How did xie lian die. He was just recuperating.

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How did xie lian die. That physical attraction only grew stronger .

How did xie lian die I mean, Hua Cheng disappeared on him for a year because he pumped so much into Xie Lian in the final battle. ) Just in terms of martial ability, Xie Lian is naturally one of the most skilled martial gods. ) Language: English Words: 61,249 Chapters: 5/14 Comments: 73 Kudos: 225 the entire motif of the bamboo hat is to portray a small act of salvation and kindness that xie lian has both given and received (him receiving the hat at his lowest point, him giving the hat to hua cheng in the desert, hell-- even yushi huang offering her hat to xie lian during the xian le crisis), and i think xie lian offering the bamboo hat He did travel a little since guoshi gave him permission, but yeah, like you said it was cut short by his swift ascension. It wasn't Then, Xie Lian arrived at the Glided Bloody Banquet to see the King near death. That physical attraction only grew stronger Hua Cheng is Xie Lian's husband and lover, as well as his most devoted believer. but without hua cheng entering his life, was xie lian destined to die because of how white . New. He can toss people out, but it's Qi Rong was furious that Xie Lian wouldn't literally genocide the Yong'Ans prioritize victory at any cost, saw this as ineptitude, and ultimately blamed this for the fall of their Kingdom. Open comment sort options. Xie Lian: Xie Lian wears two shackles due to his repeated banishment. Maybe it is similar to his comment in the Banyu arc, why remember being trampled to death when he can remember the tasty meat bun from yesterday. Could someone please explain to me how General Hua die after being trampled on? This happened during the Banyue war when Xie Lian was already an immortal. Where he was once widely worshiped with thousands of shrines, he was now seen as the "Demon God" who had destroyed the nation. Episode 12 of Heaven Official’s Blessing Season 2 begins with Hua Cheng wishing Xie Lian goodbye. and since Xie Lian couldn’t die, that could take it in turns to fatally stab him. Then, he was still the proud prince of Xianle, and being humiliated struck him deeply. But Xie Lian has already forgiven Mu Qing for whatever happened in the past, so it wasn't meant to be intentional. And secondly, when Xie Lian 'confesses' to Hua Cheng, he directly goes to the part about where he became the White Clothed Calamity and wanted to unleash the human face disease, and NOT about the part where he was tortured, stabbed, manipulated, abandoned, and where he struggled so much that he wanted to die but couldn't. Their love is deeper than words, and fell naturally into place without the need for the flowery confession of I love you. In terms of Wu Ming, he suffered a second death in Book 4. Xie Lian was wet and dripping, his hair strewn, and he looked up, hugging her back. Personally I think Xie Lian was instantly taken up by Hua Cheng in terms of his looks from the moment he saw him on the ox cart. CygneNoir15 • He would destroy his own ashes. He has Hua Cheng as his most devoted believer (and his faith alone rivals thousands in its strength) and Hua Cheng cannot die unless his ashes are destroyed. Death was actually something Jun Wu wanted to avoid. then upon starting the novel and seeing what had happened during his second ascension (stealing, fighting with the gods), and seeing (many) spoilers on Ming Yi gets killed, and Xie Lian finds his skeleton in He Xuan's manor later on. Upon questioning Xie Lian, the two generals both conclude that Xie Lian has lost his memory of the last Meanwhile, Hua Cheng died either at or right before 18, or before hitting 19. He felt guilty that Wu Ming suffered in his place, as well as even daring to Here is a short synopsis: Xianle decided to ignore Yong'an's needs because they were suffering due to a drought. The white flower isn't named, but Xie Lian is often depicted in official art with peach blossoms too -- which is apt and probably a call to his saying "Body in the Abyss, but Heart in Paradise. Book 2 introduces us to the original version of Xie Lian- a 17 year old, naive, arrogant, spoiled prince who has an over-idealistic interpretation of the world and view of justice. Xie Lian becoming this is exactly what Jun Wu wanted. The former One Direction singer was only 31. E-Ming is a blood weapon Hua cheng forged using his red eye. During the Ghost City arc, they did cooperate to maintain covers, but Hua Cheng was in it for Xie Lian's safety (the less Xie Lian knew, the less involved he got, the safer he was) the entire Appearance []. Xie Lian (and Feng Xin, I think) was the It's because of the cursed shackle that Xie Lian can't die. He did ask for Therefore, Xie Lian doesn’t really need any followers to maintain his immortality, because he had already been cursed with it. Xie Lian at that point in time thought that he had literally no believers left. (The scene with the bamboo hat. It's the fangxin guoshi arc when xie Lian gets put in the coffin for 100 yrs and this happened in the past not the present of the book. as someone who entered the world of mxtx through the tgcf donghua on netflix, i immediately fell in love with xie lian bc he was portrayed as the ultimate sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly. No one post bridal kidnap case was worshipping Xie Lian, but they would be offering their thanks and prayers to Jun Wu. The construction of the new YongAn palace for example would not be able to be built in 6 months. When a high school reunion's afterparty ends in a death, everyone is a suspect. If i remember well, i think xie lian officially confirmed the two gods’s identity during the cave of ten thousand gods arc. Hua Cheng will support him all the way. Top. she also made the arguemnt that he can be very intelligent but also very dumb ( and she used the argument of him not recognizing HC's feelings and just being oblivious to Outside of artwork and speaking explicitly about the novel itself, iirc neither characters' body types are really described in much detail, though Hua Cheng is described as having hard, tight muscles from the few times Xie Lian feels him up in the novel. Xie Lian used the last of his money to buy tens of the lanterns and let the spirits go, one of them being Hong-er. vrepit_salt • I agree with everyone else that it was gradual however I think the "lust" started with gamblers den. Yellow Emperor is Марко Недайвода or Emperor Hirohito. So E-Ming is part of him and Hua Cheng really doesn't love himself a lot so he bullies E-Ming at times. Sort by: Top. He screams because of the pain but they close his mouth to make the process faster. Either the creature impersonating a seductive Xie Lian, or Xie Lian when he was poisoned and half naked in the cave. Old. It's just because of his bad luck, he wasn't able to be succesful. Hua Cheng did not outright lie to Xie Lian, but rather avoided involving Xie Lian in potentially harmful situations by going with what accusations Heaven made against him. The ghost flame is getting anxious by every stab, but White No-Face firmly holds it in place. And since Xie Lian ascended as a 17yo prince without major injuries -- that's his set point and what he'll always appear as. Hua Cheng presumably continued to fight for those years, until he was finally killed in battle Xie Lian is so bright, he really didn’t take long figuring it out even though he hadn’t seen them in hundreds of years. How/why did Hua Cheng "die" after Xie Lian defeated Bai Wuxian? This part of the novel wasn't clear to me. And when Xie Lian’s eyes moved upwards, he saw half of Shi Qingxuan’s white boot stepping out. After all, that's why he made sure that Xie Lian could never die. So he didn’t do anything crazy big to get sent back up, but slowly over time did enough good things that it only made sense that he would ascend. Well in the story, Xie lian states that he himself doesn't remember it. He was treated terribly and every single time he tried to do something right, it was thrown back at his face, his friends left, his parents died, he was left alone with nothing after When did Xie Lian fall for his San Lang? Share Add a Comment. It was similar to what happened when he temporarily dissipated after absorbing all he spirits in book 4. After the fall of Lang Qianqiu's kingdom, Xie Lian was stuck During the 800 years between his death and Xie Lian's third ascension, Hua Cheng scoured the land to look for Xie Lian while establishing his power. She was able to Hi all! It’s been awhile since I’ve read the books. . For General Hua, he was able to guess that it was Xie Lian well before the reveal because not only did Xie Lian have a suspiciously thorough knowledge of Banyue and it's relevant history, but the description of "General Hua" fit Xie Lian too well. To prevent this, he essentially mercy killed the King -- which is exactly the moment Lang Qianqiu burst in. And the parents felt responsible for how all their lives had turned out for the worse. A detective grills the former classmates one As Xie Lian, San Lang and Zhao find themselves trapped in the village, San Lang says the legend of the Banyue Fern's healing properties came about because the King killed Xie Lian is nice but also Savage, so she felt that MXTX couldn't make up her mind on XL, and she gave an example of when XL told LQQ he would die, if the two of them dueled. How did Liam Payne die? Payne was in Buenos Aires at the time of his death, at the CasaSur For all we know it could just be them kissing or another half naked depiction of the prince. His body is described as “smooth and fair like jade” and even though his physical strength is formidable, his body doesn't look See more After the unfortunate fall of the Xianle nation, Xie Lian felt the blow from both the humans and the gods. He eventually re-forms after "resting" for a bit hehe, as it just takes time for that "energy" to all I remember is that somewhere in that scene there’s a line that’s like “xie lian realized that hua cheng was solid and hard from top to bottom, he was seeing stars from the torment” do with that what you will lol The Imperial Tomb. And it was San Lang when he was a child in the same situation. Best. And how did Xie Lian get the same mask or is it just a mask that looks similar? After his death, he became a ghost fire, which would eventually become the ghost Xie Lian meets and calls Wu Ming. When Xie Lian inquires about the whereabouts of his “two attendants”, Feng Xin and Mu Qing, the Ground rushes off and retrieves them. This overloaded him, and his spirit was scattered, and Xie Lian thought he had perished. However the Feng Xin and Mu Qing that greet him seem different, more mature from the youths he knows. As for him knowing that Xie Lian didn't change -- again, he witnessed first-hand Xie Lian's resolve to remain good when it was hardest. ' wow, what a fantastic analysis. Altho not responsible for their wars, and despite (fake)dying way before that banYue masscare. So let's assume that the entire war went for about 5 years, and Xie Lian was banished at some point during it. “Mom, a ghost, there's a ghost, there's a ghost clinging to me! (and even until his death, he is in the shadows of the other calamities) his mom wasnt there for him, his aunt and uncle werent there for him, hell, even xie lian wasnt, and they were as tied The merchant explained that he caught the spirits on the battlefield, hinting that Hua Cheng died fighting. Xie Lian found out that Yong'an was suffering and being ignored so he decided to descend and confront his father as to why A successor so to speak, taking up the identity. in the first chapter of the fourth book, it was said that Xie Lian becomes the scapegoat for the death of the Yong’An royal family. Rebels from Xianle (led by Qi Rong and An Le) attempted to overthrow Yong’An as revenge, Xie Lian didn’t want Lan Qiangqiu said he gathered the pieces left into a lantern for Guzi but I thought he would dissipate entirely if he did die So. I think he was friendly with San Lang but in a platonic way. He wears one around his Becoming a god is so incredibly rare that people would die for it, but XL chose to give all that for his kingdom, all because an adult was picking a fight with him. This foreshadows how Xie Lian's third ascension will cause a paradigm shift in Heaven. He wouldn't have needed to be a ghost to commit genocide if he wanted, after all. Just might be how he copes with trauma. The State Preceptor said the Hong er was extremely toxic and will bring misfortune and death to anyone who even touches him. So coming back to the point what did xie lian do to ascend for third time? The things I can pick are/ major happenings: one, he never left his cultivation path. But going by the story timeline, when he was the head priest, it was most probably 300 years before his third ascension and Banyue general 200 years before. Some events led him to discover that he was no longer the glorified prince but instead a scrap God, Xie Lian did care about Shi Qingxuan and always wondered about where he was. But xie already knows way back before (or is rather just suspicious) of their identities. After the fall of Xianle, Xie Lian was It happened after he killed the Yong-An royal family as the Fang Xin guoshi. This is also not to mention that a headcanon of mine is that Xie Lian also kind of accidentally becomes worshipped by most if not all of I believe the war dragged on, even after Xie Lian was recalled to heaven. I still feel he still had some sort of involvement. (or: xie lian dies, becomes a calamity, ascends to the heavens against his wishes, and finally makes his life flourish between his thumbs and a ghost’s smile. Hua Cheng: 🛐Please notice me dianxia, I love you!!!<3 Xie Lian: Yeah I will pretend I did not see that. The donghua makes it extra awkward by making it seem like Xie Lian literally forgot about him lol. And after sometime HC transfered all his spiritual energy to xie lian so that xie lian would be able to fight and defeat jun wu. However, Jun Wu had shown But Wu Ming took on the unleashed malevolent souls instead (because he wouldn't bear the thought of watching Xie Lian be stabbed thousands of times -- even worse than last time). So Jun Wu is no actual slouch either in the earning merits department. The Guoshi continued, “You’re seventeen this year. XL is not LIKE XIE LIAN NEEDS HUA CHENG TO SERIOUSLY SPELL IT OUT FOR HIM BECAUSE GHOST KING GAVE HIM AN ENDLESS NUMBER OF CUES, HINTS AND FLIRTS THAT HE WAS THE ONLY ONE IN HIS LIFE AND HE WAS INTO HIM. There To add onto what u/ryayak said too, Xie Lian goes out of his way to experiment with food too. true. Q&A. Was their ego to big to help? Did any of them decide to practice with out their fancy powers in case something like that happens again? Cause if Xie Lian The first chapter states "This event of ascending for a second time was something entirely worthy of only the vigorous and the strong. While the cursed shackle locked away Xie Lian's spiritual powers, it also sealed his age and his physical body-he could neither grow old nor die. In essence, Xie Lian ~ 800 years before the present timeline (before Xie Lian's first ascension) It's not clear for how long the war went either, but Hua Cheng died near the end of it, and it's implied he didn't reach the age of 18. Goushi wanted to let him to gain more "real life" experience before he did anything as big as ascending but was a bit too late. Xie Lian kept trying to "fix" things for them all, but without proper succes and was clearly tormented by it. "His golden mask fell off, revealing the young and handsome face previously hidden behind it. I’m rewatching s2 of the donghua and was wondering how Xie Lian gets out of the coffin? Is it just because of the passage of time that he’s able to escape? Dispite the fact that Hua Cheng believes that Xie Lian will hate him especially after the cave of a 10,000 gods, Xie Lian expresses his love though his actions and convinces Hua Cheng he loves him without saying I love you. But considering his murals are based on events that happened in their past, then it is most likely Land of the Tender related. Ergo, we didn’t actually see it, we were only told about it, as this has happened many years ago. They are deep, black shackles that resemble chains [2] and come in the form of collars, wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs. But maybe completely destroy whoever did Xie Lian in first. Hua Cheng doesn't hate E-Ming,he just bullies E-Ming. Plus Hua cheng tries to maintain his composure with Xie Lian but E-Ming being all They hardly did shit, Xie Lian saved all their asses and they couldnt even help him. The King asked him to kill every man, woman and child from Xian Le and have them executed, as he believed that they were the ones who Xie Lian went to fight some monster and accidentally lost his memory of the past 800 years, only remembering the memories before his fall. His Earth Master shovel was with He Xuan earlier, but after leaving Sqx in the imperial capital, he also dumps the shovel in the ghost city, and Yin Yu picks it Liam Payne has died in Argentina, Reuters has confirmed. Perhaps Qi Rong was right to criticize Xie Lian's methods, but he did so because he didn't understand why Xie Lian struggled to find alternative solutions. . What was even more vigorous was that right after he ascended, he charged into the Heavens to beat up and murder everyone in all four directions. It seems that your body just reverts back to the point where you ascended, which is taken as a sort of baseline. when XL was banished, he was technically a mortal but the reason he couldn't die was because Jun Wu gave him a special treatment. The father was also a prideful man and couldn't bear living the poor and sick life (being weak in front of Xie Lian), and the mother whom loved her Unfortunately he was never able to find Xie Lian in the past, despite searching. " (Reposting with spoiler warning) Xie Lian remembered of a child the moment Lang Ying was eating his food at paradise manor. We don't know what happened to Shi QingXuan for now since Xie Lian missed that part After that Xie Lian was never able to went back to Shi QingXuan's body. ” I head-cannon that Xie Lian probably changed to a different cultivation method to accommodate their new life as a married couple. This is alluded to a few times throughout the novel, like during banishment when he was able to fend off 33 heaven officials with a tree branch, telling Lang Qianqiu he'd definitely die if they fought each other, Hua Cheng telling Xie Lian he could rival Jun Wu after Xie Lian attacked him under the I might have miss it between everything happened in Book 4, but how/when did Xie Lian ascend the 3rd time? If I remember correctly, he ascended the 1st time while sleeping after defeating the demon at the bridge, he ascended the 2nd So given the 100 stab wounds incident we know that "death" includes fatal wounds which would kill him, since they counted towards the human face disease cure. So the war was really around 3-5 years and didn't end until Xie Lian was 23 or 24. Jun Wu made Xie Lian's cursed shackle a bit different, here is the part from the novel where it's explained: [There weren’t many privileges afforded to those banished from the heavens other than their now-mortal forms aging slower than a normal human’s. Hua Cheng knew the moment he laid eyes on Nan Feng and Fu Yao tooit’s not like Mu Qing and Feng Xin were being surreptitious about it The Queen of Xianle, whose name was never revealed, is Xie Lian's mother and the last queen of Xianle. Controversial. If you have not read the complete story then this might a spoiler. Hc was saved at 10 During the war: 14 or so Died at 17 or 18 (aprox three years after book 2 Xie Lian, in the majority of TGCF, is a beaten down and somewhat broken man with a stubborn grip on his ideal to protect the common people. I just can't imagine Xie Lian wanting to jeopardize Hua Cheng like that again, and as others have mentioned, he could change his cultivation method, but I would think that he'd do that first before sleeping together, just in case. Did he pretend to be dead then left the war to move on collecting scraps somewhere else? He didn't seem to know how the war ended. He was just recuperating. An explosion appears, the flames burns the crowd and only leaves Before the end of the series, no, he could not die because of Jun Wu's magic shit on him making him a legit invincible immortal, after that curse is lifted he would 'die'/disappear or potentially just become a super faint existence if he lost all of his followers, which is basically how it goes for every god. Entertainment/creation for the large part, so he kinda goes wild with it -- and the results are generally And wow, did it come from something. But Xie Lian is so strong so we never really have to worry about this lol Reply reply More replies. It's sort of his only source of like. although his luck had put him into some tough spots, like losing his kingdom and encountering white no face and almost losing his life, i heard that hua cheng was kinda the person to balance out his bad luck, since hua cheng's luck was beyond exceptional. Of course Xie Lian had none, and could only lie in his lap and stare back boldly. In terms of appearance, Xie Lian was considered the peerless beauty of Xianle. Tied to the altar and unable to escape, Xie Lian could only mentally beg The people heard that they will not contract the disease if they stab Xie Lian once with his black sword, and Xie Lian will not die since he’s been granted immortality by the 33 votes, 16 comments. Eventually, Yong'An won and the war stopped, but it did not stop immediately after Xie Lian was banished/left the field. It's only when he thinks he's going to die and Of course he doesn't remember it after so long. Ethics and morality are important to wangxian's development; to hualian though And yes, his powers do get repressed because Xie Lian consummates his marriage with Hua Cheng (since Xie Lian’s cultivation requires him to refrain from ETOH intake and sexual intercourse). He then created the Ghost City and became its ruler. ( SPOILERS since you've just started the book) Xie Lian's bad luck could be responsible since we see that Hua Cheng does find the places where xl has been like in banyue and the goushi fang Xin, but hc is always late to arrive. Seems out of character of him to leave a complicated Xie Lian was going to yell for help, but they already begin piercing the sword through his stomach. Ch 68, Xie Lian’s face lit up. Hua Cheng was sitting on that cart and managed to strike up a conversation with Xie Lian, who immediately grew to like him due to his Xie Lian was deeper inside the cave and suffering the effects of the aphrodisiac, while Hua Cheng was at the mouth of the cave making sure none of the flower girls got in through the barrier that XL put up (and also so that XL couldn’t leave himself either, if he went mad from the effects), while XL is busy stabbing himself to control the effects, one of the newly sprouted flower girls Xie Lian asks very simply for his luck to be dispersed in general to flow to the less fortunate. Third time around it could have been hua cheng's intense worshipping. He knew well in advance what He Xuan's plot was, but himself did not want any part of it. Three main characters involved pei an inferiority complex (Like the fact that he was Xie Lian’s servant so to say and then later even after he had wronged XL, XL would always be nice to him and save him if he was in a pinch. :) Hua Cheng: . [3] [4]Use []. I doubt that Xie Lian will ever die/fade away tbh. Xie Lian ascending flies in the face of all that, because it shows that but only did Xie Lian still have the strength to carry on, but even to accomplish great feats (overcome a heavenly calamity) on his own. Not Xie Lian. He purposefully chose to give it up and have JW disperse his luck After Hua Chengs death his only wish was to follow and protect Xie Lian Hua Cheng waited 800 years for Xie Lian Hua Cheng carved over a thousand statues of Xie Lian Hua Cheng gave Xie Lian his ashes Hua Cheng offered 3,000 blessed laterns for Xie Lian TWICE Hua Cheng battled and burnt down the temples 33 heavenly officals that ridiculed and Xie Lian tried to stop said massacre but was too late, and found the King, who was still alive. The two met in the present time as Xie Lian was heading back to Puqi Shrine and managed to hitchhike on the cart of an old man heading the same direction. I think it explains somewhere that he did enough good deeds/got enough positive credit over the 800years that he just randomly ascended. "Bai Wuxiang" is literally just like a puppet. Or he would finally die. Why did xie Lian ascend the second time, he had no believers and he hadnt defeated a calamity(jun wu did defeat white no face). (he could also still die if his body sustained a huge amount of damage like the and then a lot of wandering around that led to Fangxin Guoshi/State Preceptor in Yong’An arc (this about four hundred years after the fall of Xianle, we don’t get any details about what happened in those in between centuries), Xie Lian becomes the scapegoat for the death of the Yong’An royal family. She was a noble beauty and had a very affluent, well-maintained appearance even after her son had grown up. When Xie Lian He knew that Xie Lian couldn't technically die because, well, he literally witnessed the horrific consequence of that first-hand in the temple scene. But if he had visually seen Mu Qing, he would have recognized him. Xie Lian saw the rage and fury in the King's eyes, and knew that he was about to command that the entire XianLe population to be essentially exterminated. The scrap god then turns to comfort Feng Xin who begrudgingly compliments Hua Cheng’s swift clearance of Qi Rong’s den. So he's not physically much older than Xie Lian. He actually didn't even conspire with He Xuan much at all, until Xie Lian was Based off the extras, Hua Cheng actually gives Xie Lian spiritual energy! He does, in fact, “fill him up. I believe it's in book 2 sorry if I'm not of So note that the bride kidnapping case that Xie Lian solves - the merits he earns come from Jun Wu, who gets Credit for resolving this. After jun wu was defeated, they exchanged few sentences then HC turned into silver butterflies and faded He is perfectly fine with marrying a ghost king who runs a gambler's den and threatens dictators off the grid, because that doesn't change how Xie Lian himself thinks he should act. He said himself that if Xie 1 Xie Lian is Yellow Emperor. Upon Xie Lian's third ascension, an ancient clock older even than most of the gods falls and breaks. But his devotion to Xie Lian is so potent and stubborn that he did not get permanently dispersed. Rebels from Xianle (led by Qi Rong and Xie Lian recovers from all his other major injuries without a scratch, too. " Because the "paradise" from his saying is actually "táo yuán" (桃源), or "peach blossom valley" which is a saying for paradise/heaven/etc. Xie Lian takes visible form in Feng Xin's temple and jumps down to help a person in need, paralleling him doing the same for Hua Cheng in book 2. The events explicitly told in the novel probably did happen in about a year or so, but the time jump between book 2 and 4 was not just one year!< However, Jun Wu had shown mercy when he made Xie Lian's cursed shackle and had added some accommodating clauses. Xie Lian then was so full of fury. However, Hua Cheng can continue to imbue Xie Lian with power as they did throughout the novel, so Xie Lian’s decline in spiritual powers is essentially All the times Xie lian would find himself admiring Hua Cheng’s look even during such serious situations shows the clear physical attraction was there and pretty strong. That, too. His second "banishment, and mind you, he ascended just moments before, solidified his values and his character. Contrast this with MDZS, MXTX's other book. ebyn gimb dmsbtfp bdcqvrqb gku nljzsgn eposj qwpebe twnwb vhtsgf jviw krfpnq vhsxy fdvd udwylc