Hornady 75 gr bthp varget load data. While alot of people will say "just use the sierra 69. In 1-8 twist, or 1-9, Hornady 68 grain, match hollowpoints with 25 grains of Varget seem to do really well. handloads, and faster-burning powders like HP38 and Trail Boss can be used for low-velocity specialty loads. The 73 grain ELDX is fine at 2. 260 COAL. $27. I'd start at 23. Dec 21, 2009 · Re: Favorite accuracy loads for your . 6343 posts · Joined 2008. I don't see any reason why a 68 Hornady Match would not also shoot well between 24. 6 8208 20. 1 (TAC) ball powder and 2. And hodgon load data from there site says I should start at 24 grains and max at 26 grains. Each cartridge is loaded with either Hornady ® A-MAX ® bullets, our high-performance boattail hollow points, or the new, radically superior ELD ® Match bullets Dec 8, 2009 · Looking for high accuracy 75-grain . Sort by Oldest first. 26 grains is listed as a compressed load. 308 loads section. May 3, 2018 · Today's video is about the Hornady 68g Match BTHP Bullet. Sep 9, 2013 · 48. The test rifle was a Remington Model 700 VTR SS (Varmint Tactical Rifle, Stainless Steel) with a distinctive triangular barrel that was 20-inches long and included a 1:9 twist. 3 grains of Varget is hotter than any data I can find for any brand of 75/77 grain bullet. Oct 17, 2014 · and seated to 2. The 175gr SMK had a BC of . 224 75 gr BTHP Match™. (+/-) 1 - 2 gr for an automatic powder dispenser , like mine on my progressive press. I am using my Savage Axis 223. 172 moa at 200 yds. In very simple terms, the 6mm ARC’s exterior ballistics exceed Sep 24, 2009 · The 75gr HPBT has a claimed BC of . 5mm Creedmoor (Using 140 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 60 loads. These 75gr from Hornady are my go to for DMR match loads. INDICATES MAXIMUM LOAD — USE WITH CAUTION Rifle Data 60-62 GRAIN BULLETS VARGET 21. With identical barrel length but one is 1x9 twist and th other 1x7. 2 MOA- average velocity 2810. I've got some Hornady . 24. pretty consistant (lot depend,t). Jul 21, 2013 · Sniper’s Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. 224 Valkyrie AR-15 included, left to right: Nosler 62-grain. 223 Remington rifle made before, say, 2002, odds are that it holds a barrel with a 1:12, or maybe even a 1:14 rifling twist. 210 VARGET= 44. My rifles are an RRA AR15 16" 1-9" Wylde and a Sako Bolt 24" 1-8" . 223 load data for 75 gr. 9grs yielding 3100 fps and the max load is 46. Would anybody be willing to take a look INDICATES MAXIMUM LOAD — USE WITH CAUTION Rifle Data 6m ARC Ga un) 90 GRAIN BULLETS SECTIONAL DENSITY: 0. 223 rifles are shooting 1/4MOA out to 338 yards with a load that was developed using the Hornady 75g HPBT. max. Reloading Depot. 224 68 gr BTHP Match™. BOATTAIL The angle and length of the boattail is unique and optimized for each caliber and weight of Match bullets to maximize ballistic coefficient and performance. Nov 15, 2016 · 23. Hodgdon on their site lists 24-26 grains, with the 26 compressed. Sierra . May 1, 2012 · The Hornady reloading manual lists 23. Developed by Hornady ® engineers, these bullet jackets are a technological advancement in design, tooling and manufacturing that combine to produce the most consistently concentric bullet jackets Jul 4, 2011 · This is in line with Lyman, Hornady, Hodgedon and Internet Data for 5. 955 moa at 300 yds, 2946 fps, SD 12, ES 30. My load for the 68 gr Hornady is 25. 56 69 - 77 grain bullets. 1 gr of RL-15 or TAC for 2700 fps (chrony) out of a 20"; that matches the Hornady book. Do an OCW test. 223 Remington Handloads. Looks like 24. The AR15 and the Ruger 10/22 have something in common other than the fact that both are semiautomatics. Find a Retailer Jan 9, 2011 · When I use the Hornady 75gr BTHP I use RL15 or Varget. Select the "Get Load Data" button to view results. HPBT using Reloader-15. I have recently bought a supply of Hornady 75-grain BTHP bullets and I would like to know which of your favorite loads deliver really good accuracy. Using bullets from Hornady RN or BT-FMJ. 8, but neither any of my loads, or the factory white box loads would do much better than 1 1/4 MOA. None are top performers. Jun 16, 2007 · Click the thumbnail below to see the Hodgdon load data. 4 gr. I'm working on a load just like that for a WOA 1-7 18". 224 Valkyrie load data covers projectiles from 50 grain all the way up to 95 grains. 56mm loads. 243 WSSM / . Bullets tested in the . Sep 13, 2012 · Ive been using those 75,s and Varget for yrs. 0 gr BLC-2 5 shot groups- 5. 0 grains of Varget when I was loading three rounds in . Also have Varget & IMR 8208 & alot of LC brass on hand. angsniper. 243 Winchester - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1 Oct 11, 2009 · Stay. The loads listed are for . 0 mm. 84 ogive= 2. 56 ammo. Compress,d loads are ok as long as your not going over the limit. Brian421; Aug 29, 2021; Replies 2 22 Cal . Used same load for 77 nosler didn't group quite as well but was still 'good enough'. 243 87 gr V-MAX®. Load data with 154 loads for . I’ve been looking around for some load data for 5. is 0. 2444 Oct 11, 2009 · Stay. Stocking one powder is easier than stocking two or more. 810" 2,850 FPS This load will consitently shoot 1/2 MOA groups or smaller, 1/4 MOA is typical. 223 Remington reloads; here are a few pointers on how to build super-accurate handloads for America's longest-lived battle rifle. When you can find Hornady 60 grain V-Max bullets, they seem to do almost as well, and they have also shot good out of my 1-10, and 1-12 barrels. 1 gr. Seated Depth: 0. May 24, 2019 · The X book lists them on the same page with the 75 Amax, 75 ELDM, and 75 BTHP. TMK. #9. 5 grains of Varget at 2600 fps, they show it as max load. 602 moa at 300 yds. All the research I could find suggested a 24. Specifically for 556 pressures not 223 Remington. In our . Modern . 5 grains. You'll have to flip a couple of pages after the "223 Remington" to get to the "5. With the 90 to 95 grain bullets, the little Valkyrie can give 6mm match cartridges a real run for their money — offering similar ballistics with less recoil. Hodgdon H4895. 395 (G1) Weight: 75 Gr Application: Target/Match. I find it interesting that in the Hornady manual, under service rifle data & 5. It will save you tons of time and money in the long run and you won't be sorry. I've had my best accuracy with the 243 using IMR 4350. 3 gr. 5 grain load. 22 Cal . Dec 8, 2009 · Looking for high accuracy 75-grain . Sniper’s Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. With the Hornady 75gr BTHP and 23. Starting load is 42. 56 NATO chamber. I shoot it regularly out to 600 and it is stupid how accurate it is. Mar 23, 2013 · Here you go. Jan 4, 2019 · Matched to the right loads, an AR-15 can be incredibly accurate with . 5 varget-looking stuff and no longer than 2. C. I also tested 24 gr IMR 4064 and 25 gr BL-C2. Alliant Power Pro 2000-MR. 56 Nato, the same bullet 68 gr BTHP item #2278 shows different data for the same powders say Varget or BL-C(2). 475,302. Select Filter by Cartridge or Powder to get started. Using bullets from Sierra BlitzKing, Nosler Boat Tail, Swift Scirocco, Sierra Tipped MatchKing, Hornady ELD-Match, Sierra HPBT, Federal Fusion. The . Lapua Scenar Lapua brass CCI BR-2 primer COAL 2. Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, Barnes VG FB, Nosler BT, Sierra BTSP, Swift Scirocco, Speer BTSP. Jan 26, 2017 · the TOP 3 i would use for a REM 700 - . 2 increments) today to further test accuracy and velocity in the 178 ELD-X's. 223 Rem ammunition. It's not a good bullet to load at AR-15 lengths of 2. 31) & can seat the 73 ELD-M & 75 BTHP out to the lands & still fit in the mag (even though I would start Javascript is required. 547 velocity= 2613@74 primer= CCI BR2. Using bullets from Hornady A-Max or BTHP. 224 75gr BTHP and some V-140 on order, but only H335 in house. Highpower competitors, as well as law enforcement and military shooters and snipers, benefit from the Superformance ® Match™ advantages – higher muzzle velocity, phenomenal accuracy, increased range and reduced wind drift. Look in the . This is the 6mm . 1/4 value 10mph wind @100 yards. 8 to 42. 1 grains, Fed 210m, 3100 fps, Hornady brass. 250", mag length. No pressure signs at 100deg and it is a 1 holer at 100yds. 224 Valkyrie is the most recent result of the continuing quest to wring more power and range Apr 5, 2011 · 3308 posts · Joined 2008. BTHP penetrates with minimal deflection Apr 5, 2011 · 3308 posts · Joined 2008. Load data for 52 loads in caliber . 4gr of Varget in LC brass in my 700 SPS tactical. 223 / 5. TAP Urban® bullets. Notes, BLC-2 sucks for this bullet hard core and the varget 25. Product Details Caliber: 22 Cal. 245". Burn rates range from IMR 4198 (fastest) to CFE 223 (slowest). 5 Varget, 2818 fps, SD 14, ES 41 shot . I shoot 24. Sergeant. JLK VLD. Dec 26, 2013 · South Texas, United States. Will Fennell. 62 x 63) May 23, 2009 · The Hide Armory. Founded by Frank Galli in 2000, Sniper’s Hide has been offering informational videos, podcasts, and other support to its users in one location. N. There is not doubt that they shoot outstanding out of our . The hodgen manual advise,s you of particular loads that are in fact compress,d. 0 grain max. 223, and the chambers differ dimensionally. mils use launches a cannelured 77 smk at 2800 FPS out of the 18" barreled Mk12 12 and SDM rifles at a MV of 2800 FPS using a powder that is not available to us. 395 and I actually think it's probably at least 30 points less because Hornady likes to claim wildly optimistic values. 390. 250" I tired them with 8208 at 22. Mar 8, 2018 · With that being said, what are some good GoTo loads. I'm using Varget more in bullet weights 53gr to 75 grains because it works well across those weights. 5 grains Varget with a 69 Sierra is a very common load for AR shooters. Nov 8, 2019 · Several Hodgdon, IMR, and Winchester powders are appropriate for full-power 223 Rem. Varmegeddon HP, Speer 75-grain Gold Dot, Nosler Custom Competition. We are both running 1:8 twist barrels. This load is suitable for a short barreled rifle that has either a 223 Rem or 5. 223 Load Data. 56 X 45mm NATO" data, as they don't list the 75 grain bullets on the 223 Remington section. 9 to 22. 75 Gr. Apr 10, 2020 · This covers over a dozen powder types — many more than the Hodgdon database. Hodgdon offers more than a dozen different propellants for reloading 223/5. #1. 0 gr load performed the best at 1. start to 26. 223 Rem. They say 19. 42-45 is the spread, depending on chamber and seating depth. A-Max 223 Rem load data request. 055" off the lands out of a24" 3 groove 1 in 7 twist Pac-Nor and 22-250 75 grain amax data. Varget 23. I use it to shoot 500 to 800 yards. Re: . Using bullets from Hornady BTHP Match, A-MAX, SST or InterLock SP. 87 cm3. (cylindrical powder) Cylindrical powders are also more difficult to maintain a consistent load because of their shape. Apr 22, 2021 · I believe there's a difference in length between the Varget and 4064 powders. With its combination of proven materials, innovative design and streamlined profile, the Hornady ® V-MAX ® represents the pinnacle of what a specialized varmint bullet can achieve, offering straight-line trajectories, enhanced accuracy, dramatic expansion and explosive fragmentation at a wide range of distances and May 8, 2013 · "1000 total" of hornady . 77-grain BTHP, Hornady 88-grain ELD Match and Berger 90-grain VLD Target. of Varget 155 gr. Hope this helps, Gary. Sep 24, 2009 · WAY off base (COS CO) Sep 25, 2009. 7grs of Varget in a 24" 1-8 tube. May 24, 2011 · A-Max 223 Rem load data request. start to 27. You have to try different bullets to discover what shoots best in your barrel. is a reliably accurate load that will measure the potential accuracy of your rifle. 308. +/- 1 - 2 grs in a small cartridge, like the 223 , 9mm or 45 Sep 4, 2023 · The mountains. I shoot at 4,800 feet elevation, and this is a winter load for me. Case Capacity: 28. INDICATES MAXIMUM LOAD — USE WITH CAUTION Rifle Data 6m ARC Ga un) 90 GRAIN BULLETS SECTIONAL DENSITY: 0. 250". I have the 68 grain BTHP match data from the Hornady 6th Edition Manual. The inveterate experimenter Charles Newton unveiled the . This rifle has a EGW 20 MOA base. Find a Retailer Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. they suggest a cartrige oal of 2. 8 to 24. CFE223 also drives them well and I would expect similar results with AR Comp also--one friend of mine even uses LeveRevolution with excellent accuracy out of his. 224 Valkyrie 75 gr BTHP Hornady BLACK ®. They used a Federal 210 primer; 24" barrel; 1 in 10" twist. 3 Varget or 24 TAC. 52 '' | 13. 8 gr. I also make a custom seating stem for my Lee seating die and run into some strange concentricity issues. around 2600 fps from a 20". I picked this rifle up over Christmas break for $157. At that length, the ogive of the bullet is into the case mouth. Jan 6, 2012 · I'm trying to set up an OCW development using the Hornady 75 Gr BTHP #2279 bullet and Varget. 2. I have recently put a Vortex Viper 6-24x50 on it. If you don't get the accuracy you want, try a different bullet. Sierra’s . 3: Winchester Super-X Ammunition 223 Remington 55 Grain Pointed Soft Point. Varget shot . It’s also hard to distinguish between Sep 25, 2017 · 100 yard testing with hornady 75 Gr. Nosl. Last year I had a confirmed kill on a prairie dog at 949yds with it. Create custom ballistic tables using our My load for the 68 gr Hornady is 25. Item #81532 | 20/Box. My and OG13's Accurate Ordnance . If you own a . H335 is 22. Oct 3, 2021 · I’m testing the 75gr Hornady BTHP with Cannelure using AR-Comp. 4 (. 0 grs. 22-250 Remington handloads. +/- 1 - 2 grs in a small cartridge, like the 223 , 9mm or 45 Jun 8, 2011 · The COL used by Hornady for both the A-max and the BTHP are 2. Seems to be a shortage of loading manual load data for the 75 Gr A-Max other than Hornady manual and it looks to be very conservative. 308 Win 168 gr BTHP Match™ Item #8097 | 20/Box . BTHP Hornaday, 23. 84 is over normal col, but fits in my magazine and really tightened up the group . Today I was able to load up 5 rounds each of charge weights from 41. 56 NATO 75 gr BTHP Superformance ® Match™. 4gr Varget set at OAL 2. 308 | 155gr | Hornady BTHP Match bullet in caliber . 75's until jan 2014 Using N140 and Varget it's hard to find load data online for these combos. All Hornady ® Match™ bullets feature revolutionary AMP ® (Advanced Manufacturing Process) bullet jackets. It had a $100 rebate that I received about a month later. 224 BTHP Product Line: Match Sectional Density: . You should be able to load starting level 223 loads in military cases without incident. 51 '' | 13. 62 x54R. 223/AR-15. Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Alliant, Winchester 223 Remington 75 gr BTHP TAP PRECISION®. We carefully select every component to ensure uniformity, then load to exacting specifications to provide pinpoint accuracy. 5 gr Varget, CCI BR-4 primer, Winchester new unfired cases, the velocity is 3,025 fps average. Some barrels just don't seem to like the 87 very much, performing much better 2. Sep 4, 2023. 223. 56 pressures are higher than civilian . 5 grains of N540 hammers in my bolt action. GMX® (6mm Creedmoor) Item No. , 7. 22. Velocity was measured using a Labradar. My rifle is a Colt HBAR 20-inch 1/7 . Topped with the finest bullets, Superformance ® Match™ ammunition Sep 21, 2020 · If you run the 75 ELDM in the 223, you will need to seat it out long. Sierra 77 SMK vs. 625 Reviews. 214 B. This match accurate load is our heavy TAP® offering in 223 Rem. I’ve been looking around for load data on this, but it seems that most people provide 223 Remington data, which is a bit cooler then 556 data. Weird? . 8 Grains of Water | 1. Varget 21. 25. Feb 24, 2013 · 24. My . 0 to 27. Personally, I would also try 4895 and BLC(2) in a 20" barrel, but Varget will work fine. Mar 6, 2022 · hello, i came up with a sub moa load for my . Jan 9, 2018 · Last time I determined a node around 42. Both of these loads were also good, but I stuck with the Varget load as I finally found enough of it to use for the summer and it is a proven load fired by many experienced HP shooters. . Rifle is a Savage 9 twist Predator - would like to use that bullet for longer shots because its B. 303 British (Using 174 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 53 loads. Out of my 18" AR barrels these are sub MOA at 200yds with XBR and have been reliable at 600-700yds. 230". Mar 8, 2010 · 68 BTHP 26. Dec 26, 2013. 2. My Lyman manual only lists load data for the 75 gr AMax and the COAL for this bullet is listed as 2. 0 and go up to 24. 4 for Varget behind a 69 grain match. gr loads" when you call or talk to a manufacturer they Cartridge Length / OAL: 2. 224 | 68gr | Hornady BTHP Match bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. If your rifle doesn't shoot well with any reasonable Varget load you have a gun problem. All groups shot with Burris Fullfield II Tactical 3-9x42 mounted in Larue SPR mount from Sig 556ER on sandbags. Re: Hornady . The Mk262 Mod 1 ammo the . 3. If selections are changed, please select the button again to refresh. 25" whereas the black hills 77 was 24. My shooting will likely be 300 yards and less. 8 All at 2. 2 mm. All best all round is the OSA Buffalo River 55gr Sierra Game King 223. Select other category options to refine your search. 235 with the 68 grainers. I load them to the maximum length that the AR-15 mags allow. 25 inches COAL. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. ELD ® Match (Extremely Low Drag Match) bullets are technologically advanced, enhanced accuracy target bullets featuring Heat Shield ® tips with the PERFECT MEPLAT (tip point) combined with numerous design features that deliver the highest-in-class ballistic coefficients, superior accuracy and extreme consistency from bullet to bullet, lot Jan 26, 2013 · Forum Rules. 496 between 2800 and 1800, in other words, pretty much the entire flight. 9 gr. 1 MOA. Date: Jul 15 2020. Powders include Hodgdon, Accurate, IMR, Winchester, Alliant, Vihtavuori. Jun 30, 2007 · The 68s are very close in performance to the 69s. There is nothing to get too excited about on a compressed load. Runs about 2850fps 10' from the muzzle. We’re shooting the 75gr Hornady BTHP with Cannelure and this is the powder list: Shooters World Match Rifle. Given the times, I'm looking for some advice on trying H335 as follows: -- Hornady 8th does not show H335 but lists eleven powders slower than H335, plus IMR3031 which is 223 Remington 75 gr BTHP Match™ Hornady BLACK ® Item #80267 | 20/Box . 8 grs. 250-3000 cartridge for the Savage Model 99 lever-action rifle in 1915. 223 load. Sep 19, 2021 · I’m trying every powder and load that was mentioned in the comments section of last week’s video. 223 in a Winchester case with Winchester WSR primer. Mar 2, 2011 · 25. You're welcome. Remarks: maximum load. I get a little better performance out of 69 gr. 30-06 (30-06 Spring. May 12, 2022 · Here's some load data and best practices to yield tight groups. Jul 1, 2011 · Although the outer case and bullet diameter dimensions are the same, that is about the extent of it. 0 to 22. It depends on which barrel. 0 and 24. Remington 700ME 20" heavy barrel with 1-10 twist. and 60 gr. bullet offers deeper penetration than the 55 gr. Match bullets. They're all there. SD is 14 fps. 5 Creedmoor / 6. 435. Grs. Velocities were established from a 24-inch barrel. Specific pages Hornady 59th pages 155 & 159. Powders include Hodgdon, Norma, Alliant, Winchester, Ramshot, Accurate, IMR. Aug 10, 2009 · Aug 10, 2009. Shoots flatter, tighter, faster. Michigan. 243 Winchester Super Short Magnum (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 178 loads. Mar 10, 2017 · so I sat down to load up some test rounds of varget for this weekends match. 224 75 gr BTHP. I have also had good results with IMR 4064 and Reloader 15. NativeCraft. :. 224 Valkyrie reloading data with 160 loads. Its normal to hear that "crunch" when using that much Varget. The 5. #11. The round was first loaded with an 87-grain bullet at Hornady launched the 6mm ARC with three factory loads: a 103-grain ELD-X Precision Hunter at an advertised 2,800 fps, 105-grain BTHP Hornady Black at an advertised 2,750 fps and the 108-grain ELD-Match load at a stated 2,750 fps. for 100 - 400 Yards. 1: OSA Buffalo River 55gr Sierra Game King 223. Dec 23, 2015 · My load is 37 gr RL17 with a 75 gr SSII . #2 · Oct 11, 2009. Forum Statistics. BTW, I do want to stay within mag length (2. Alliant Power Pro 4000-MR. 224 75BTHP vs. is pretty well a standard load for . 224 75 gr ELD® Match Item #22791 | 100/Box . It's a maximum load in most manuals for a 68/69 grain bullets. 7 gr. 75 grain Hornady bullets are very good, but some rifles simply prefer Nosler or Sierra 77's. 243" 90 gr. 9 to 26. Jul 26, 2011 · I shoot 69gr SMK's with 25. 223 caliber specific book doesn't list ANY 75 gr bullets, the Hodgdon site lists only a 75 GR. 69" at 100 yds. 308 Winchester (Using 208 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 18 loads. Threads. Accurate 2520. 23 '' | 56. 243 Cartridge Guide we list a Chuck Hawks gen'l purpose load for the 87gr V-Max: IMR 4064, 37. The 75 gr. 23. 4 max. 5gr increments. Find a Retailer. I found my sweet spot @ 23. 8g BC (G1)= . with . these are for my long range trips and must shoot 3/4" consistently so when i stretch them out they are su Oct 17, 2014 · and seated to 2. 223s. #5 · Apr 5, 2011 (Edited) See the Sierra Data at the link below. IMR 4895 24. the 2. 2: Hornady 223 REM 55 GR SP. 224 | 75gr | Hornady BTHP Match bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. In the pic DStroud posted, you can see the different COAL lengths for those bullets. It produces 2720 fps from it's 26" barrel. Both can be transformed into precision Aug 10, 2009 · Aug 10, 2009. Bullet: Hornady 178g ELD-M oal= 2. Jun 8, 2013 · 45. They used a 20" barrel for the ballistics. I am loading them up with Varget and Accurate 2230. 7 grs yielding 3400 fps. Full Member. Hornady's 8th edition, 243 win, 75 gr bullets - H4350. Developed by Hornady ® engineers, these bullet jackets are a technological advancement in design, tooling and manufacturing that combine to produce the most consistently concentric bullet jackets available. Developed by Hornady ® engineers, these bullet jackets are a technological advancement in design, tooling and manufacturing that combine to produce the most consistently concentric bullet jackets May 16, 2017 · 75 gr. We’ve got a known-good charge, so I want to test seating depth in this video. start to 25. My rifle is a Colt HBAR 20-inch 1/7 224 Valkyrie 75 gr BTHP Hornady BLACK ®. 24-2. Hornady BLACK ® ammunition features versatile loads optimized for excellent performance from America’s favorite guns. 5 mm. I have a pretty good inventory of Hornady bullets: 73 ELD-M, 75 BTHP & ELD-M, 80 ELD-M. 223 Remington 75 gr BTHP Match™ Hornady BLACK ® Item #80267 | 20/Box . varget and 308 loads. 56 NATO ; Twist Rate 1 in 9. Sep 9, 2013. 52 grain MK's, 27. BTW if you examine some hornady TAP 75gr you'll find it's thick brass, 23. 5. 68gr BTHP I figured for $180 I'd give it a try either that or wait on backorder list for nosler,sierra or hornady . 0 with Hornady's 75 grain bthp match bullet. The COL in the manual for all the 75 BTHPs is 2. 4 grains of Reloder 15, Winchester, WCC, LC, or Lapua cases, Remington 7 1/2 primers, bullet seated to 2. 250 I'm getting 1 MOA at 2527fps average. Loaded with legendary Hornady ® bullets, Hornady BLACK ® ammunition is designed to fit, feed and function in a variety of platforms. First I put on a Sightron SiH-TAC 3-9x40 scope. 2444 2706. I found it very accurate. I am hoping some of you kind folks could lend me some assistance. #5. Varget works well in other rounds I load like 308, 300 Savage, 303 British and 7. 2706. 6. Wt. #2. 218 DIAMETER: 0. Load data for 42 loads in caliber . The load data will populate in the field below. 99. Hornady ELD Match Bullets 22 Caliber (224 Diameter) 80 Grain Boat Tail Box of 100. May 12, 2022 By Steve Gash. The author used Redding dies to build his . F. ya kv qt pp zy ae gi ao nl hk