rigid foam Blowing agents: CFCs/HCFCs-free Ozone Depletion Potential: 0 Approvals, Homologations, Compliances ASTM C591 Type II Grade 2 Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases: HFC-245fa Characteristics Nominal density ASTM D1622/EN 1602/EN ISO 845 lb/ft³ (kg/m³) 2 CORAFOAM® PB et RTS sont les mousses PIR adaptées au froid extrême, offrant respectivement une densité faible (de 35 à 50 kg/m³) PB 40 M1-HC BIO 40,0 20,9 0,3 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN 13501 Euroclass E -200/+120 PB 45 M1 CORAFOAM® PB 35 M1 HC Rev. -phone 866-383-DUNA 2. 01. 18-200/+120-328/+248 • PB 40 M1 HC 40 2. 39 inches, ≤10s ASTM E84: FSI 25, Smoke Dev. N° 5 - Date 01/25/2016 Description Polyisocyanurate rigid foam Blowing agents: CFCs/HCFCs-free Ozone Depletion Potential: 0 Approvals, Homologations, Compliances ASTM C591 Type IV Grade 2 Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases: HFC-245fa Characteristics Nominal density ASTM D1622/EN 1602/EN ISO 845 lb/ft³ (kg/m³) 2 Phân Tích Phân Loại 136/TB-TCHQ mã hs Nhựa cứng định hình Polyisocyanurate (PIR) – CORAFOAM PB 40 M1-HC TRIMMED BLOCKS, 42 kg/m3, dùng để sản xuất tấm bọc bảo ôn cho ống, co, te, bồn. hoher Dichte PB 40 M1-HC BIO 40,0 20,9 0,3 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN 13501 Euroclass E -200/+120 PB 45 M1-HC BIO 45,0 CORAFOAM® PB 35 M1 HC Rev. Immediately obtain medical attention and transport victim to an emergency care facility. 2012 11. IDENTIFICATION Product identifier Mixture identification: Trade name: CORAFOAM® Other means of identification: Trade code: CORAFOAM Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Product type: Polyurethane rigid foam. Every one of them is a uniquely developed PUR/PIR foam that contains our best know-how in order to solve a particular problem. One example of our Special Foams is CORAFOAM® PB 50 M1-HC, the most reliable polyisocyanurate CORAFOAM® PB et RTS sont les mousses PIR adaptées au froid extrême, offrant respectivement une densité faible (de 35 à 50 kg/m³) à élevée (de 60 à 320 kg/m³) et associant les meilleures performances de réaction au feu et corafoam® pb 40 m1 hc Rev. HAZARDS CORAFOAM® Density (kg/m3) Initial thermal conductivity at 10°C (mW/mK) Parallel compressive resistance at 23°C (MPa) Fire behaviour Operating temperatures PB 40 M1 HC 42 20,9 0,320 NF 92 501 Class M1 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN ISO 3582 mm ≤10, s ≤10 ASTM E84 FSI <25, SD 250 GOST 302444-94 Class G1 ASTM D3014 %Ret>90 CORAFOAM® Low density, Foams, Polyurethane rigid foam, Insulation, Thermal insulation, Polyisocianurates, PIR, 40,0 20,3 0,4 DIN 4102 Class B3 EN 13501 Euroclass F ME 32 M1 33,0 21,0 0,2 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN Thông báo 136/TB-TCHQ năm 2021 về kết quả phân loại đối với hàng hóa xuất khẩu, nhập khẩu là Nhựa cứng định hình Polyisocyanurate (PIR) - Corafoam PB 40 M1-HC Trimmed Blocks do Tổng cục Hải quan ban hành. N° 3 - Date 01/03/2018 Surface burning characteristics ASTM E84 FSI <25 Surface burning characteristics ASTM E84 Smoke Dev. 49 For further information about CORAFOAM® installation and technical recommendations, please scan the QRCODE or contact your DUNA commercial referent. 49-200/+120-328/+248 X PB 45 M1 HC 45 2. 01 2. , dạng tấm kích thước: 1000x2300x800H (mm), hs 3921. 49 La Corafoam MD80 ( 80kg/m3 ) est utilisée dans le cas de la recherche de forme. 99 CORAFOAM® PB 50 M1-HC, by now approved by all the most important engineering companies, has been selected among the approved ones thanks to: - major height of the blocks (720 mm) that allows to reduce waste versus optimizing costs for disposing industrial garbage. 49 CORAFOAM PUR Foams HFCs/CFCs/HCFCs-free - ODP=0 - GWP<10 DUNA-EMIRATES LLC FZC PB 35 M1 HC 35 20,9 0,250 NF 92 501 Class M1 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN ISO 3582 mm EN 13501/EN 11925 Euroclass E-200/+120 PB 40 M1 HC 42 20,9 0,320 NF 92 501 Class M1 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN ISO 3582 mm ≤10, s ≤10 ASTM E84 FSI <25, SD 250 GOST 302444-94 Thông báo 136/TB-TCHQ năm 2021 về kết quả phân loại đối với hàng hóa xuất khẩu, nhập khẩu là Nhựa cứng định hình Polyisocyanurate (PIR) - Corafoam PB 40 M1-HC Trimmed Blocks do Tổng cục Hải quan ban hành ®The thermal conductivity rating of CORAFOAM rigid polyurethane/ polyisocyanurate foams (PIR/PUR) is the lowest value among expanded materials for insulation. 4) Cyclopentane: 100 2-Methylbutane: 100 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Hazard categories Immediate Hazard No Delayed Hazard No Fire Hazard No Pressure Hazard No Reactivity Hazard No CORAFOAM® U 40 4 48” x 96” Up to 24” 32. 1 of 6 1. 49-165/+100-265/+212 X PIR RTS 60 60 THƯ VIỆN PHÁP LUẬT - Thông báo 136/TB-TCHQ năm 2021 về kết quả phân loại đối với hàng hóa xuất khẩu, nhập khẩu là Nhựa cứng định hình Polyisocyanurate (PIR) - Corafoam PB 40 M1-HC Trimmed Blocks do Tổng cục Hải quan ban hành For further information about CORAFOAM® installation and technical recommendations, please scan the QRCODE or contact your DUNA commercial referent. CORAFOAM® NOMINAL DENSITY OPERATING TEMPERATURE ASTM C591 GRADE 2 TYPE CINI Kg/m3 Lb/Ft3 °C °F I II III IV V 2. 77x10-6-300/+175 CORAFOAM® PB 55 M1 HC 3. Xem chi tiết và tải về văn CORAFOAM® PB and RTS are the cryogenic-grade PIR foams, with low (from 35 to 50 kg/m³) and high density (from 60 to 320 kg/m³) respectively, PB 40 M1-HC 40,0 20,9 0,3 DIN 4102 Class B2 EN 13501 Euroclass E -200/+120 PB 45 M1-HC 45,0 High density CORAFOAM® (HDU) is an innovative polyurethane substrate used for a variety of applications in the signage, theming and modeling in aerospace, U 40 4,0 0,2 (75°F) 83,0 N. 49-165/+100-265/+212 X PIR RTS 60 60 CORAFOAM ® PIR FOAM CORAFOAM ® PIR FOAM rev_1 Page n. Available in densities 35, 40, 45 and 50 kg/m3. does not accept any responsibility for incorrect use of its products as it cannot ensure the correct methods of application have been followed; we therefore specifically disclaim any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, CORAFOAM® PB 45 M1 HC Rev. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Corafoam® RIGID POLYURETHANE FOAM DUNA-Usa Inc. p. >90 Fire reaction UL 94-Horizontal Burning Class HBF Fire reaction (blocks, sheets) EN 13501/EN ISO 11925 Euroclass E Leachable chlorides ASTM C871/EN 13468 Available in densities 35, 40, 45 and 50 kg/m3. xvpqk yogj hnxmvq omhsr bomtext ckfx sqwwk xzc rzxrg ddew mjvrn mfy rellvugt mqmj ovxfieu