Pathfinder 2nd edition alchemist The main section contains an extradimensional space equivalent to a bag of holding type II , perfect for carrying bulkier alchemist equipment. Site Owner: Rose-Winds LLC (Blake Davis) . You must satisfy any prerequisites before taking the feat. You can mix special ingredients into your vials, such as magical dust or flakes of precious minerals. This indicates This indicates abilities from the alchemist class. Skills Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Survival Eidolon Beast Higher-Level Feats Thanks to the time you’ve spent studying and experimenting, you know how to scale your formulas into larger batches that don’t require any additional attention. Inspired by the goblins in the Magic: the Gathering universe, I really wanted to You put your alchemical interest into practice. The strange weapon has a metal bracket mounted on the side of the stock near the lath. gg/pathfinder2e or f. For instance, if you are creating elixirs of life, you This crossbow can deliver alchemically infused bolts. If you imbibe another mutagen while you are under the effects of a mutagen, you can gain the benefits and the drawbacks of both mutagens at once, despite the fact that they both have the polymorph trait and would not normally function together. Alchemist Goggles (Major) Item 17 Source Player Core 2 pg. Chirurgeon Source Player Core 2 pg. There is a Remastered version here. Thanks to the time you’ve spent studying and experimenting, you know how to scale your formulas into larger batches that don’t require any additional attention. 0 Your inquiries into the alchemical nature of the universe have led you to focus on a particular field of research. Alchemist Goggles (Major) Item 17 Source Core Rulebook pg. As an action, you can load a single lesser alchemical bomb into the bracket; this bomb must be one that deals energy damage (such as an acid flask, alchemist’s fire, bottled lightning, frost vial, or thunderstone). 73 4. Alchemist's Fire (Moderate) Item 3 In this video I cover EVERY aspect of the Alchemist! Everything from Starting proficiencies, to class features, to class feats! If you've ever had a questio Expanded Alchemist's Tools. Expanded alchemist’s tools give a +1 item bonus to Crafting Checks to create Alchemical items. When spending downtime to Craft alchemical items, you can produce twice as many alchemical items in a single batch without spending additional preparatory time. 0 Price 3 gp The bomb deals 1d8 fire damage, 1 persistent fire damage, and 1 fire splash damage. Things I noticed, my standard resourceless turn of inspire courage and electic arc (gnome) seemed more impressive than him throwing two bombs (which ate a significant chuck of his resources). Been a while! Finally pieced together a proper class overview for the Alchemist, one of my all-time favourites and one of the stronger classes in the Pathfin Yeah, I picked up on that as well. 0 You concentrate on healing others with alchemy. 244 2. Research Fields Source Core Rulebook pg. In addition, you flexibly mix acidic and poisonous alchemical compounds. Quick Alchemy also has a new 2nd use, Quick Vial. The Alchemist's role in the party most closely resembles a Rogue, providing high damage output and frequently some skill and utility, Pathfinder 2nd Edition – RPGBOT. Introduction There's a tl;dr at the bottom, Unless you're playing an investigator, inventor, alchemist or Thaumaturge, who don't get their strength/dexterity as key stat despite it being their accuracy stat. I'll be sorry for your loss there, but I also think Quick Alchemy was a big part of the power budget and complexity burden on the class. Formulas. You become trained in alchemical bombs and Crafting ; if you were already trained in Crafting, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. The formula book contains the formulas for two common 1st-level alchemical items of your choice, in addition to those you gained from Alchemical Crafting and your research field. 0 Cost 1 versatile vial Requirements You know the formula for the alchemical item you're creating, you are holding or wearing alchemist's tools , and you This indicates abilities from the alchemist class. You gain the Quick Alchemy benefits, creating up to 4 versatile vials during your daily preparations. Alchemist's Fire (Lesser) Item 1 Source GM Core pg. 56 1. Type to search for a spell, item, class — anything! Searches must be at least 2 characters. 310 1. Alchemist Source Player Core 2 pg. gg Also your guide Alchemist Barbarian Bard Champion Cleric Druid Fighter Investigator Kineticist Magus Monk Oracle Psychic Ranger Rogue Smoke Bomb (2nd), Calculated Splash (4th), Directional Bombs (6th), Sticky Bomb (8th), Expanded Splash (10th), Mega Bomb (20th) You can use the Quick Tincture action to turn one of these vials into an elixir or alchemical tool for which you know the formula. Alchemist Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. starstone. Poison Resistance (2nd), Efficient Alchemy (Alchemist) (4th), Combine Elixirs (6th), Alchemist Barbarian Bard Champion Cleric Druid Fighter Investigator Kineticist Magus Monk Oracle Psychic Ranger Rogue Revivifying Mutagen (2nd), Feral Mutagen (8th), Invincible Mutagen (12th), Persistent Mutagen (16th), Perfect Mutagen (20th) Pathfinder 2e's alchemist is written around creating and deploying alchemical mixtures in combat to attack enemies and support party members. 0 You specialize in toxins and venoms of all types. As soon as this secondary effect is over, the lozenge is used up and its benefits for Alchemist Manipulate Source Core Rulebook pg. (A base version of acid bomb at least, think alchemist fire without the persistent). 0 You enjoy tinkering with alchemical formulas and substances in your spare time, and your studies have progressed beyond mere experimentation. This means you get the Alchemical Crafting feat, infused reagents (a pool of reagents usable to make alchemical items), and advanced alchemy (allowing you to make alchemical items during your daily preparations without the normal cost or time Advanced Vials 11th. 220 4. For instance, if you are creating elixirs of life, you You basically cannot play a support Alchemist and be a Bomber in the early levels (around levels 1-5). Character Optimization – PF2. You also gain the Alchemical Crafting feat and four additional formulas for 1st-level alchemical items, as well as the ability to create free items during your daily preparations. Incapacitation: An ability with this trait can take a character out of the fight. A creature takes acid damage instead of poison damage from your infused poisons You put your alchemical interest into practice. Fighter alchemists can use their alchemy to gain additional options in situations where Toxicologist Legacy Content Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. This mobile collection of vials and chemicals can be used for simple alchemical tasks. You must be trained or better in the corresponding skill to select a skill feat. Two common 1st-level alchemical elixirs with the healing trait (like lesser antidote, lesser antiplague, or minor elixir of life). Quick Tincture [one-action] Investigator Manipulate Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. Often, alchemists and crafting guilds use obscure languages or create Alchemist Animist Barbarian Bard Champion Cleric Druid Fighter Investigator Kineticist Magus Monk Oracle Psychic Alchemist Feats Every level at which you gain an Alchemist feat, select one of the following feats. If you wear your alchemist's tools, you can draw and replace them as part of the action that uses them. 0 You focus on bizarre mutagenic transformations that sacrifice one aspect of a creature's physical or psychological being in order to strengthen another. Pirate Dedication Feat 2 Source Player Core 2 pg. The action this takes is noted in the item. Your infused poisons can affect creatures immune to poison. The alchemist in Player Core 2 provides options to make Alchemist Details | Alchemist Feats | Alchemist Kits | Research Fields. It stays there, slowly dissolving and releasing its ingredients over time. Alchemist Animist Barbarian Bard Champion Cleric Druid Fighter Investigator Kineticist Magus Monk Oracle Psychic Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Summoner Swashbuckler Alchemist Source Player Core 2 pg. Prerequisites member of the Pathfinder Society You’re a field agent of the globe-trotting Pathfinder Society, sworn to report, explore, and cooperate. Properly loading the flamethrower in New to Pathfinder 2nd Edition? Click Here! 2/3/25 9:33 PM PST Hello everyone! We have a mythic sized update for you today with the new War of Immortals and supporting mythic section of the site! Check out the details below and thanks as always for your support! New Books - [RPG] War of Immortals Site Updates An alchemist's haversack is a sturdy leather backpack with two compartments. Quick Alchemy [one-action] Alchemist Manipulate Source Core Rulebook pg. Add the formulas for four additional common alchemical If you wear your alchemist's toolkit, you can draw and replace them as part of the action that uses them. Ability Scores Focus on Charisma, Constitution, and then Strength. Inspired by the goblins in the Magic: the Gathering universe, I really wanted to tap into the inner workings of a You put your alchemical interest into practice. 1 Price 3 gp Bulk L The bomb deals 1d8 fire damage, 1 persistent fire damage, and 1 fire splash damage. Mutagenist Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. Advanced Alchemy lets you skip over the whole "4 days to make Champion alchemists can focus on alchemical items that boost defenses and heal others, allowing their champion's reaction and lay on hands to go further. With that combo, they can outdamage even a Fighter Mutagenists can use pair things like the 'alchemical gauntlet' with bestial mutagens to proc elemental weaknesses. But when you use an incapacitation effect against a creature of Alchemist Details | Alchemist Feats | Alchemist Kits | Alchemist Sample Builds | Research Fields. You experiment in an alchemical lab, brewing elixirs, making bombs, and furthering your alchemical knowledge. Alchemist's Fire (Moderate) Item 3 Alchemist Goggles (Greater) Item 11 Source Core Rulebook pg. So Alchs can either use VVials raw like items, or Q-Alch them into items just before use. Site Owner: Rose-Winds LLC (Blake Davis) Alchemist Feats Every level at which you gain an Alchemist feat, select one of the following feats. This long cylinder is topped by a pair of brass sockets and a collection of polished pipes and tubes. 61 1. Bomber Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. Add the formulas for four additional common alchemical Alchemist's fire deals the listed fire damage, persistent fire damage, and splash damage. I wanted to create a Witcher-like Pathfinder character that uses his alchemical concoctions to aid himself and allies in battle. But yeah, It's going to be an even greater upheaval than pretty much any other Class I think, owing mainly to the fact that Crafting as a whole has been significantly changed and heavily buffed. That complexity made alchemist really not feel like a core class. You start with a standard formula book worth 10 sp or less for free. 0 Your eidolon is a god born of the land's life force. Alchemist Goggles Item 4 Source Player Core 2 pg. 106 2. You start with the formulas for two common 1st-level alchemical bombs, in addition to your other formulas. . Alchemist Animist Barbarian Bard Champion Cleric Druid Fighter Investigator Kineticist Magus Monk Oracle Psychic Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Summoner Swashbuckler Thaumaturge Witch Wizard Gunslinger Alchemist Animist Barbarian Bard Champion Cleric Druid Fighter Investigator Kineticist Magus Monk Oracle Psychic Ranger Rogue Revivifying Mutagen (2nd), Feral Mutagen (8th), Invincible Mutagen (12th), Persistent Mutagen (16th), Perfect Mutagen (20th) Khismar developed this unique atomizer that allows for the distribution of elixirs, oils, and potions as a fine spray or mist. Tarondor's Guide to the Pathfinder Second Edition (Remastered) Fighter. Glider Form (1st), Ranged Combatant (2nd), Lifelink Surge (4th) God Caller Source Secrets of Magic pg. These beakers and chemicals can be used to set up a mobile Alchemical laboratory. 1 Price 1,400 gp The item bonus increases to +2, and the item bonus to splash damage on a miss is +2. The following new traits are used for items presented in this section. 0 Price 5 gp Hands 2;Bulk 6 Alchemist's Lab (Expanded) Item 3 Source Player Core pg. Chirurgeon Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg. Alchemist's Lab Item 0 Source Player Core pg. You can apply an injury poison you're holding to a weapon you're wielding as a single action, rather than as a 2-action activity, and Alchemist Source Player Core 2 pg. The alchemist in Player Core 2 I was playing pathfinder 2e on roll20 with the new gauntlight ap and one of my team mates was playing an alchemist the party was at level 1 . You can apply an injury poison you’re holding to a weapon or piece of ammunition you’re wielding as a single action, rather than as a 2-action activity. 1 There's no sight more beautiful to you than a strange brew bubbling in a beaker, At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill feat. Join us on for more discussion on discord. 1 Price 15,000 gp Pathfinder 2e's alchemist is written around creating and deploying alchemical mixtures in combat to attack enemies and support party members. A creature takes acid damage instead of poison damage from your infused poisons Greater Field Discovery 13th. A secondary partition can hold 2 Bulk of items, 1 of which doesn't count against your Bulk limit. Arguably one of the more complicated core classes, its abilities are still valued in any party. 0 Price 15,000 gp The item bonuses are both +3. 0 Price 55 gp Hands 2;Bulk 6 An expanded alchemist's lab gives a +1 item bonus to Crafting checks to create alchemical items. * Home pf2; Traits; Alchemist Source: Pathfinder Second Edition; ↓ Attributes. If you’re wearing or wielding an item of a different precious material when you make the vial, you can You put your alchemical interest into practice. You can usually read a formula as long as you can read the language it's written in, even if you lack the skill to Craft the item. A total of two vials of alchemist's fire must be loaded into the sockets at the base of the weapon and the tubes cleaned and primed. You might have a degree from an scientific institute, correspond with other researchers in your field, or work as a genius loner. Poison Resistance (2nd), Efficient Alchemy (Alchemist) (4th), Combine Elixirs (6th), A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. Fumbus, the 2E Iconic Alchemist. You gain the alchemist’s infused reagents class feature, gaining a number of reagents each day equal to your level. 0 Cost 1 batch of infused reagents Requirements You have the formula for the alchemical item you're creating, and you're either holding or wearing alchemist's tools. Attributes Definition. Flourish: Actions with this trait are special techniques that require too much exertion for you to perform frequently. 72 2. Either you will play support, and have next to no Bombs to throw, or you will You gain the Quick Alchemy action. The first Pathfinder character I ever made was a goblin alchemist. Many types grant an item bonus to attack rolls. 0 You specialize in explosions and other violent alchemical reactions. If you come under the effects of any further mutagens while benefiting from two mutagens, you lose the Alchemist Details | Alchemist Feats | Alchemist Kits | Research Fields. The alchemist is a very welcome edition for the new line up for core classes in Pathfinder 2nd edition. Site Owner: Rose-Winds LLC (Blake Davis) Alchemist Details | Alchemist Feats | Alchemist Kits | Alchemist Sample Builds | Research Fields. You enjoy tinkering with alchemical formulas and substances in your spare time, and your studies have progressed beyond mere experimentation. ). Alchemist Animist Barbarian Bard Champion Cleric Druid Fighter Investigator Kineticist Magus Monk Oracle Psychic Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Summoner Swashbuckler Thaumaturge Witch Wizard Gunslinger Hi! I am late to the party but recently made an Alchemist build that I am very eager to try out in case my main character dies! Ysoki (Ratfolk), Alchemist (Mutagenist) with Warrior Background. Bomber's is just throwing as a better type-chosen bomb. 0 Price 1,400 gp The item bonuses are both +2. Mutagenist Source Player Core 2 pg. In this video, I'll be guiding you through the Pathfinder 2e "Alchemist" character class. 227 Price 8 gp, 3 sp, 2 cp; Bulk 3 Bulk, 7 light; Money Left Over 6 gp, 6 sp, 8 cp Armor studded leather armor Weapons dagger, sling with 20 bullets Gear adventurer's pack, alchemist's toolkit, caltrops Options repair toolkit (2 gp) Pathfinder 2nd Edition Alchemist Class. You put your alchemical interest into practice. 605 4. 72 4. Yay! And all of them can also be used as makeshift Acid bombs. 209 1. Logan's exact words: "So now the Alchemist has two different, uh, kinda pools. Key Terms You'll see the following key terms in many monk abilities. 287 2. Alchemist Details | Alchemist Feats | Alchemist Kits | Research Fields. 283 1. 195 An apprentice alchemist gains the advanced alchemy ability of the alchemy class feature. You can use your proficiency rank in Crafting for anything that requires a proficiency New to Pathfinder 2nd Edition? Click Here! 2/3/25 9:33 PM PST Hello everyone! We have a mythic sized update for you today with the new War of Immortals and supporting mythic section of the site! Check out the details below and thanks as always for your support! New Books - [RPG] War of Immortals Site Updates Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion: Search Thread Search this 2nd big thing: Master with simple, unarmed, and bombs at 15. There is a Legacy version here. GM Tarondor : Sep 15, 2024, - Alchemist should be blue now that remaster scales the alchemical items with of action compression/focus spells/possibly extended range/pseudo extended range because of hunt prey removing the 2nd ranged increment penalty,etc. Multiclass Alchemist characters The free alchemical items from the alchemist archetype are extremely useful to characters of any class. You can bite a lozenge for a secondary effect. 57 2. You swiftly mix up a short-lived alchemical item to use at a moment's notice. The atomizer can hold a single elixir, oil, or potion. Alchemist's fire deals the listed fire damage, persistent fire damage, and splash damage. Their primary purpose is to reduce the time it takes you to start the Craft activity, which is helpful for items you'll make frequently. Alchemist Ready to play? Build unlimited Pathfinder 2e characters Create Now Edit Page Content. Talsorian Games Pathfinder Second Edition Compendium. When you create a versatile vial, you can choose to have it treated as one special material of your choice, chosen from adamantine, cold iron, and dawnsilver. The Pathfinder 2nd Edition Guide to "Max-minning" for Min-maxers. Site Owner: Rose-Winds LLC (Blake Davis) Some archetypes give you abilities to use alchemy in a similar manner to an alchemist and say that you get the basic alchemy benefits. New to Pathfinder 2nd Edition? Click Here! 2/3/25 9:33 PM PST Hello everyone! We have a mythic sized update for you today with the new War of Immortals and supporting mythic section of the site! Check out the details below and thanks as always for your support! New Books - [RPG] War of Immortals Site Updates Field Benefit. Chirurgeon Source Core Rulebook pg. The role of the alchemist is to be a gish of Alchemist's Lab Type adventuring gear; Price 5 gp Pathfinder Core Mega Bundle by Paizo Cyberpunk RED by R. Add the formulas for four additional common alchemical This indicates abilities from the alchemist class. They can Pathfinder Second Edition Compendium. Add the formulas for four additional common alchemical Field Benefit. 74 4. Alchemist Feats Every level at which you gain an Alchemist feat, select one of the following feats. The whole concept of the Alchemist needing, constantly building upon/refining, and using a Formula book is almost entirely pointless now since all Common items very simply do not Alchemist's fire deals the listed fire damage, persistent fire damage, and splash damage. 0 You use alchemy for medicinal purposes, healing and protecting others across the lands. An atomizer contains enough reagents to use it up to 10 times before the reagents must be replaced. Similarly 'Weapon Siphons' and 'fury cocktails' allow for a more This is why Alchemists (and other alchemist-like dedications such as Herbalist or Poisoner) get Advanced Alchemy. 1 Prerequisites trained in Intimidation You need an alchemist's lab to Craft alchemical items during downtime. 1 You focus on bizarre mutagenic transformations that sacrifice one aspect of a creature’s physical or psychological being in Pathfinder Second Edition Character Guide (Sep 2019) Class Feat Charts (Oct 2022) How not to mess up your first Pathfinder 2nd Edition character (Oct 2024) Ancestries & Feats Pirate Rob’s mini-Guide to PF2e Ability Scores during Character Creation (Sep 2019) Pathfinder 2nd Edition Alchemist Class. When throwing an alchemical bomb with the splash trait, you can deal splash damage to only your primary target instead of the usual splash area. Alchemist's Fire (Moderate) Item 3 Source GM Core pg Alchemist Source Gamemastery Guide pg. An alchemist keeps meticulous records of the formulas for every item they can create. You start with the formulas for two common 1st-level alchemical elixirs with the healing trait (like lesser antidote, lesser antiplague, or minor elixir of life), in addition to your other formulas. You explore the world, gathering artifacts and antiquities, and record your adventures for posterity. You become trained in alchemical bombs, the alchemist class DC, and Crafting; if you were already trained in Crafting, you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. Quick display options: Short | Table | Grouped by Level. You Might Enjoy tinkering with strange formulas and alchemical The Alchemist is an interesting class, serving their party as some combination of Defender, Healer, Scout, Support, and Striker depending on their Field of Research and their preferred alchemical items. 0 Cost 1 batch of infused reagents Requirements You have the formula for the alchemical item you're creating, and you're either holding or wearing alchemist's tools . You become trained in alchemist class DC. * Home pf2; Alchemist Animist Barbarian Bard Champion Cleric Druid Fighter Investigator Kineticist Magus Monk Oracle Psychic Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Summoner Swashbuckler Thaumaturge Witch Wizard Gunslinger Inventor Exemplar View all companion options available Formulas are formalized instructions for making items. You start with the formulas for two common 1st-level alchemical poisons in your formula book, in addition to your other formulas. The Alchemist’s role in the party most closely resembles a Rogue, providing high damage output and frequently some skill and I've really only found 1 build that's good for alchemist, which is Quick Bomber, Sticky Bomb, Calculated Splash & Expanded Splash. You can use only 1 action with the flourish trait per turn. Alchemist's Fire (Lesser) Item 1 Source Player Core 2 pg. I'll be presenting everything available to Alchemists at first leve VVials are not just resources, but items that can be thrown like bombs, and used by each sub-type of Alchemist for their RF-specific action. You can use a set of tools with 1 hand if you're wearing them or 2 if you're holding them. Lozenge : You Activate an alchemical lozenge by putting it in your mouth. 1 Price 100 gp Alchemist Goggles (Greater) Item 11 Source Player Core 2 pg. PF2 Classes: Alchemist Kit Source Player Core 2 pg. Type adventuring gear; Price 55 gp Bulk 2; Hands 2. 1 You concentrate on healing others with alchemy. Their advanced alchemy level is 1, and they have one batch of infused reagents each day. qpo pqztb uhsc snmbxl ygv hdny tubrkz xkmyn dkfvbea oibbc zqf uzszk ubrqx bulr wtmzf