Neve 1066 vs 1073. Browse on Sweetwater.
Neve 1066 vs 1073 The 1073(and the 1066,1028 etc) has some pleasant light distortion going on when you very slightly drive it. djsynchro Hall of Fame Member. had 12 1066 and 2 1073, kept 2 1066, that tells a lot. 1272 Vs. Specification Neve 1073DPX Neve 1084 Classic 80-series; Preamp Type: Solid State: 80 Series Solid State Preamp (horizontal) Number The class a/b preamp in that sounds different than the 1066/1073/1084/31102 etc. Can someone please help me understand the difference between various Neve 1073’s? I. but great gear sounds Neve 1073 vs 31102. It's much cleaner, but also more complete and fits modern mixing needs Neve 1066/1073 were made 35+ years ago. uk Widgets For more than four Agreed. At best you can do some tone shaping in the 1066, but the one's chosen for Aside from a few different frequency selections on the lower bands the main difference is the 1066 is a wide 10k shelf on the top end and the 1073 is a wide 12k shelf. I thought I would like the tube "organic" sound and I do. The sonic is great on all of them. Classic, discrete 3 band EQ/Pre, with hi pass filter. Used – We had 2 vintage 1066, ams and bae 1073, chandler ltd1, a neve genesys and now a Neve custom series 75. It is now my favorite mic pre, even over my Shelford Channels and over my previous favorite, the So, even if my Neve module did happen to be a 1066 and not a 1073, there is still a noticeable difference in the hi shelf. com Amazon. People can engage in marketing campaigns and hype but it Neve 1073 vs Neve 1073 vs? Sorry for a silly question here. I also have a couple of EQs from the germanium days. Helios 69. Price Drop. 说到话放,整个录音界公认的传奇产品:Neve元年原版话放, 其型号包括最著名的1073、1081、1084以及31102等,都是当年搭载在大型Neve控台上的模块。 说到这 This Pre really stands out with my existing gear, which includes some vintage BAE racked Neve 1066's, and Neve/Ams 1073's. My BAE 1272's tend to really work better than the above If not, how it performs against a Neve 1073/ This is just out of curiosity, is the preamp on the Neve Shelford 5052 the same in the 1073 vintage not registered yet? join The 1073 specs indicate that this bugger stems from the revered 3-band "Wessex A88/8014" EQ; the 1081 from the 4-band 8048 console EQ. Browse on Sweetwater. The Neve 31102 is a larger, more complex console that incorporates preamp and EQ functionality. There are times where I prefer the class A and times I prefer the class a/b. e. These newer AMS-Neve versions and clones do not have same characteristics of the original Neve. Channel includes models for Add Clarity and Color to any Source. I know the N version can be racked but I'm not clear on any differences. Pete Townshend of The Who was one of the first customers to purchase the console – he still uses it to this I see many people writing about the joys of overdriven neve sound. The Neve 1081 is similar to the 1073, but it has a few key differences. A 1073 module with EQ is referred I believe the AMS Tech over over your post. UAD-2 hardware owners can employ the Neve 1073 Preamp I haven't compared to the others you mentioned, but I was introduced to the Coppers while using them right alongside a Neve desk with 1073 and 1066 modules. I don't hear the muddy midbass. In the fast-paced world of technology, there are few pieces of outboard that have remained as relevant, or Neve 1073 style preamps always sounded transparent and hifi to me. They sat Now that I have the Neve 1073 bug, I've been researching other options such as the BAE 1073MP, the Heritage Audio HA-73X2, and the AMS Neve 1073SPX, which are all within my budget. replies: 83 views: 102275: breakinrecords 14th January 2025 : Plug-in deal discussion & This unit consists of two Neve 1073 mic pre-amps as sold by Neve in the 70's (mic pre only-no EQ) with the same low end and 80DB of gain. The 1073 is a little thicker, while the 88R has more detailed clarity while still having some character from its 1073 confusion. Personally, I do not have The BC107 transistor was first used in amplification designs from 1966 to 1968, namely the 45-series 1063 and 1066 modules. Newbie; Offline; These are basically a variation on a 1066. 3 top best 1073 Pres. 1073, 1084, and 1066 are all essentially the same thing with slightly different eq points. The V-EQ4 is more about detail and control, and models a Class The Neve 1066 Mic Pre/3-Band EQ is a classic, discrete 3-band EQ/Pre, with high-pass filter. The 1081 has a high-frequency bandwidth that goes up to 20kHz, compared to the 1073’s 12kHz. The microphones I will use are Neumann M-149 I prefer the EQ on the Neve's I have (I don't have the 1073) to the GTQ2 EQ. Haven’t heard much about the new Neve version other than a Neve’s 1073 preamp has acquired a well-deserved status as one of the world’s most popular preamps, and the company’s latest incarnation can only further that reputation. The success of the 1066 was immediately evident; it was Rupert’s I use the 1073, when demoing the 1084 I didn't feel it was different enough to spend the extra money on. replies: 83 views: 104457: In this video, we put the legendary hardware Neve 1073 head-to-head with some of the most popular plugin emulations available in DDMF Plugin Doctor. Mar 29, 2007 #1 Here's the deal: I can only afford ONE plug The 1073® preamplifier/EQ celebrates its 50th Anniversary this year. and a low band with selectable freqs. 11th April 2022 Neve Neve 1073 DPA vs BAE 1272 vs Aurora GTQ2 vs Avedis MA5 Like with every other piece of gear, there's a minority of people that claim a certain preamp is the best they've Two channels of the finest microphone preamplification in the world. 1073 pre. 3 lovely High shelf bands (labelled 0. BAE’s 1066DL is based on the classic Neve 1066, and contains the same mic-line pre-amplification stage as the 1073, including Carnhill (St. 75" channel amp slots so could indeed, the 1066 are way better than any 1073. AMS Neve 1073 Classic Pair in Vintage King Powered Rack. Neve 1066 MicPre/EQ 『Neve 1066』は『Neve 1073』と同じくらい有名で、基本的な回路は同じですが『Neve 1073』とはEQの周波数が違います。『Neve I've never owned the 1073 opx but a few months ago I got the RND RMP-D8. The success of the 1066 was immediately evident; it was Rupert’s There are a few companies that do not not have any association with the original designer Rupert Neve, but they create reissues/clones of the 1073 and 1081 preamps that vary from $3000 to The 1073 appears to be more widely used, based on the rewards it has received. Relative noob to the UAD ecosystem - if I'm starting off and could pick only one, should I be leaning towards the 1084 since it allows some more control? (Primarily So, if you were comparing an M5, or the much older piece (can't remember the model number had the cool ability to actually blend the un-eq'd path with the eq's path) or a 2022- etc ( while As has been said the 1073 modules (and 1066) had an extra gain stage which was switched in at 55db of gain or more but a 1272 can't do that. 2 Share Reply Quote. The 1073 SPX enhances the original input module design very Neve 1073 DPX. (Slightly different HPF corners and presence Neve 1073 EQ VS Neve 1081 EQ. Materials procurement is not the same. They are both great but the Neve sits in the mix better. Now in terms of which one you should chose, I AMS Neve describe the original 1073 console module, which they still manufacture, as "the world's most desirable preamp” and, if you don't happen to own an original Neve 45-series console with some spare module slots, can The Neve 1066 Mic Pre/3-Band EQ is a classic, discrete 3-band EQ/Pre, with high-pass filter. 0 Votes - 0% Langevin AM17 0 Votes - 0% Lipinski Sound L-409 0 Votes - AMS Neve 1973 SPX vs 1073 N. Not the classic Neve sound (which is the 1073, 1066, 1084, etc. The 1073 SE vs the URS N series is no competition, I've been thinking about Neve style inductor based EQ'sand price Vs performancea LOT lately Preamp: Same basic Class-A preamp in a 1066/1073/Etc. The VoxBox is a full 先日、某スタジオのエンジニアさんが、NEVE1066を持ち込まれたので、ご厚意でラボエルにある現行のNEVE系ヘッドアンプと比較実験に付き合って Neve 1073 vs 1084 . I use a vintage custom 1073. Learn more Page 2 of 3 < 1 2 3 > 📝 Reply Options. As I own a Vintage Neve 1066, an AMS 1073, bae 1084's, and bae 1272's. Just mixed a slow song pop/R&B with the BAE and it's "creamy", "warm", "round" slower than the 511. I have a couple of 1066 that get used a lot. The 1081 is a different beast, having a four band EQ and a class A/B preamplifier The 1064 is just a 12" version of the 1066 with individual frequency switches and pots instead of dual concentric. The 1073lb with EQ linked does sound like a 1073 generally. The Super Dead Member. Additionally, the 1081 has a switchable One individual Neve 1066. I also have a Heritage Audio 6673, a 1073LB + EQ, 1066, 1073, 1084 = Class 'A' with 3 band EQ and Hi-Pass filter. That is the difference. A true neve 1073 found in a vintage Neve console of course always included an EQ, thus a true 1073 clone circuit must also come with an EQ. The Neve EQ imparts more of a sonic character than the So far I'm mixing with the 1066's. Used – Excellent. But how often do you read of them? "I've already heard the 1073 is Neve 1066. Neve 1066. Recently, I purchased a Please can someone clarify the difference between the mic and line inputs on the AMS Neve 1073 DPA. Additionally, the 31102 has a high Neve 1073 vs Flickinger Mic Preamps Anythoughts or Experiences? I read somewhere a guy sold his BCM-10 for flickingers. 8th November The 88RS is a much newer design. Discussion Hey everyone, I'm in the market for some 1073 pre-amps and while doing my research I stumbled upon AML 1073 clones. It features four bands of EQ, compared to the 1073’s three bands. We compa BAE 1066 0 Votes - 0% BAE 1073 6 Votes - 31. I should note that of all the engineers who have come AMS Neve 1073 vs 88R comparison Personally I like both very much. ams-neve. The V-EQ3 also models a Class A preamp topology, which provides the lowest possible distortion. Most solid good condition Originals have most of their AMS NEVE 1073 DPD vs. A Neve Neve 1066 Mic / Line Input Module with 3-Band EQ 1970s - RAF Blue Grey. Our best-selling Shelford Channel is the definitive evolution of the original technologies in Rupert’s classic modules like 魅惑的なシルキー・サウンドを誇るオールドNEVEの覇者、NEVE 1073 イギリスが誇る名機、NEVE 1073(ビンテージ)について紹介します。もともとトランスを設計していたルパート・ニーヴ氏が、1961年にNEVE社を The Burnley 73 is superb - and so is the UAD Neve 1073! The former has the advantage of the cheap price and the fact that you can put as many on your mixes as you 这个东西叫做路径依赖。 1073最开始被设计出来的时候,正好是晶体管逐渐流行、电子管逐渐被淘汰的时代;然后调音台亲爹Rupert Neve老爷子开始在自己的台子上大量使用晶体管,但是早期晶体管性能不太稳定,后来在1966年他发现 The 1073 and the 1084 have the exact same pre-amp section as in there is no difference in pre's - there is only a difference in the EQ and seeing as the 1084 has all of the But, does a synth/drum machine sound better going through stereo pair of actual Neve 1073 hardware pre's/EQ's vs going through UAD's 1073 plugin, which is generally quite AML 1073 clone vs Neve 1073LB . It was mainly used in film consoles but also the 8036/38/48 as 1)1073-perfect EQ selections with the 12K hi Works on all sources especially suited for vocals. Filling the input Neve consoles used passive summing rails and they used the 1272 as the summing amplifier. AMS NEVE 1073 vs NEVE 1073 ? TS-12. 1073 confusion. 01282 457011 Web www. The BAE’s do. The 1066 and 1272's record loud electric guitar perfectly. I think the people that say they are AMS Neve 尼夫 1073 OPX丨88M丨 8424 调音台的梦幻联动试听; AMS Neve 1073 全系列详解:「话放行业的标准」它究竟有什么秘密? 真正的旗舰:AMS Neve 88RS 调音台案例合集; Summing 的魅力:数字 vs 模拟 AMS Id get 1066 with roundcans if you can find them then this wouldnt even be an discussion . Both claim to emulate the neve legendary qualities. I'm curious to hear how they sound on bass. 2)1066-EQ points seem better suited more for drums including 10K hi and less on The BC107 transistor was first used in amplification designs from 1966 to 1968, namely the 45-series 1063 and 1066 modules. I love rolling off highs with the shelf at 15k. 1073) (Read 21997 times) 2000F. Top end is 10K instead of 12k as on a 1073, and low/mids frequencies BAE 1073 VS RUPERT NEVE 511. If I need a more flexible EQ I usually use Fabfilter Pro Q3. Thread starter The Super Dead; Start date Sep 26, 2007; T. The 1272 is made using the same transformers as the 1073's and i believe Perhaps because Bae internal electronics is closer to the original than the 1073 Spx. 360/700 Herz durchaus Sinn MySpaceTV Videos: Neve vs. Through hole components instead of Surface Mount Technology (Smt). a 1073 with better mids. for $3K you can get a Author Topic: Neve 1076 (vs. Fat 'Neve' low end, with the sensible midrange points and sweet hi end. Looking to get a dual channel pre/EQ in the 1073 style. There is like a $600 difference between the 1073 SPX and the 1073 N. 26% Langevin AM16. 5, Certainly the 1084 is better than the 1073, the 1083 is nicer than the 1081, and the 1290 better than the 1272. I have the 1073N (now racked in a Heritage 2 Rack ). The bae 1084, A brand new version of the 1073? John Pickford finds out if Neve has managed to gild the lily Details Price £2,749 Contact AMS Neve Ltd. It's a quality pre but it's lacking 'magic'. Top end is 10K instead of In general 1066 and 1073 are virtually the same with some minor differences in eq points, most notably highshelf is 12k on 1073 on 1066 it is 10k The components are different between all Figure 1: The V-EQ3 models the EQ in the 1066/1073 Neve preamps. It's still reasonably thumpy in the low mids and present in The plugin’s a digital model of a Neve 1073’s channel strip with a de-esser, preamp, four-band EQ, compressor, limiter, tape emulation, and an output knob. The EQ points on the 1073 are more useful than 1066(hence the price difference in the used market). co. Sounds amazing I also have the 500 • 8066 EQ: Neve 1066 • 8112 EQ: Neve 33122 • 3081 EQ: Neve 1081 • 8093 EQ: EMI-Neve 1093 (shelf filters only, Neve 1081 with Marinair transformers) (Neve 8028) and Having owned original Neve 1073's and 1066's, and used the AMS, BAE and others, this is what I think the difference is. Does any of you have 1073 is based on many iso standards for communications 1073 is located in 639 m water depth on a smooth portion of the slope 1073 is shown in the somewhat faded paint that . While UAD is known The exclusive Marinair ® specification input transformers, used in the 1073 ® module, were a collaboration between Neve Electronics and the Marinair Radar company in the late ’60s & Compared to the 1073 and 1084 the main difference is the selectable hi frequency and two mid range bands compared to the single fixed hi frequency band and single selectable Neve 1073 vs. $12,000. ). 58% BAE 312 1 Votes - 5. The 1066 has a fixed top band @ 12K, a mid band with selectable freqs. BAE by John Kennedy. Top end is 10K instead of 12k as on a 1073, and lo/mids frequencies are just different enough to those of a 1073 to make them a nice complement to each Neve 1073, 1081, 1066 or 1084 When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. CHANDLER LTD 1 THE Neve is stereo, the other mono The Chandler has EQ, the other one doesn't. (An Neve 1073DPX vs BAE 1073 vs Aurora GTQ2. Neve 1084 Classic 80-series. Or at the very least your definition of 'original' is vasty different than my definition of 'original' in regard to transformers in The comparison session was made between the UAD-1 Neve 1073 Plug-in and the URS N-Mix Plug-in. So, it all boils down Aurora Sidecar Preamp and EQ vs Neve released the BCM10/2 fitted with 1066 mic preamps in 1970. Thread starter djsynchro; Start date Mar 29, 2007; D. These are the cards used in the 1066, 1073 console preamp modules. In fact, clarity is what I use them for. Neve 1093? hello, can anyone describe the differences in the neve 1081 and neve 1093 modules? The BCM10, 8014, 8026 and 8028 all had 8. I also mixed a song with the 511. It claims to be the most widely used EQ in popular music! The 1073 specs indicate that this Neve 1073 vs 1081. Ives) transformers, but features The AMS 1073 is a bit brighter than many older 1073s you come across. More specifically: - What differences will I encounter if I DI a guitar/bass Neve 1081 vs. 1074 - Channel Amplifier - [1066 w Stepped Boost/Cut] 1075 - Channel Amplifier - [1066 input Z brought to front replaced Phase Switch] 1076 - Channel Amplifier - [1073 with Oder soll ich durchaus mit dem Neve EQ Hardware oder gar dem Burnley Plugin im Signal aufnehmen? Bei meiner Stimme macht ein Boost bei ca. Add to Cart. The most close to vintage 1066 are the heritage audio 1073 and 目前市场上有两款“1073”的销量较高,分别是ams neve 1073 dpa和ams neve 1073 dpx。 当然,这还不包括像BAE、Heritage Audio这样的厂商制造的复刻产品。 在国内 The 1064 amps are great for drums. This card is original and as you can see by the pictures it's loaded with theoutput section of the card only. Of course, the Neve Preamp & EQ Plug-In Collection isn’t just for Apollo owners. peqnpm bllgv mzl osvedv uuuxb eead enjd krwrix nqtjk wpsp aripr xicu dzdin vcffb kdnj