Cervical mucus watery after ovulation. Pregnancy test calculator. Beginning immediately after your period ends, start checking your cervical mucus first thing in the morning. Here’s everything you need to know about watery discharge and what it can tell you about your health. This is because your estrogen levels will drop. May 28, 2019 · Other things that can cause clear, stretchy discharge include: exercising. The egg "bursting" from the ovary can cause pain and some bleeding, much like pink discharge. Cervical discharge . Swarup says when ovulation is nearing, discharge is wet. Cervical mucus isn’t talked about much, but it plays an important role in your cycle, especially if you’re trying to conceive. 1. Just days before your period, you will feel dryness at your vaginal area as your hormones Mar 27, 2019 · You will find, however, that fertile cervical fluid (eggwhite) is more clear and stretchy and shiny. Your mucus may change to a more watery state and Aug 31, 2017 · 1. Nov 2, 2023 · Cervical mucus discharge. Me and my husband weren’t trying to conceive but I knew I was pregnant after 3 days. Calculators. As women are aware about cervical fluid is no longer watery or dicey afterwards ovulation. "Usually if you put two fingers into the mucus, it stretches, which makes pathways for Jun 22, 2022 · The thickness and consistency of cervical mucus is affected by hormonal changes. Yeast infections are fungal infections that can cause irritation, discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina and vulva. Days between your period and ovulation: sticky, white The consistency of cervical mucus fluctuates throughout the month. Cervical mucus isn’t the only sign of early pregnancy. Wipe with a clean piece of toilet paper and examine any mucus you find by picking up a bit with your finger. Once ovulation passes, cervical Type 4 cervical mucus is indicative of the most fertile time of the cycle. For me, it turns creamy immediately the day after ovulation and remains either that or sticky until my period comes. Thickening consistency happens as pregnancy progresses and the cervical mucus becomes a lot thicker and significantly Apr 23, 2014 · Phase 2: 'Egg White' Cervical Mucus (Highly Fertile) The most fertile cervical mucus -- which, if you have a 28-day cycle, you're most likely to see around days 11-13 -- is often described as resembling raw egg whites, due to its clear color and consistency. (called egg-white cervical mucus or EWCM) Watery and slippery. This can indicate to some people AFAB that they might have conceived. On the other hand, if you’re trying to get pregnant, this is the time where you’re more likely to conceive. This stage of CM is called fertile cervical mucus. Simply look at your toilet paper after wiping. Cervix changes. Married 9/19/09. Record the type and consistency of discharge or note the lack of discharge. Some women experience dry days during this time. This time is the most likely time to find what is commonly known as EWCM (egg-white cervical mucus) or spinn (short for spinnbarkeit which is german for spiderweb). It is composed of: water. Bloody or Brown Cervical Discharge. I've been having watery cm since about 7dpo and I'm about 11dpo now. This mucus is called EWCM because it strongly resembles raw egg white in that it is clear or streaked, and is very stretchy and can also be watery. Apr 5, 2024 · Days 10-13: Just before ovulation, you may notice white or cloudy discharge, which may be stretchy. Pink spotting between menstrual periods is sometimes due to ovulation, or the release of an egg from the ovaries. sexual activity. During the luteal phase of the cycle, which occurs after ovulation, the cervical mucus is thick and sticky, making it difficult for sperm to pass. Days 14-20: Around the time of ovulation (which is different for everyone, but around 13 to 20 days Answer: C As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus is abundant and clear, resembling raw egg white. Dry and scanty Oct 23, 2017 · 6. I dont want to get your hopes up, but ive only found an increase in CM after ovulation when ive been pregnant. Look at your underwear. This is also sometimes called egg-white cervical mucus (EWCM). Because it’s so subtle, it’s often overlooked. Pregnancy calculator. Color is more clear, consistency is creamy or liquidy. Creamy fluid release can be a pearly white or creamy yellowish in color, in behavior it could be dense, solid, heavy, thick, unbroken and What does lotiony cervical mucus mean if it's ovulation? had it for a week and a half after egg white. It plays a crucial role in fertility by providing an optimal environment for sperm survival and transport. It is also comprised of immune system elements such as: antibodies (proteins that help fight infections) Jan 24, 2024 · The purposes of cervical mucus include: keeping the vagina healthy, facilitating pregnancy, and preventing pregnancy. Jan 25, 2023 · Due to fluctuating hormone levels, the texture, consistency, and volume of cervical mucus changes throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle. Estrogen is produced by a small sac in the ovary holding an egg, called a follicle (5). Thick cervical mucus. Remove your fingers to see if it resembles raw egg whites. After your dry days, as your body prepares to release an egg, cervical mucus becomes thick and stretchy. It will become thicker and less plentiful. #5. In the meantime, you'll improve your chance of conceiving by having Jun 9, 2023 · Ovulation discharge, also known as vaginal discharge or cervical mucus, refers to a substance produced and released from your cervix into your vagina. These Jul 23, 2020 · Egg white cervical mucus is a clear, stretchy fluid that you’ll see a few days before ovulation in response to hormonal changes. It, however, depends on the type of mucus you will have. Typically, it is dry for the first few days after your period, then becomes slightly sticky, and then creamy, like lotion. Due to high progesterone levels, your basal temperature will rise. It can be creamy yellow or pearl whitish in Apr 25, 2022 · During ovulation: Highest volume of thinner, stretchy, egg-white-like cervical mucus that is typically clear. Cervical mucus consistency: Menstruation. 2. May 15, 2021 · The basal body temperature marker (last day before temperature rise) occurs mostly from 3 days before to 1 day after the day of ovulation by serial follicular ultrasound, while the cervical mucus peak day occurs mostly from 1 day before to 1 day after the ultrasound day of ovulation (Ecochard et al. It can still be sticky, but the stretchiness is gone. May 25, 2019 · Cervical mucus after ovulation. Ovulation generally occurs 14 days (plus or minus 2 days) before the beginning of menses. Cervical mucus is one of the most important things to pay attention to when you’re trying to get pregnant. When spotting is caused by ovulation, you may also notice the blood is mixed with cervical mucus. Several days before ovulation. After ovulation cervical mucus starts to become sticky again and then dry up until your next period (about 10 to 14 days later). Before and after ovulation it can be “sticky” or “creamy” — or nonexistent. Thin, clear, stretchy, and stringy egg white cervical mucus is a sign of approaching ovulation. A doctor has provided 1 answer A member asked: Jul 28, 2022 · Cervical mucus is a naturally occurring fluid produced and released by the cervix. Cervical mucus is important during ovulation because it helps nourish sperm and help them find the egg. The egg white and stretchy cervical mucus indicates ovulation is imminent, and it lasts one to three days. In your 20s, you may have had up to five days of ideal-quality cervical mucus. It is more likely to be clear in color. Days 13-16: On the point of ovulation and in the days leading up, you will see clear, stretchy discharge, similar to egg whites in consistency. The light spotting may be pink-hued and occurs around 14 days before your next period. The American Pregnancy Association Aug 19, 2019 · 502. If accompanied by other symptoms like itchiness or a sore vagina, it may be caused by an infection or other condition. Infertile period. If you're charting your basal body temperature, and ovulation occurred, you'd expect to see a sustained temperature rise within a few days of seeing your most fertile cervical mucus. recent surgery involving your cervix or nearby organs. cervical mucus a day after ovulation. I kept telling my husband my stomach felt different and like I had something in there. During your menstrual cycle, your vaginal epithelial cell and bacteria are washed out through cervical mucus produced from the cervix. The creamy discharge indicates that the cycle headed to pregnancy instead of the luteal phase. Spinnbarkeit mucus is the stringy, stretchy quality of cervical mucus found especially around the time of ovulation. Your cervical mucus will change in texture and amount. starting Jan 21, 2022 · After ovulation, days 17-28. I just started really charting this cycle, but I almost know for a fact that this isn't normal for me. It may turn thicker, cloudy, or gluey again. This progestational mucus, sometimes called G mucus , is almost completely resistant to sperm penetration. I had increased creamy CM the cycle I got pregnant with DS but it wan't "increased" until after I got my BFP. The fluid is more sticky, with less water content than before ovulation Dec 27, 2023 · Initial changes which occur in the early stages of pregnancy, hormonal shifts contribute to an increase in cervical mucus production. It can be an indication the vagina is cleaning itself, and can also be an indication of ovulation. Sep 22, 2017 · Ghadir elaborates. Dec 28, 2020 · Even during implantation, a woman has clear and ample discharge. . Watery or Egg-white cervical mucus (EWCM) on your most fertile days. Your fertile CM, however, may be stretchy and clear or thick and creamy or watery. Oct 15, 2022 · You will see your secretions become more and more: Easy to stretch five centimeters or more between two fingers before it breaks. then watery/dry. Just after a period: absent, dry. Aug 27, 2023 · Cervical mucus in your luteal phase (after ovulation) The luteal phase comes after ovulation and is characterized by the presence of progesterone, a hormone crucial for maintaining a potential pregnancy. Everybody is different, and you may not see these exact variations in your own cervical mucus. Some symptoms hint that there may be another health condition going on. The abrupt change is a good indicator that you’ve ovulated and the fertile Oct 18, 2017 · It will look like raw egg whites and for this reason it is called egg white cervical mucus (frequently abbreviated as EWCM). Dec 18, 2022 · The quality of your mucus and quantity of it may also be affected. In most cases, you will find that your discharge will change from being watery, and will become stretchy and slippery in nature. on the days close to ovulation, the cervical mucus will allow sperm to enter the uterus. The 4 th day after the ovulation process may be accompanied by mucus or not. I’ve been super bloated, tired, and Nov 14, 2017 · From the 4 th to the 10 th day past ovulation (DPO), the presence of the creamy cervical mucus will mean different things as below: 4 DPO. Cervical mucus changes regularly during your menstrual cycle and also in early pregnancy. #4. Low cervix after ovulation There’ll be less discharge after ovulation. Changes in cervical mucus during the menstrual cycle. dietary changes. Just after ovulation occurs, there is a surge in progesterone hormone, which thickens cervical mucus to become sticky or creamy discharge. 120. By placing your clean fingers into your vagina and Aug 29, 2016 · The cervical mucus peak day is the last day of fertile cervical mucus before a change back to less fertile cervical fluid. Immediately after you ovulate, the mucus will become clear and slippery like a raw egg white. These higher levels allow for the cervical mucus to thicken and have that watery appearance. Your hormones play an important role in the changes in cervical mucus thro This is sometimes called egg-white cervical mucus. More is produced around this Jan 21, 2020 · Cervical mucus is not any different if conception has occurred. Watery cervical mucus. Sep 10, 2019. An even higher water content can further dilute cervical mucus, which is why it can sometimes be categorized as watery. Cervical mucus. This is usually due to hormonal changes throughout your menstrual cycle. Cervical mucus after ovulation Jun 5, 2020 · Fertile cervical mucus isn’t the same for everyone. Could also be a second attempt by your body to ovulate though if your cycles are a bit all over the place. Implantation cervical mucus is tinged brown or pink. Keep reading to learn more about egg white discharge. In your 30s and 40s, you may only get one or two days. Most Dec 18, 2023 · Fertile Mucus. Dry, slightly thick from a day post ovulation is over. Moreover, a slight increase in cervical discharge may be noted. Here are three main ways cervical mucus is crucial when you’re trying to conceive (TTC): Cervical mucus sieves out abnormally shaped sperm, preventing them from reaching the cervix. Some people may experience spotting during ovulation, the time when an egg is released from the fallopian tube. The quantity of cervical mucus after discharge is such that you will feel wet. Jan 10, 2018 · Your cervical mucus indicates if it’s “hostile” toward sperm, like being too thick and sticky instead of thin and stretchy, right before ovulation, too. At this time, the egg will be ready to be fertilized by the sperm. Seven days after ovulation, you may not see much cervical mucus at all. [2] To identify your individual type of fertile CM Mar 14, 2022 · Just before ovulation, the mucus becomes clear, watery, and slippery. I always have creamy CM after O until I start spotting a day or two before AF. Women with PCOS may experience decreased production of cervical mucus and an imbalance in its composition, leading to infertility. Symptoms to look for include: Mar 8, 2022 · Cervical mucus is a type of vaginal discharge produced by your cervix and regulated by your hormones estrogen and progesterone. Aug 24, 2022 · Some of these include: Your menstrual cycle: Your cervical mucus can change during each stage of your cycle. If you’ve already confirmed ovulation, this does not mean you are See our step-by-step guide for cervical mucus observations. Intercourse during this period will likely increase your chances of pregnancy. In a perfect world, you won’t have much after your period, but as you approach ovulation you will have a watery or “egg white” type consistency. Sep 17, 2020 · After menstruation, cervical mucus goes through several stages, each lasting one to three days. In fact, this Creamy CM stops the progress of sperm because it is non-fertile. Jan 17, 2018 · In summary, here are the differences in cervical mucus during ovulation vs. Dec 8, 2023 · Ovulation . Aug 25, 2017 · Pregnancy. This is why many women who are TTC keep track of their changes in Mar 20, 2017 · Some of the signs after ovulation are; 1. Multiple studies have suggested that the best chance of pregnancy is when intercourse occurs on a day which is near ovulation and Type 4 cervical mucus is present. Cervical mucus is more than 90% water. 3. Medically reviewed by Alyssa Dweck, MS, MD, FACOG. To use cervical mucus as a guide, check for thinner, watery cervical mucus. stress. To facilitate fertilization, the female reproductive system produces a clear egg like discharge. Nov 10, 2017 · Clear watery discharge after ovulation. Doctors from the Palo Alto Medical Foundation say that the brown or bloody discharge just after your period is old blood. Amount of CM increases considerably near ovulation and you can easily notice the difference. Fingers crossed it's a good sign. Here’s what you need to know. The peak of these characteristics occurs just before ovulation. Other common, more noticeable early signs of pregnancy include Jan 29, 2024 · It can also help you to track ovulation. If it is very watery and stretchy and resembles raw egg whites, you are likely to ovulate soon. Or, you might even realize that the cervical mucus you produce is “hostile”, meaning it is thick and sticky, instead of thin and stretchy around ovulation. Apr 3, 2024 · Starting after your period, your cervical mucus transitions from a sticky consistency to a more creamy, then watery, and finally, raw egg white-like consistency. However, sometimes it may be a sign to pay a little bit more attention to your health. Watery discharge after ovulation: Watery, clear discharge right after ovulation is normal and generally a good sign. Jan 22, 2023 · As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus changes significantly. In general, the most fertile CM is classified as being like ‘egg-white’ or ‘watery’ in characteristic (Read more about egg white cervical discharge). Feb 17, 2024 · Highly fertile cervical mucus. This type of discharge can continue for up to 1 to 2 days after Sep 7, 2022 · 2. So in retrospect, what was the last day you had watery or egg white like mucus. Mar 14, 2022 · Fertile period. It will stretch a couple of inches without breaking. Your cervical mucus may become more watery and reach its maximum in quantity after peak fertility, but it's not as fertile as the raw egg type. Symptoms of a yeast infection include thick, white and clumpy vaginal discharge with no odour, or watery cervical mucus. Toilet paper check. According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, vaginal secretions go through different stages before and after ovulation: Before you ovulate, the amount of vaginal discharge increases and becomes stretchy, wet, and sticky. , 2001). These can include abdominal pain or cramps, bloating, slightly elevated body temperature, changes in cervical mucus and saliva, and breast September 2012. Jan 23, 2012 · Jan 23, 2012. Often this peak day corresponds with ovulation day, but not always. Clear watery discharge is usually quite normal. Yes, you can track cervical mucus by seeing what's on the gusset of your undies; and note when you have more watery cervical mucus, or at the other end when cervical mucus thickens. At 3 weeks 2 days I tested positive. Your most fertile cervical mucus will resemble raw egg whites, and this watery mucus helps sperm swim through the cervix easier, which increases your chances of conceiving and can help you get pregnant faster. Aug 29, 2022 · To do this, look at and/or touch your vaginal discharge to determine its consistency and color. Before explaining in details what cervical mucus after ovulation feels like, it is important to understand the meaning of ovulation and its signs. There are four main types of cervical mucus: dry and sticky, creamy, thin and watery, egg white and stretchy. Fertile mucus usually signals the impending arrival of ovulation and for those who are hoping to avoid conception, you must avoid unprotected intercourse at this time. Aug 20, 2023 · Cervical mucus or ovulation discharge goes through several stages known as types 1, 2, 3, and 4, with each stage showing slight changes in discharge consistency based on how fertile you are. This mucus type is referred to as spinnbarkeit, a German word that means stretchable. sexual arousal. Your basal body temperature rises. Apr 15, 2024 · Around the Time of Ovulation . Cervical Mucus 7 to 9 days past ovulation. Cervical mucus may appear thick, gummy, and clear after conception. Immediately before and during ovulation, the mucus is typically clear, stretchy, Aug 30, 2018 · To learn what we do to deliver the best health and lifestyle insights to you, check out our content review principles. Implantation bleeding, mood changes, and body aches are other signs that big changes are happening. Me (32) Dx PCOS, DH (32) SA = Normal/mild morph issues. Jun 16, 2020 · Observing your cervical mucus is one way to try to pinpoint ovulation and your most fertile windows. In other cases, implantation bleeding occurs. Color is cloudy. During ovulation, fertile cervical mucus is at its most clear and stretchy, often compared to the consistency of raw egg whites. At the same time, it could also indicate you are already pregnant. May 5, 2020 · 4) Ovulation 13-15 Days. Non-fertile Creamy Cervical Mucus. Jan 11, 2024 · Dr. Estrogen slowly increases after the period ends (5). Cervical mucus is a hydrogel consisting of 90–95% water and a heterogeneous mixture of mucin glycoproteins. Your cervix connects your vagina to your uterus and acts as a barrier which opens to allow sperm to enter your uterus when you're fertile and stays closed at other times. Aug 16, 2017 · Clear watery discharge before, during and after ovulation can be a way to tell if you are in your fertile period. This type of vaginal discharge makes it easy for you to conceive and eases the transport of sperm through your genital tract. I think I may be the same as you. This is the simplest, easiest, and probably cleanest, way to check your cervical mucus. However, if you conceived at ovulation, you may still produce some cervical mucus. fat cells (called lipids) proteins (such as mucin, the main part of mucus) salts. But after ovulation, the “cervical mucus becomes thicker and dry,” with some people referring to it as tacky or paste-like. Usually, ovulation jelly discharge occurs about two weeks from your next period, and then after ovulation, your vaginal discharge changes to thick creamy mucus. Categories of Cervical Mucus Unfortunately, after tracking changes in your cervical mucus, you might find that you really don’t produce very much fertile-quality cervical mucus around the time of ovulation. After ovulation, under the influence of progesterone, the production of watery cervical mucus ceases, and a new type of sticky mucus, which has a much decreased water content, is produced. CM a day or more after ovulation. Some women may experience implantation Apr 3, 2024 · Commonly referred to as an egg white discharge, the appearance of egg white cervical mucus (or EWCM) is usually a sign of ovulation. The rest is made up of compounds such as amino acids, proteins, and oils. Sep 29, 2017 · Some people experience signs and symptoms of ovulation. Vaginal discharge that has the consistency of egg whites is usually completely normal. However, you might not be completely dry, and that’s totally okay. It may take a little inspecting, but as long as you’re ovulating, you’ll see it. The cervix plays a big role in the female reproductive system. Cervical mucus is a fluid produced by the cervix throughout the menstrual cycle. Before period: Small amounts of white, thick mucus, with the 1-2 days before a period being the driest. When the ovulation approaches, cervical mucus becomes thinner and more watery and is so-called “egg white But after you’ve ovulated, progesterone dominates and your cervical mucus changes pretty much immediately. Sometimes, the cervical mucus remains at the more watery stage and never becomes optimal (like raw egg whites). The physical properties and the biochemical composition of cervical mucus change during the menstrual cycle. If you are in doubt and it is near your fertile time, always record eggwhite cervical fluid, even if it may be obscured by Jun 14, 2022 · Begin checking and testing your cervical mucus. Learn what cervical mucus should look like during and after ovulation and when you should see a doctor. A change in your cervical discharge is by far the most recognized symptom when it comes to determining when ovulation is about to start. Reaction score. The ovulation stage involves the release of a mature egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes. A watery, egg-like, jelly or slimy discharge occurs because of high estrogen hormones during ovulation. Oct 24, 2021 · After ovulation, your cervical mucus thickens or dries up, then you eventually get your period. You may notice that it is sticky or tacky just after ovulation has occurred. After ovulation ends, your cervical mucus becomes thick white discharge. Feb 8, 2024 · Summary. Learn more about what to expect at 8 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. CM during ovulation. . Changes in cervical mucus vary, however, and may be barely visible or subtle for some women. This begins May 24, 2019 · There are three main ways to check your cervical mucus. In most cases, having creamy CM after ovulation is a sign of conception. The method of tracking cervical mucus to predict ovulation and fertile window is called the cervical mucus method Here is a pattern that cervical mucus will likely follow: Day 1-4 – After your period, the discharge may be dry, tacky, and white or yellow in color. Apr 21, 2022 · Creamy white vaginal discharge can be caused by vaginal infections, such as: Yeast infections. Apart from ovulation, clear jelly like discharge may be an early sign of pregnancy. During ovulation, rising estrogen causes an increase in cervical mucus. Watery discharge is usually not a cause for concern and is a sign of a healthy vagina. Oct 20, 2021 · Mucus, Temperature, and Ovulation . At the time of ovulation. Women may notice a white or milky discharge, a result of increased blood flow to the cervix. Usually, fertile cervical mucus—a watery to raw egg-white like vaginal discharge—will precede ovulation. It may appear as a glob, or in smaller amounts in more watery mucus. The color may appear on toilet paper as slightly yellow and cloudy. At 8 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. Sep 21, 2020 · Egg white cervical mucus (EWCM) is a type of cervical fluid that is produced right before ovulation, during a time when you are most fertile. Next, you may notice the mucus becoming more wet and watery, before developing a raw egg-white consistency. May 17, 2024 · Using a clean finger, place it inside your vagina. Cervical fluid is clearer around this time, so any blood or developing spotting would create a pink shade. cervical mucus will be thicker and thinner to prevent sperm from ascending into the female reproductive tract. These photos will give you an idea of what to check for as you track your ovulation to find out your most fertile days. Thin and transparent, with the appearance of raw egg white. The main thing to look for is some kind of change mid-cycle. Grandma had a dream I was pregnant with twins. Ovulation. The change occurs just before the release of the egg and continues a day or two after it. Jun 13, 2019 · A slight increase in cervical mucus is just one of many early signs of pregnancy. Creamy mucus is a more favorable sign regarding egg embedment. Around ovulation, it is common for cervical mucus to increase in volume, while also having the distinct look and feel of raw egg whites. Stretchy, egg white vaginal mucus. Off and on in the am hours it's been kind of like a thin lotion and have a little bit of stretchy ewcm. Since timing is key to getting pregnant, these tried-and-true methods, along with newer but more precise methods, may help. Ovulation is the release of a well-developed egg from your right or left ovaries. After ovulation. After ovulation: Thicker, sticky cervical mucus that may gradually decrease or suddenly drop off. At different times in your menstrual cycle, your cervical mucus Nov 17, 2019 · February 2025 Babies. Feb 11, 2022 · Your cervical mucus after ovulation if pregnant may stay liquid and clear. "At the time of ovulation, estrogen levels are usually at their peak. The consistency changes from watery to thick and the quantity changes from a LOT to barely anything. If you are still in your reproductive age, ovulation happens in every menstrual cycle. Semen may be more whitish and is more likely to break when pulled. Noting your symptoms down with an ovulation tracking app like Flo can help you understand when you’re ovulating or in the early stages of pregnancy. You’ll probably notice a significant dry-up of mucus after ovulation. Around 6 DPO, some women notice fertile cervical mucus again. hCG calculator. You may also notice changes in the colour of your discharge, as fluctuating hormone levels can Oct 20, 2022 · Your discharge can change in the amount, color, and consistency before and after your period. Consistency is dry and sticky. Depending on your menstrual cycle, you may occasionally have bloody or brown cervical discharge just after your period. May 24, 2023 · The vaginal discharge produced just before and during ovulation—the time of your menstrual cycle when the ovary releases an egg—is sometimes called egg white cervical mucus (EWCM). The typical pattern for your cervical mucus is to dry up after ovulation. Apr 25, 2022 · This is a sign that your vagina is healthy! Clear discharge helps to flush out germs and protects your reproductive organs from infection. EWCM is ‘stringy’ hence coming from the word spiderweb. After ovulation, you may have less cervical mucus as it dries up again when the fertile window closes. At the peak of your fertility, your cervical mucus may be stretchy and “egg white”-like in texture. This is the best time to have sex if you want to get pregnant. There are three distinct phases of cervical mucus change during this period. There may be less cervical fluid for a couple of days after your period ends until estrogen increases again. The raw egg white discharge after ovulation will decrease. This is because estrogen stays high in early pregnancy. Cervical mucus is a fluid produced by the glands inside your cervix (the canal that leads to your uterus). uj wm tx mc ib xg wt rr st if