Skyrim mods that lower fps. {Skyrim project optimization}} and it’s patches.
Skyrim mods that lower fps You could always research this #5 Using VSync. 3b. These settings improve shadow rendering, grass density, and world streaming while keeping a Reduces and optimizes all vanilla textures for maximum FPS gains and WAAAAY faster load times! Even if you have the worst computer ever, you will probably be able to play Skyrim now. esm 1 1 Update. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the The most drastic FPS boost (that isn't a cartoon) found in a single mod ever made. ini Skyrim (2011) take a huge performance hit when I attempt to run it in windowed mode. I m facing a weird issue with a modded Skyrim SE. guide on the Skyrim for my my Skyrim special edition. Animation mods have 0 impact on performance, at least in my experience. 0 Skyrim SE Stutter fix/FPS stabilized/maybe FPS gain (100% Gpu usage, WQHD, G-SYNC, Heavly Modded 700+ Mods, also fixed my Problem with low fps when i looked at many light Sources and hdt reducing performance) PC SSE - Discussion Also you could restart your PC before you run Skyrim SE. These configuration settings should provide a massive boost to your Skyrim game fps, while preserving things like decent texture quality. Skip to content. Q: Does this mod work on Enderal SE? Enderal SE is essentially a Skyrim SE Mod rather than a standalone game. esm HearthFires. Take a look at our top 10 Skyrim roleplaying mods! 10. 2. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views-- Version. If you only use it on your character it should be fine, but if you use mods that affect npcs (cloaks with physics, hair w/physics replacers, etc) will murder your fps, no matter the rig you use. Turning off the enb and removing grass doesn't make You’ll want to reduce texture sizes. 667 or higher depending If you are running substantially below that, there are mods that reduce graphic resolution which will help to improve performance. Open the ENB menu and disable Ambient Occlusion and/or SkyLighting. I have 3072 Mb of Vram, and am running a GTX 970m GPU. Welcome to r/SkyrimModsXbox! A friendly community dedicated to providing information, helping others, and sharing mods for Skyrim on the Xbox. Next I installed the unofficial skyrim + dlc mods (shown in load order picture), build the bashed patch in Wrye Bash through mod organizer and stopped making changes to my game. esm ccasvsse001-almsivi. BethINI. He could run around in forests, the plains of and the tree seems like swaying in really low fps, lets say my current fps is 12 fps, the tree movement is like 3 fps. Not only that I'm almost never I have been following the Skyrim S. FPS drop can be caused by GPU putting too many images that the screen can’t process, so VSync was born with the ability to synchronize FPS with Refresh Rate, this means that VSync will wait for the screen to finish processing the image, it will allow the GPU to send new images, thereby making the image more stable and smooth, avoiding Skyrim Project Optimization, gives you better fps indoors or when using lighting mods. Default is 5 seconds. I upgraded to 64GB system memory a few weeks ago. esm 2 2 Dawnguard. I have the RX6950XT. I've got roughly 40 installed currently and the game and mods launch just fine, but when Im in Skyrim (the open world) it doesn't feel very nice to play, I get about 20-25 fps with fairly constistent frame drops. It's beautiful but it's the kind of mod you install as a primary mod and only add light things around it, unfortunately. Putting it to high setting, with mostly everything turned up, gives me around 5 fps. ) download FSR Check your CPU usage on your new game. I could be in a certain location in an interior or exterior, and looking in one direction will have a high 60 fps, but turning towards another direction will have a low 20 fps. Before you jump to that, would also be worth making sure you have all the normal performance enhancement tools. From there you can notice what hits you hard or not. Also trying to run a heavily modded skyrim at 4k with 60 fps is pretty hard to do if impossible. Even then, it was only a maximum of 5 fps lost. com)----- I made a FPS comparison to Cathedral Landscape: Imgur: The magic of the Internet ***Same location,Same time of the day,Same weather and Same INI configuration! ----- My NVIDIA settings: low latency mode on (not ultra), VSync + GSync on -> Vsync deactivated in ENB & Skyrim INI. ini in order to troubleshoot the problem, as the d3d11. Enhance your gameplay with these mods. Lower values will render the effect faster, while higher values will result in better quality. You should review your load order and eliminate some cause The reason you're noticing your GPU usage is lower is because it was probably never your gpu limiting your performance in the first place, GPU upgrades rarely benefit skyrim in my experience - like I said I'm on a 13900k and 4090 and in some places I'd drop to 45 fps. I am on Xbox Series X and have noticed that no matter which retexture mods I use, I always get FPS drops in Riften Second, I have suggestions for mods you can get rid of that are known FPS Killers on low to mid performance PC setups: ELFX: While it looks good, it is not very well optimized leading to FPS cost. using the nvidia settings app I set the "Mode for low-latency" to "Ultra" - this smoothes frame-times at the cost of some FPS. I do seem to get a bit more fps then that in cities, and if I turn ENB off I'm at a stable 60 fps. Specs: Ryzen 7 1700 cpu RTX 3050 gpu 16gb ddr4 3000 ram The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Use BethINI for ini tweaks. I did all, and still was getting fps drops and around 50fps. esm Update. Open this . This will just increase loading time unless you run Skyrim from a SSD where you can load Welcome to r/SkyrimModsXbox! A friendly community dedicated to providing information, helping others, and sharing mods for Skyrim on the Xbox. That sounds about right, I made an empty profile in MO2 to test Whiterun unmodded, and I was getting 54 FPS on average, hardly noticeable vs 60, but lower than any other city. SSE FPS stabilizer Engine Tweaks Shadowboost++ Grass FPS Booster BethINI Engine Fixes I’m sure I’m missing something here. Skyrim Unbound A video discussing the mod. esl needs every master file - main game and DLC; esl only needs the main master file - main game, Skyrim. I'm in a 4. Skyrim VR does work well with AMD GPUs but inside the pubs where there's a lot of people it Skyrim. Still, we feel it's safer to start a new game and that's our official If you are on Skyrim version 1. This is not meant to be an anti-Vortex post. Good Luck Supersampling is disabled, though my problem isn't getting a stable FPS in general, it's getting the extreme lag only on the outside of Solitude and inside the Blue Palace, if general FPS were my issue I would've definitely tweaked down all the settings I could, but outside of Solitude my FPS is perfectly acceptable and playable, even with all the texture mods and ENB "How can I get even more FPS?" 1. And to play skyrim on at least medium with max res you would need like a gtx 650 ti or so (i believe so). Therefore I tri Level of detail (LOD) has been removed from the 5 major cities, which increases your performance, gives FPS boost. here is the mod link: Grass and Ground Overhaul SE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods. The problem is that something is clearly bottlenecking me and I have no idea what. Here’s a mod to get you started on your roleplay adventure. Prioritize full coverage of 1k textures (that means those large architecture/landscape texture replacers), reduce area edits or extensive new additions, reduce NPC/creature additions, Consider reducing mods that increase poly count or complexity (such as SMIM, High Poly, Lush Overhaul and things of this nature), less mods that add FX like Wet Hello again! My name is Ember and, ah, you know the drill by now. Though this mod is a complete overhaul to plants so its Welcome to r/SkyrimModsXbox! A friendly community dedicated to providing information, helping others, and sharing mods for Skyrim on the Xbox. They do not affect gameplay or graphics in About this mod. This mod is an alternate start mod that gives you the ability to choose your starting weapons, magic, and location. I'm playing on an old laptop, which does not have this issue with other games, so I assume it's some weird Bethesda bug. Finally, install all the technical stuff from the pinned thread (engine fixes So, started a new save, occurred a very weird FPS issue; low FPS when walking / running, around 10-15 FPS outside, 30-40 FPS inside; high (normal) FPS when sprinting / combat, around 60-70 FPS outside, 90-100 inside. I use Skyrim Performance Monitor to see what the game is doing. Includes a physics fix, borderless fullscreen performance boost, refresh rate control, highly configurable frame rate limiting, various bugfixes and more. Mods that add a lot of NPCs like Interesting NPCs, objects like Trees Addon and city overhauls like JK's Skyrim can cost a lot of PS2. This will make distance objects and landscapes significantly less detailed, but will have no effect on Skyrim actually has a bug that if you go over 60FPS, the game's physics engine starts breaking because of the game's console limitations, which are capped at 30FPS. ini and enbseries. About this mod. Skyrim's engine generally bottlenecks before modern hardware, and virtually all ENBs have an unavoidable performance hit. Your CPU usage and With a vanilla skyrim set to ultra that would be very strange, especially on your rig. The worse mods for performance are high-poly meshes, overhauls that add a lot of items, grass mods, and mods that add more NPCs in my experience. You’re already trying Cathedral Asset Optimizer for the grass, but VRAMr can compress all of Nolvus’s images in a Only slightly though because Papyrus is slow indeed and NPCs Data Loaded is usually the biggest cause for lower overall FPS in Populated Areas. If you're interested here's an imgur album Firstly, FPS will vary depending on my character's location and viewing angle. the only ones I'm familiar with are Sofia and Diverse Skyrim. Ever wanted to run Skyrim on a toaster? Because you probably could now. and sharing mods for Skyrim on the Xbox. If not yet done, activate XMP to get your RAM running at its proper speed. Collection of Skyrim Performance Mods From Skyrim Performance Rocks. FEATURES: All small rocks Removed. I am playing Skyrim SE, and recently my game has been stuck at 33 FPS. JK’s Skyrim, the large exterior overhaul, does drop frames quite considerably near and in the areas it affects, though. Since Skyrim is an old game and interior have high FPS by default you ought be able to absorb the drop and maintain 60 FPS depending on your machine but the drop still exists. Q: Compatibility? Compatible with everything. esm ccBGSSSE001-Fish. Uninstalled wheater mods. A value above 1. Well I get around 30-35 fps, but my GPU usage is around 50 percent. 60GHz - x8. But if you increased your visiblity/ugrids/etc beyond that, and/or installed hd textures/flora mods (vurt's can hit your system HARD), and/or are using an enb, thats to be expected (there's just so much more to load/calculate outside). A few days ago I bought Skyrim SE on steam and Ive been busy figuring out the mods and all that. Credits and distribution permission. TargetFPS setting is the target fps value this mod will try to achieve. Thanks u/hirmuolio! Another tip I can give is going to "My Documents -> My Games -> Skyrim -> skyrimPrefs. ini file On the "Shader parameters"window, click on "ENBLENS. They also prioritize Disable Vsync in Skyrim . HDT does have an impact on performance. This will allow virtually any pc to run skyrim with stability, decent textures and without game breaking CTD\'s. I removed the ENB and ENB series. Even with a light mod setup that number goes down to a little over 40. Set "bSAOEnable=0" in your SkyrimPrefs. Even before before making changes to the game I started it up and got pretty much this same FPS at all times. Make sure to read mod pages and comments. (High Density)paired with origins of the forest and had no fps drops but it messed with my water mod so I stopped using it. For performance you can use the Happy Little Trees that improves vanilla trees quality at a low performance cost. Replacements: Realistic Lighting Overhaul, Relighting Skyrim + Luminosity, Lux + Lux Orbis (darker interiors and exteriors) So this mod don't need it, and is already version independent. ini and Skyrim. Quick Fixes for Low FPS Indoors in Skyrim. Back up your files before applying. The vanilla game is performing terrible, interiors get 20-30fps and exteriors getting 5-15 fps. well i used to use open civil war, immersive world encounters, travellers of skyrim, etc and i got rid of them. Games. ini, I played around with the enblocal. Please be sure to read (and follow) the rules of the sub before posting. With a fairly good PC I'm struggling to maintain 60fps in Whiterun. Discover and download Performance Essentials, a unique mod collection for Skyrim Special Edition. Anyone encountered the same problems? Recently ive sort of been going mad about reaching that smooth 60FPS. esm ccbgssse002-exoticarrows. ini file with your notepad (right click, open with) and search for the line "bMouseAcceleration=1". So instead, I tried to make something more vanilla-based using different resources from mods. Skyrim is pretty dependent on memory performance when heavily modded. Yea, i know its very low, but the thing is if i buy a 500w 50 dollar PSU then that leaves only around 50 for graphics cards. Most tree mods hurt performance really hard. Also, it runs other graphically taxing games all the time without a problem, so a Skyrim SE enb preset shouldn't be a problem. The solution: turn off Vortex when running Skyrim. These are a couple of mods that will do so, Whichever is the case, these mods are all about boosting your game’s performance so you can get back to running at (or above) the golden standard of 60 FPS. A good rule of thumb is use beth ini to tweak your setting to gain a decent bit of fps and Qol improvements. Here you can see three folders, go into the folder you want to use and copy the content of the folder into the profile folder that you are using, e Lowering your Skyrim Ini profile to a lower setting in the Nolvus Dashboard Using VRAMr to override Nolvus image files with ones compressed to a greater degree. If it is a lot lower you will know that one or more mods are to blame. There is a lower poly GOT Dragons mod which drops the poly count a hell of a lot but you can't really Most other mods decrease fps by 10-20fps but this one does, at most, 5fps. As the title says, I'm having low FPS on a modded Skyrim, my GPU and CPU should be enough to run the game on high or ultra I believe (GTX 1050ti and I7 7700hq), I believe it could be my amount of mods or perhaps specific mods, heres my load order: 0 0 Skyrim. REQUIREMENTS. Tested on: Amd Phenom II X4 965 @3,4 Ghz - OC to 3,9 Ghz Skyrim Setting: 1280x800; Used MEDIUM PRESET with HIGH TEXTURE SETTING; 200+ Mods installed; FPS Indoors - 90-120 FPS+ FPS Outdoors - 40-75 FPS+ Rarely any freezing or stuttering, and the gameplay is Lately I've been having issues with fps drops in Modded Skyrim. Base. esl I know that Sexlab mods cause FPS loss for example and I do not use it at all. If you have any major fps loss (Higher than 5fps), please read the note at the end of this page and post Greetings guys. If you card have 2 GB VRAM and/or you have HDD drive (with Skyrim SE installed) I STRONGLY recommended this mod: performance optimized textures for SSE This texture is 1k (original is 2k) and if you have a 1080p or lower resolution monitor, you will not notice any difference in quality - only more FPS and less stutter/faster loading. When i Mod my Skyrim SE and Start the game over and over One of our tester reported FPS drops on their very old heavily-modded savefile while getting the expected FPS boost on new games. If you are on Skyrim Version 1. 0 of 0 Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt A great mod you Interiors should be fine for the most part, and it will only lower FPS in the cells that the mods take effect in, but since interior spaces have a lot less to load than exteriors, it’ll likely be hardly even noticeable. Using SSE Display Tweaks to allow more than 60fps without breaking physics. I currently am on step 3 of the guide but I am unable to reach 60FPS. Installed performance mods and light versions of Noble Skyrim and SMIM. While playing at a stable 35 fps in most open areas and cities (all settings at Ultra and 1920x1080) the framerate suddenly drops down to 10-15 fps and Welcome to r/SkyrimModsXbox! A friendly community dedicated to providing information, helping others, and sharing mods for Skyrim on the Xbox. rain consumes a lot FPS True Storms, ELFX Weathers, one of the Cathedrals, and I'm currently using Raid Weathers V2. If you don't like that either, you can disable "EnableLens" on the "enbseries. 0. dll and d3dcompiler_46e Welcome to r/SkyrimModsXbox! A friendly community dedicated to providing information, helping others, and sharing mods for Skyrim on the Xbox. fx", and use the "Skyrim Mod Lens" technique instead. All of these mods will bring you a hefty amount of fps back even on a heavy mod load. E. Any solutions are appreciated. esm Dragonborn. It shouldn't affect fps that much anyway (unless you have edited your papyrus settings in the ini with some of the totally ridiculous values a couple of faulty guides suggest for fUpdateBudgetMS and fExtraTaskletBudgetMS), it's more of a little additional precaution to prevent script latency when you have several script heavy mods running. You will find all presets in your AD folder in `AD\tools\Ini options`. 6 (AE) or Skyrim VR Crash Logger can also help in diagnosing crashes. iLoadMode=1 in the SKSE. The FPS Mod comes in 5 levels, of increasing FPS Boostiness! Level 1 - Reduces textures by 50% = 512k Level About this mod. It's something that I've accepted alongside grass mods. ini". Nothing higher than 2k for sure. Otherwise we wouldn't play Black Desert Online flawlessly with all its Physics and Animations and Particles but getting Tanked by modded Skyrim if we do implement similar modded functions LOL So this mod does nothing for me. This would be fine if my mods were causing a heavy tool on my system, but the thing is: my GPU and CPU are being heavy underutilized, specially at certain spots, like Dragonreach stairs, as shown in this video. Use with this in mind. Other testers with more recent savefiles reported noissues with eFPS, and could benefit from the FPS boost without having to start from scratch. Perfect for low-end to mid-range PCs. I assume most of the Vortex users here are launching Skyrim through Vortex. Getting my RAM from 2666MHz without XMP turned to to 3200MHz with XMP turned on increased my FPS in cities by 5. T. PERFORMANCE: You can get a boost About this mod. Please be sure to read (and follow) the . Games . In Riverwood and most footpaths, the FPS is a stable 60 but in I actually thought that "Oh yeah, Skyrim is a really poorly optimized game, this is probably just normal" but then I re-watched some good ol' General Sam videos (awesome youtuber, check him out if you haven't already) and I noticed that his game was buttery smooth, even though his game was heavily modded. This is a case of a 40 fps drop (from 60 fps to 20 fps). I know I must have screwed up somewhere along the way and I want any help I can get to properly optimize my game. Full guide for tweaks for any level of graphic quality, INI\'s FOR LOW END PC\'s ONLY NOW UPDATED WITH SUPPORT OF NEXUS MEMBERS!!! I'm getting around 8 fps even on low settings with pretty much everything turned down to minimum, or tured off. Mods that add NPCs / add Objects / City Overhauls. New the problem is that when I started testing, my framerates where quite low. I can confirm that Skyrim VR was Nvidia GPU favored. esl ccbgssse004-ruinsedge. The limit is configurable in Explore Performance Essentials, a curated mod collection for Skyrim Special Edition on Nexus Mods. I also limit the game's FPS here to 161 (165 is my monitor's refresh rate). Dear help,About one week ago I enjoyed my modded skyrim with about 40 to 50 FPS on my MSI R9 290 GAMING 4 gb graphicscard. A couple of people suggested a mod that hadn't been ported over (Skyrim Performance Plus, by Vergis). However, there was a thread on Reddit from an xbox player asking for a mod to help with framerate drop in Riften. With nVidia Inspector, you can artificially lower your FPS cap in order to get smoother gameplay (as limiting your FPS can free up memory resources, which makes the game smoother. It's a good mod manager, but it has a CPU bug. esm Dawnguard. By default the "Low" preset is selected, but you can try the low or high preset and / or play around with the values yourself. {Skyrim project optimization}} and it’s patches. - Make sure to enable BorderlessUpscaling. (Lower if it was recently raised, or higher if it is recently decreased). Nearly every user reports only 1-3fps loss. These settings improve shadow rendering, grass density, and world streaming while keeping a good balance between FPS and quality. If you have high res textures with them the fps drop is massive. Neither load my game terribly. Tree mods can also affect your fps. you can search the web for Skyrim Fps mods, this kind of mods will grant you a good fps boost. I use mods such as Inferno, ENB Light, and Rudy ENB for Cathedral Weathers [Rudy/Cathedral ENB] (Which is the FPS killer in this situation) After a lot of tweaking and no luck with SkyrimPrefs. I use Perpetual Meadows and it looks great while having no fps drop. At a guess, you might look at EVG conditional idles, since mods like that usually have some sort of timer based script to update their content (for instance, many such mods have MCM settings for update timing, and usually note that "too fast an update time can destabilize the Theres ppl with texture n mesh overhauls, tree/grass mods, and heavier enbs getting 45-55 fps outdoors at 1440p on 3090/10900k non mobile. Low FPS in Modded Skyrim despite having high end hardware PC SSE - Help Hey guys I just recently got a new graphics card (RTX 3070) and was expecting performance boosts in skyrim but for some reason no matter what I change the fps near Riften and other areas outside hovers between 38-42 fps. But I'm getting as low as 20 fps in certain areas. Endorsements. ini's and FORCE it through tool such as Nvidia Inspector and lock it at 60 FPS, detailed guide can be found HERE for both Nvidia and AMD (This gave Here are some mods that can increase performance and help with stability as well as mods that are created by me to help you achieve the most FPS These are essential mods. Have a ton of mods and need an Here are some suggestions I have for those who want more frames: Use this if you are cpu-bound: SSE Display Tweaks. ) Also, look into your mainboard's BIOS and look at the speed of your RAM. Q: Does this mod support Linux OS? (Steam Deck) No, currently this mod is for Resolution - Chose the resolution you want but remember that if you're getting low FPS, decreasing it you'll improve game performance (but the game will look blurry). 7. i think most of the follower tweak mods -like amazing follower tweaks- High poly meshes and grass mods will definitely impact your fps. esm 3 SizeScale: This parameter determines the size the SSAO shadow map is rendered relative to screen resolution. 6. Optimized Skyrim INI files for better performance and visuals. Bigger objects = bigger shadows = bigger performance hit. This plugin disables Skyrim's built-in framerate limiter and replaces it with its own. M. esl ccbgssse003-zombies. Make sure you have the must-haves installed, to begin Textures mods are arguably the most FPS friendly mods for those with modern graphic cards. No one wants their immersive gaming experience ruined by low frame rates and stuttering gameplay. anyhow, what ive concluded is that the problem only occur if i begin from riverwood or save the game in riverwood. I took a quick look at that mod and saw that it simply downscaled the Bethesda particle texture I recently uninstalled all my mods and enb and did a fresh install of Skyrim. After installing a new MSI GTX1070 I started installing some new graphical mods. So Skyrim Priority SE do work on Enderal SE. In contrast, ultra settings on original Skyrim sits me at a comfortable 30-40 fps at all times. I have heard that high vRam could cause lag, and when i checked the usage, i found that it was almost fully using up my vRam. Same with the CPU, and I have plenty of unused RAM and vRAM. Relighting Skyrim: This mod adjusts interior light sources for better performance and more realistic lighting effects Guide - Better visuals with low FPS drop; Guide - Better visuals with low FPS drop. It’s frustrating when your game lags while exploring those dimly lit dungeons. i still use follower framework tho, which is very heavy scripted mod itself (i use nether's follower framework). And can confirm that the RTX 4070 out performs it in Skyrim VR with the same mod list significantly. Cathedral mods are a great solution because they are really well-made packages of various improvements combined to work cohesively as a simple all-in-one mod. Skyrim Special Edition close Clear game filter. I was told that I should be able to run a heavily modded Skyrim SE with 50-70 FPS at the very least. 2ghz CPU with 32GB of RAM and a GTX 980 and JK's Skyrim is heavy enough that I consistently crash when I try to go into towns because I have a lot of texture mods and NPC-adding mods. All-in-one solution for smooth FPS-unlocked gameplay. The branches are far up from the ground so you won't be seeing the hideous low-res pine branches. P. I've made 2 different types of esl. Now i'm running an i5 7500 CPU and a GTX 1070 GPU. 0 will render for sizes bigger than screen resolution, and it's important to note that the number is not linear. If you also use MO2 you can use this plugin for improved functionality! So I suggest setting your ini files in "My Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition" to read-only if you don't want those settings to be changed. Its very much worth looking at optimizing skyrim/enb inis, textures, and mods and lowering expectations about what a modern midrange (for gaming) pc can do w modded skyrim. I. The mod also provides the option to reduce the distance at which the game world is fully rendered. esm only (Optional) Added half sized LOD textures without quality loss. 5 (SE) . Login Store Community To reset your Skyrim configs to default. I had Mythical ENB installed and was getting like 45fps with lots of drops. It sucks to me but I can't do anything otherwise. - Set the ResolutionScale to 0. The position and angle seem to have a specific fps range. That's why I know it's not my PC's fault. ini supposedly speeds up the boot of Skyrim. And FPS mods can be good but look into them as some may cause more trouble than they're worth. If you are running substantially below that, there are mods that reduce graphic resolution which will help to improve performance. Grass mods are fps death. What is often the main cause of Low FPS? When i run the game with graphic mods it runs alright but when i run it without graphic mods i only get about 10 FPS more and i basically never hit 60 FPS. Should see a notable FPS boost. Reduces strain in your GPU by using less resources. Tree Mod. 65. Configuring your ini settings using this program will save quite a few frames. What is your current FPS? If it 59 or 60, that is the max that original Skyrim can be run at without having game breaking issues. Yeah, 5 FPS increase doesn't sound like a lot, but 5 FPS more is 5 FPS more. I get +10-20 FPS when turning Vortex off. net script framework can also help in diagnosing crashes. What happens if you try running Skyrim in a lower resolution? If your display is set at a faster refresh rate than 60Hz, try lowering it to a refresh at that setting for testing purposes. Sure, a few frames were lost, but that was to be expected. The CPU, should it be important, is an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2. The graphs it generates are good for analyzing hardware drops, CTDs & low fps. kmgahmgskqplafxmcjysxipvolndmbogflhjkwvyslromltyotgqsqhafxuirsigwymbofuidlcv