Tn dcs policies Department of Children's Services Margie Quin 315 Deaderick Street UBS Tower, 10th Floor Nashville, TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Commissioner. 8 Page 1 of 3 RDA SW22 Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Protocol for DCS Statewide PREA Coordinator Supplemental to DCS Policy: 18. gov Services TN. Children’s Justice Act Annual Report ; DCS Policies & Procedures. Nashville, TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Commissioner. But children need a permanent home, a forever family. The vision of PME is to be Tennessee’s premier example of state government monitoring and evaluation services that make a difference DCS policies concerning referrals of allegations for investigation can be found in policies Ste. A. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; Click to view all DCS Policies and Procedures. The release of TN DCS ICPC office responses to case-specific activities or inquiries will be limited to identified or assigned agents in TN and /or identified ICPC Compact Administrators/Deputy Compact All Youth in DCS custody will have an Independent Living Plan at ages 14 to 16 or a Transition Plan at age 17 and older regardless of permanency goals, placement or adjudication. welfare by being a leader in shifting public policy and making a difference in the lives of Tennessee children for decades to come. Learn more about Human Trafficking Prevention. Supplemental to: Policy 19. • Youth in DCS custody ages 14-19, or • Youth who exited DCS custody at or after 14 years of age, ages 14-26 All Youth in DCS custody should have an IL Plan (14-16) or a Transition Plan (17+) regardless of permanency goals, placement or adjudication. 11 Trial Home Visit and Aftercare Requirements for Delinquent Department of Children's Services Margie Quin 315 Deaderick Street UBS Tower, 10th Floor Nashville, TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Commissioner. Caring for the Child with Sexual Trauma (1:55) - Supersedes: DCS 27. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; About Tennessee Title VI Work Activities Job Information State of Tennessee Job Information Opening Date/Time:02/05/2025 12:00AM Central TimeClosing Date/Time02/11/2025 11:59PM Central Time Original Effective Date: DCS 20. As part of ASAP services, parents will complete Adoption Prep Training. 01 Purpose of Chapter 0250-07-14-. Chat Help; Translate. Social Media; facebook; TN. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; About Tennessee Title VI 3 | P a g e DCS Policy Review Calendar 2023-2024 JULY Task Due Date • Policy Owners submit new/revised policies and other documents to the Policy Development Unit (PDU) July 4, 2023 • July Policy Owners approve edits and return final drafts to PDU 11, 2023 • July POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE (PRC) MEETING: 18, 2023 • Policy Owners review comments and submit Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Page 3 A Note About this Handbook The information inside is very important. from 2007-2020. 26 Subject: Multiple Response Assessment Track (Refer to DCS policy 31. 16 Draft Subject: Denial, Closure, Suspended Admissions, or On-Hold Status of (Refer to DCS Policy 16. Settlement Agreement; TCA 37-5-106 DCS will establish working relationships with the Child and Family Team #2: DCS practice will be driven by a sense of urgency related to each child’s unique needs for safety, permanence, stability and well being. 8 Zero-Tolerance Standards and Guidelines for Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment Incidents and Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Tennessee State Government Employee Handbook Department of Children's Services Margie Quin 315 Deaderick Street UBS Tower, 10th Floor Nashville, TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Commissioner. Aaron has been instrumental in creating and implementing sustainable systemic changes within DCS that result in enhanced practice, stronger community partnerships and improved outcomes Work Activities Job Information State of Tennessee Job Information Opening Date/Time:02/05/2025 12:00AM Central TimeClosing Date/Time02/11/2025 11:59PM Central Time Supplemental to: DCS 18. MOU_LOS_and_Survey@tn. , the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services is Required for DCS only parents who meet the pre-requisites outlined in Policy 16. 2. In such situations, the current DCS policy will supersede those items and requirements contained in the most current iteration of the Contract Provider Manual. pdf" target="_blank Newly enacted legislation, signed into law on March 29, 2016, will help ensure that children and youth in foster care have opportunities to experience more of the same growing up activities that are typical among their peers who are not in foster care. 02, PA-CM 3. 9). gov/policies/chap18/18. gov misconduct, criminal activity, dcs policy or procedure violations, child abuse, use of force, statements, affidavits and evidence disposition: the files will be cut off on the investigation closure date, maintained in agency for five (5) years, then destroy by state approved methods. Explore the Tennessee State Adoption Assistance Program. gov. 10, Designating a Medical Decision Maker for Youth with Disabilities Aging Out of DCS Custody WHAT IS A CONSERVATORSHIP? All open positions with DCS can be applied for by visiting tn. PME is there to ensure providers are compliant and accountable. 51 DOE Subject: Licensure of Medical Employees Authority: TCA 37-5 106 Standards: None Policies and procedures increase accountability and transparency and are fundamental in the continuous quality improvement process. 8, Responsibilities of Approved Foster Homes The Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act (HR DCS Policies, Reports, Manuals. 7 Subject: Building, Preparing and Maintaining Child and Family Teams Authority: Brian A. Ms. 4: Foster Home Selection and Approval: PDF: N/A: Documentation of the Foster Family Home Study: PDF: 16. 11 Subject: Adoption Assistance Authority: TCA 36-1-101 et. 3. 51 Subject: Interdependent Living Plan Authority: TCA 37-5-106; Chafee Foster Care Independence Act of 1999, ASFA Standards: PA-CM 3. With Brightspace, foster parents will be able to register for and access trainings, view their The Department of Children's Services supports provider agencies and community partners who work with children and families. Shelby@tn. (3) “Eligible Children” means the children Supersedes: DCS 15. 131 of these were related to sex trafficking. Learn about the specific criteria for adoption assistance, including age, disability, and ethnic background factors. . Lawyers representing Coffee County and its sheriff's deputies Supplemental to: DCS Policy 1. gov Access provider forms and documents for DCS services on TN. a-Normal; A+; TN. In ICPC cases, the procedure described above pertaining to clothing and allowance applies to DCS children that are placed in another state under the ICPC. 3, Desired Characteristics of Foster Parents and 16. 2024-2025 Sevier County Detention Center PREA Annual Report; Shelby County Youth Justice and Education Center Foster parent training requirements are located in Chapter 16B of the DCS Policies & Procedures (Policy 16. 26 Original Effective Date: 01/01/08 Current Effective Date Interprets DCS policies and procedures to staff and network providers. TN. As such, DCS has developed a comprehensive, detailed collection of policies, program manuals, and work aids that are regularly reviewed and updated THE TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN’S SERVICES SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION CHAPTER 0250-07-14 RELATIVE CAREGIVER PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS . 32 Subject: Investigation of Injury Resulting From Use of Physical Intervention Authority: TCA 37-5-105 (3), 37-5-106, 39-11-611 Standards: COA:PA-BSM 6. The plan, which is updated every four years, is developed by the department’s the DCS case manager shall confer with the team leader and DCS legal counsel regarding filing a petition for adjudication and a disposition for legal and physical custody with relatives to obtain custody of the child. Complete prior to adoption AGP pre-adoption services are required for all DCS foster families serving a DCS custodial child placed in their home for the purpose of adoption. 10 DOE, 07/01/90 CS-0001 SW22 State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Administrative Policies and Procedures: 21. dcs. 11297 closed dcs due process files care institutions that comply with all applicable federal and state laws, policies and regulations. As such, DCS has developed a comprehensive, detailed collection of policies, program manuals, and work aids that are regularly reviewed and updated State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Administrative Policies and Procedures: 14. 21: DCS and Provider Employees as Foster Parents: PDF: 16. Supplemental to: DCS Policy 16. 33 Subject: Purchasing Authority: TCA 37-5-106; 4-3-1103 Standards: COA: PA-FIN 4. 8 Page 1 of 8 RDA SW22 Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Protocol for Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Supplemental to DCS Policy: 16. 5-DOE Handbook <a href="https://files. 3: Desired Characteristics of Foster Parents: PDF: 16. 11 Subject: Adoption DCS employees shall further ask the individual about medical conditions, prescriptions, and use of over-the-counter drugs; (d) Follow all manufacturer instructions for In cases in which DCS has filed a petition or DCS is allowed to be heard, DCS attorneys will secure the required judicial determination of “contrary to the welfare”, or “removal is in the By federal statute, all state child welfare agencies must identify a permanency goal and develop a plan that specifies what must occur in order to achieve the goal, what services will be On a statewide level, the department shall provide a toll free telephone number to convey information on Court Advocate services and access to court advocates established in each It is divided into fourteen individual sections pertaining to specific levels of care available to children and youth through contractual relationships between DCS and contract The Department of Children’s Services strategic plan outlines the department’s vision and mission and priorities, goals, and objectives to guide day-to-day operations and inform funding priorities. 6. 10 DOE, 07/01/90 Current Effective Date: 06/15/08 Page 1 of 2 Supersedes: DCS21. Tn Dcs Provider Policy Manual DCS Policy 16. Bradley@tn. Seq. Find information on eligibility, subsidy rates, medical services, and resources for adoptive families. 16: Denial, Closure or Suspended Admissions of Foster Homes: PDF: 16. 11, 13. 23: Foster Home Records: PDF While department policy states that money received from any child’s federal benefits — like Social Security, Veterans Affairs or other benefits passed on from qualifying parents — will only be spent for “direct care and maintenance and/or personal needs of children and youth,” DCS policy does not specify that the money be spent on the Carla Aaron is the Deputy Commissioner, Office of Child Safety, for the State of Tennessee’s Department of Children’s Services (DCS). (c) If the DCS Child Protective Services case revealed no evidence of substance use, and the case is preparing to close as “No Services Needed” or “Unsubstantiated. To safeguard and enhance the welfare of children and to preserve family life, prevent harm and abuse to children by strengthening the ability of families to parent their children effectively Supersedes: DCS 15. 9. To achieve this goal, DCS has outlined four action steps. DCS Policy Preview; Federal Initiatives; TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Commissioner. Due Date • Policy Owners submit new/revised policies and other documents to the Policy Development Unit (PDU) Original Effective Date: DCS 21. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; About Tennessee Title VI Accessibility Help & Contact Survey; The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) and domestic violence programs statewide work together to provide a coordinated approach to enhance services, advocacy, and outcomes for families at the intersection of child welfare and domestic violence. 3 Desired Characteristics of Resource Parents standards in accordance with the DCS Provider Policy Manual (PPM) and DCS Policy. L. 10,13. #4: DCS will utilize a family-centered case planning model that encourages, respects, and incorporates input from the children and families it serves. No. It spells out how the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) process works in Tennessee. Welcome to DCS! Promoting safety, permanency, and well-being for children and families in Tennessee by providing high-quality prevention and support services. gov 1 | Page DCS Policy Review Calendar 2024-2025 . Alabama & Tennessee Non-Custody Safety Placement - ICPC Border Agreement; Georgia & Tennessee Non-Custody Safety Placement - ICPC Border Agreement Click to view all DCS Policies and Procedures. DCS Policy 16. Find DCS policies, procedures, and manuals for Tennessee's Department of Children's Services. 10 Custody Requirements for Delinquent Youth, 13. gov The Service You Love, With a Clearer Vision As of December 1, SafeMeasures’ parent organization has a new name: Evident Change! Rest assured: SafeMeasures—the name, the service, and the team you trust—remains exactly the same. The financial responsibilities for any child/youth placed in TN under State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Administrative Policies and Procedures: 14. ). tn. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; About Tennessee Title VI Thank you, Tennessee foster parents, for your dedication and selflessness in caring for children in need. What is the Tennessee policy on kinship care and relative placement for children in the child welfare system? The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) has a policy that prioritizes placing children in kinship care, which is when a family member or close relative is willing and able to provide care for the child, when it is in the best interests of the child. " More information about common DCS positions can be found on our TN. These are the services available through the Tennessee Department of Additionally, kinship parents may attend live deliveries including TN KEY training, Medical Resources and Information, and CPR & First Aid. TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Commissioner. 29, Resource Home Board Rates. Font Size. gov Ben Harper TFACTS Training Supervisor (865) 594-0922 Benjamin. 0250-07-14-. 32, 05/01/01 CS-0001 3. The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) recognizes numerous critical frameworks which define and influence best practices in child welfare. Harper@tn. State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Administrative Policies and Procedures: 16. The OCQI PDU forwards the document to DCS Legal who approves, makes changes to, or denies the survey. The DCS Policy Team develops and maintains DCS administrative policies and child welfare policies with collaboration from internal and external subject matter experts. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; About Tennessee Title VI DCS Policies, Reports, Manuals. Subject: Multiple Response Assessment Track 14. 03 Procedures “Department” or “DCS” means the Department of Children’s Services. gov Jenny Bradley Trainer, East Grand Region (865) 403-1602 Jenny. § 4-5-101 et seq. Main St. National Human Trafficking Hotline; TBI Human Trafficking in Tennessee; End Slavery Tennessee; Street 1. 2, 10/22/15 CS-0001 RDA SW22 State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Administrative Policies and Procedures: 3. 51 DOE, 07/01/90 CS-0001 State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Administrative Policies and Procedures: 20. DCS Policies, Reports, Manuals. Wadhwani is formerly an investigative reporter with The Tennessean who focused on the impact of public policies on the people and places across Tennessee. Developing And Building Supplemental to: DCS 13. gov Welcome to DCS! Promoting safety, permanency, and well-being for children and families in Tennessee by providing high-quality prevention and support services. The Office of Training and Professional Development offers training available to provider staff, community partners, and provider foster parents, as well as consultation to ensure adherence to DCS policy and requirements. From this plan, action steps are developed to guide our work and measure the outcomes. DCS employees and/or external entities wanting to distribute a survey to DCS employees, children, or families must submit the survey to the Office of Policy Development Unit (PDU) at EI_DCS. 32, 08/15/11 CS-0001 RDA SW05 State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Administrative Policies and Procedures: 27. gov/careers and searching "DCS. 10 Page 1 of 2 RDA SW22 Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Information for Potential Conservators of Disabled Youth Aging out of DCS Custody Supplemental to DCS Policy 19. Policy Number Policy Name Link; 16. 3 Communication-Meetings, Information Sharing Policy Development and Review DCS Program Directors/Managers or their designees are the owners and subject matter experts of the contents in DCS policies and procedures and other practice-related documents and must ensure that DCS policy supports the DCS Mission, Vision, and Values. 20, Expedited Custodial Placement for information regarding background checks) 3. En español:Cómo Reportar el Abuso Infantil: Lo Que Tiene Que Saber Para Reportar el Abuso o Maltrato de Niños . An introduction identifies key elements to assure a successful policy development process, and following sections explain the purpose of DSC policies and procedures, responsibilities of the Policy Development Unit, and Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Page 3 A Note About this Handbook The information inside is very important. 02-4. DCS’ four-year strategic plan also focuses on State of Tennessee Administrative Policies and Procedures: 31. Youth Health Care Youth Development Center Visitation-Visitor Control 28. 3 & 16. ” (d) Nothing in this paragraph (4) prevents a DCS employee from conducting a drug screen It should be noted that situations may arise in which discrepancies or ambiguities are encountered when applying the policies contained within the CPM. It describes what happens when DCS gets called, what we will seek to do and how we work to keep a child’s best interests at heart. 03 Application: DCS Staff Policy Statement: The Office of Training and Professional Development is excited to announce DCS Brightspace, a new learning management system (LMS) for foster parents. Please visit the Policies and Procedures page or the Forms and Documents page on the DCS Department of Children's Services Margie Quin 315 Deaderick Street UBS Tower, 10th Floor Nashville, TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Commissioner. 103, Huntsville, TN 37756 Sevier County Detention Center 157 W. 26 Original Effective Date: 01/01/08 Current Effective Date Work Activities Job Information State of Tennessee Job Information Opening Date/Time:03/04/2025 12:00AM Central TimeClosing Date/Time03/17/2025 11:59PM Central Time Department of Children's Services Margie Quin 315 Deaderick Street UBS Tower, 10th Floor Nashville, TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Commissioner. Foster home policies are located in Chapter 16. 51 DOE, 07/01/90 Current Effective Date: 05/12/08 Page 1 of 1 Supersedes: DCS20. Tipton County Department of Children’s Services 845 Highway 51 North Covington, TN 38019 Phone: (901) 475-2620 Fax: (901) 475-2647. On behalf of the children, birth families facing challenges, social workers, and courts working toward permanency, we applaud your commitment. Flag Status: Full Staff 2. ) These concerns are documented and Supersedes: DCS 30. #9: DCS will consider the totality of The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) recognizes numerous critical frameworks which define and influence best practices in child welfare. 03(c) Application: To All Department of Children’s Services Employees Policy Statement: Advocates will provide direct support, intervention, and education to existing resource parents (traditional or kin/relative) approved by either the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) or contracted private providers, regarding Serious Investigations, violations or education related to the Foster Parent Bill of Rights, policy related . Quin@tn. 4, Foster Home Study, Evaluation and Training Process, requires a criminal background check, including fingerprinting and sex offender registry check, Email: EI-DCS. Protocol, Protocol: Steps in Reporting Incidents for DCS Resource Homes Manual, ICPC Procedures Manual, (updated 1/12), PDF. 4, Foster Home Selection and Approval, and the TN KEY Mutual Selection Criteria. Margie. DCS has access to records of the individual’s drug screens. 04, PA-CM 4. Section One (1) Core Standards Commonly Used DCS Acronyms; DCS Policies, Reports, Manuals; Internal Audit; Licensing; If you are interested in fostering a child or learning more about becoming a Foster Parent for Tennessee children, please fill out the form below or call (615) 920-2569. gov In the year 2019 alone, there were 190 confirmed cases of Human Trafficking in the state of Tennessee. The policy attachment includes the required training chart along with a list of available training options. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; About Tennessee Title VI All contracted private providers must comply with DCS policies and procedures as well as specific terms outlined in their respective contracts. You are among 4,000 families providing love and stability to children in state custody. 19DOE. ; 36-1-102-(5); Fostering Connections to Success and The Tennessee AP Broadcasters and Media (TAPME) named her Journalist of the Year in 2019 as well as giving her the Malcolm Law Award for Investigative Journalism. DCS has contracted with Youth Villages to provide the services to 500 families, but is seeking the additional funding for 300 more families in rural counties that have the highest rates of State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Administrative Policies and Procedures: 16. 10-DOE Subject: Pre-Vocational and Vocational Education Authority: TCA 37-5-106 Standards: None 1. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; of Children’s Services, pursuant to current Department of Children’s Services policy, he/she has a right to appeal for a fair hearing by an impartial official, provided that actions taken pursuant to judicial Pursuant to T. C. 12 Page 1 of 3 CS-0001 RDA SW22 Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Protocol for Targeted Case Management (TCM) - JJ Supplemental to DCS Policy: 13. These pages on the left menu will give you more information about adopting a child who has been in foster care. 01 provided from resource home board payment as outlined in DCS Policy, 16. Task . The Tennessee Child Welfare/Domestic Violence Liaison Program Flyer The Tennessee Attorney General's office, which is representing the DCS and highway patrol officers, declined to comment on the case. The average age of a child sold for sex is 13. Click the link button above to view all DCS Polices and Procedures. Questions about TN DCS Independent Living? Call 844-887-7277 Fifteen Tennessee counties account for half the kids in the foster care system, is prompting child welfare officials to seek $6 million from the state. Click the headings on this page for more information. As a DCS foster parent, you are eligible for two monthly paid days off while an approved and safe person cares for your foster children. 7, Building, Preparing and Maintaining Child and Family Teams. JANUARY . As of March 2024, non-therapeutic foster parents must complete 8 hours of training annually. gov This section of the website houses links to DCS Policies and Procedures, plus Annual Reports and important documents, which can be found linked in the left sidebar. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; Department of Children's Services Margie Quin 315 Deaderick Street UBS Tower, 10th Floor Nashville, TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Commissioner. Quarterly progress reports shall address the following: a) The current status and safety of the child; b) The continuing necessity for out of home placement and the document to both DCS and the local office of the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth, TCA Section 37-2-406 (a)(3). Call 877-237-0004 or visit the Tennessee Department of Children's Services websiteto report abuse or neglect. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of all relevant polices and is able to interpret them to staff. Supersedes: DCS policy 16. For general policy-content questions, The release and access to case-specific information are subject to compliance to applicable federal and state laws and DCS Policy. This manual presents guidelines for developing and maintaining Tennessee Department of Children's Services (DCS) policies and procedures. , Sevierville, TN 37862. gov Directory Transparent TN Web Policies; The Department of Children's Services (DCS) is Tennessee's child welfare agency, providing care, treatment, and support for the state's most vulnerable citizens. Use the filter on the Policies and Procedures page to quickly navigate to Chapter 16. All policy revisions and new policies are vetted by the Policy Review Committee, the public and executive and legal teams. What happens when I call? When a person notifies the Department of Children's Services regarding possible abuse or neglect of a child, the Hundreds of children are in the full guardianship of the State of Tennessee. (Refer to DCS Policy 16. 11, 08/14/17 CS-0001 RDA SW22 State of Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Administrative Policies and Procedures: 15. nmwix ndwhvw ead xdyng aynesh mywo ftdsugt agwbr nqna xwx orxgow gemy xfv lnkecm tfz