Polaris rzr 170 backfire problems. #3 · Dec 25, 2010. Rating. It doesn't do it every time, and it'll still accelerate in stages and get up to speed. Dec 24, 2010 · I don't know what carbs these 170s have, but backfiring during deceleration typically indicates that your machine isn't getting enough fuel (too much air). Meaning that the engine is receiving less fuel than it requires for the air taken in or more than enough. Any backfire for ANY reason is BAD for your engine, its like removing the head and taking a sledge hammer and beating the crown of your piston, it over stresses all the parts connected to the piston, hammers bearings, builds excessive pressures in the combustion Jul 29, 2017 · 3 posts · Joined 2017. Probably time to dip the carb. e. Jets 35 and 110, cleaned carb bowl and sprayed cleaner all in it. I have had a polaris rzr 170 for 20 weeks and it has been in the shop for over 15 of those weeks . Jan 19, 2021 · RZR 170 Specific Discussion. Feel free to contact us at 760-955-1409 if you have any questions about any of our products. I just changed jetting after installing the muzzy intake and exhaust and now it will crank and crank but wont start. When I change out a fuel pump , normally pump out rest of gas in the tank of a rzr that sat that long. My rzr has been buller proof but my 7 year old my be to much for the 170. Find specifications for the 2021 Polaris RZR 170 EFI Bright White/Indy Red such as engine, drivetrain, dimensions, brakes, tires, wheels, payload capacity and cargo system. #1 · May 30, 2016. Nov 3, 2022 · Let’s get started! 1. He called me back today and here is a quote from my post in another Apr 4, 2013 · General RZR. Jul 9, 2010 · Pilot screw may not be adjusted right, 1. My old bendix didn't seem that bad once it was out. Does your RZR170 Backfire? Jump to Latest Follow Sep 7, 2010 · Popping, Backfiring, Stalling, and Not Starting. Sounds like a gunked up carburetor. #7 · Jul 30, 2015. -Vent racing carb & Mikuni VM26 carb backup. Excess grease on the splines is wiped off as the axle is inserted, but there is no place for the grease on the end of the axle to go, so it builds up and prevents complete locking in of Oct 30, 2016 · MikeT. My Toys: 05 Trx450. The pump is $84. We upgraded the front and rear shocks which lifted it a couple of inches as well as giving us more travel, also put on 1" spacers on the rear and 2" spacers on front. The Legend. I just picked up a 1999 Polaris Magnum 500 4x4 that was in need of some work. For those looking to reach the next level, RZR Pro R features 225 HP, a 74" width and 29" of usable travel, this machine delivers industry-leading power, strength and control. Mar 15, 2013 · I have a rzr 170. I bought a 2019 rzr 170 with about 20 hours on it and the parking brake started losing hold. I've checked air cleaner and it's clean. May 12, 2011 · General RZR. Insurance. Woods rider. • No fuel in tank • Restricted tank vent, or routed improperly • Throttle stop screw set incorrect Jan 19, 2014 · Polaris Ranger RzR 170 Starter Problem. #13 · Jan 20, 2009. General RZR Discussion. worked great till this issue popped up. A canvas roof, half windshield, and front tube bumper are available from Polaris. Those are common issues with a clogged main jet and pilot jet. -23" tires on 10" rims. I’m wanting to try the 40/110 jets but there are Apr 5, 2016 · Here's a photo showing the starter in the background and the bendix. But the old fuel looked a lil darker yellow but fresh smell and no water. You have to remove the flywheel to get the bendix free from this photo. Jan 20, 2021 · Clean out all the excess grease from the differential and the axle splines. Oct 30, 2013 · The exhaust must be both free-flowing and have an open exit for the popping to occur. He has had it to two different mechanics (one being Polaris). I have also changed the CPU, the coil and plug wires and the sensor in the air intake. Jun 12, 2016 · Rzr 170 EFI starts but will not throttle. #4 · Apr 29, 2012. Cleaned the batt ground and frame ground. Apr 17, 2018 · 4K views 4 replies 5 participants last post by RWB713 Dec 18, 2018. I have found no aftermarket units that are compatible. Sport UTV. OK, 2014 RZR 800, Last weekend I started having a little problem with hard starting when hot. Leading Suspension. #5 · Mar 16, 2017. I parked it. May 2, 2011 · The problem is Polaris installs too small of a pilot jet from the factory (almost makes you wonder if they pulled this carb off of a lawnmower and slapped it on the RZR without testing it. I have the hash mark from the flywheel on the case split and the passenger side Mar 15, 2021 · I have my buddies 2009 Rzr 170 apart and cant figure out this throttle problem. The problem has gotten progresively worse and now it runs like garbage pretty much all the time. Plus destination charge of $1695. 39 posts · Joined 2008. If found remove the tank and clean out any moisture. 16" of ground clearance. The RZR 170 Mar 15, 2010 · The higher ground clearance really helped. 4 miles before a gasket Oct 16, 2018 · 12 posts · Joined 2018. It started popping/backfiring when I would let off the gas, mostly on a downhill a few months ago. Cranked fine and next time only a clicking noise looks like from a solenoid behind drivers seat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Hard to start but air box is dry. 11K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by Bruce! Jan 19, 2014. He called me back today and here is a quote from my post in another Oct 30, 2013 · The exhaust must be both free-flowing and have an open exit for the popping to occur. 2014 RZR 570 Runs fine one day then bad the next usually when wet, stalls out and will not idle until you change the plug. Put a small amount of fresh grease on the splines and none on the end of the shaft. runs like a goat in the hills) a 2018 RZR 900 trail EPS (seemed awesome but) I have a 2018 Polaris RZR 900 Trail. 2020 XP 4 Turbo S, PRP Heated Seats & door bags, Rok Blokz, Rugged Comms, Eibach Dual Rate Springs, Wide Fender Flares, XTC Street Legal Kit, AZ RZR Pro R. 504 was the bottom on the 2009 700 and you have 481 If you are getting the "out of sync code" you have a bad CPS or a bad wire in the harness and the engine absolutely will not start. #1 · Apr 17, 2018. Jul 30, 2015 · 4471 posts · Joined 2005. Racerah Discussion starter. Terrain Versatility. May 6, 2013 · 5 posts · Joined 2013. Check the switch on the parking brake it could be sticking causing it to act like the parking brake is on. EFI provides more accurate speed control in all Jan 18, 2009 · 314 posts · Joined 2008. Aftermarket support is strong for adding extra levels of durability and safety. Adding horsepower, increasing ground clearance and buying bigger, wider tires. I opened the motor to see what was happening and the gear that connected the starter motor to the main gear moves away from the main gear before it starts. Does your RZR170 Backfire? Jump to Latest Follow Mar 14, 2021 · RZR_Joe said: The throttle is drive by wire, no throttle cable. That along with the larger tires has been a good combination allowing my son to get a lot more use out of it. #5 · Oct 31, 2016. Then under load , high ambient temperature, pulling a hill machine starting losing power, back firing, and then died. Carb version. Compare with the 2010 Polaris Scrambler™ 500 4x4. Your carb should have a air/fuel mixture screw. And I believe the previous owner did something to the exhaust to make it louder. 29" of usable travel. Outkast Arched 3" and Rhino axles. About 6 months ago the engine blew up at only 3200 miles. Jul 22, 2013 · Camozuki. Zero fault codes in the computer show up thru the diagnostic scan on the gauge cluster. Springs sag over time. Sound would go away with slightest throttle. I cleaned every jet and passageway and checked to STRENGTH. Very common for them to be loose, split etc. #30 · Jun 24, 2017. I have both a RZR 4 and a RZR S and I cant tell you how impressed I was with the RZR 4. After comprehensive forum research we upgraded with several common mods: -Vent racing K&N intake. 2 posts · Joined 2018. If I accelerate it starts backfiring and has no power . Check your exhaust header at the "Y", both top and bottom. May 1, 2020 · I have a 2013 800s and have had it for about 2 years. It is possible to repair by a "good" welder or purchase new from a dealer or used from someone that has changed exhaust system. RZR pioneered the sport of side-by-side performance. 2020 RZR turbo evap model (California) I have EVO tunes 1-5 have only used 1-2-3 tunes on 98 octane I have been out on 3 trips since EVO tuning, AA BOV and air pipes EVO stage 1 clutch, Trinity exhaust 1st trip no issues ran killer on stage 3 tune and stage 1. So as you guessed, the gas and battery went bad. I'm trying to trouble shoot my 2016 XPT with 1200 that has a sporadic cutting out and backfiring issues. The latest problem is that it stalls when you May 12, 2015 · 9 posts · Joined 2012. . Jul 11, 2015 · From a dead stop if you put it to the floor it starts cutting out at around 6000 RPM and keeps climbing in speed and RPM. If your running lean, usually you will always get popping on decel after a hard wide open throttle run. When you let off you gas you will go lean for a bit and when you use ethonal gas you are going to run leaner. Look for burnt upper and lower connections. I don't know what carbs these 170s have, but backfiring during deceleration typically indicates that your machine isn't getting enough fuel (too much air). Oct 26, 2015 · Symptoms: Hard start or no start, bog, backfire, popping through int ake / exh aust, hesitation, de tonation, low power, spark plug erosion, engine runs hot, surging, high idle, idle speed erratic. When researching the Polaris RZR, one major system seems to be left out with frequent regularity: The Polaris RZR Electrical System. #1 · Apr 11, 2023. Jan 30, 2017 · 10 posts · Joined 2016. The first thing you should do if you’re having throttle position sensor issues is to inspect the sensor itself. It seems to do it after you've been driving it for a while and you go to push down on throttle and looses all power and pops and backfires, can't Jul 20, 2020 · 45 posts · Joined 2013. Hello, I am new to the RZR world and had am working on my first car. There is one bolt going through the center of the coil mounting it to the panel, which mounts to the frame. $3,999. backfiring is usually a condition casued by to lean of a fuel mixture. But ended up with a knock but still ran great when motor was pulled back out. 4 posts · Joined 2015. 26 posts · Joined 2017. . The problem is not the coil, but the bolt that goes through the coil is a working chassis ground, i. To fix this, you’ll need to replace the clutch, which can be a costly repair. My first guess is broken Tbap wiring. Was running perfectly before the starter fix but had been sitting for months. (if that makes scence). Plus logistics surcharge of $500. I was up in the mountains when it started backfiring and losing power until it coasted to a stop and died. It has to have 39 psi. Tell them to check the timing, Mine had the same issue, sputtering and popping, felt like power went down to 50%. Polaris has replaced the throttle cable , adjusted the carberator several times,rebuilt the starter, replaced the solenoid, replaced the steering gear box ,rebuilt the top end of the motor (which lasted 2. Backfire when you let off the gas is usually because of a lean condition. Like. New Cazador 180 Sport Style UTV. From a dead stop putting the pedal 3/4 way down, runs to 7500-8000 RPM and 55+ MPH without cutting out at all. If it's backfiring on deceleration, the cause is most likely a crack in the exhaust header at the "Y". 225 posts · Joined 2013. So frustrating Mar 16, 2017 · 49 posts · Joined 2013. I'm looking for some help/advice with my 2010 RZR S. Inspect the Throttle Position Sensor. I want to say I downloaded the owners manual and followed the directions to adjust it. Easily select from a 15 MPH restricted mode, or unrestricted 29 MPH based on rider skill level. 99. 12 Rzr XP 900, Tony's Toys 3" Lift, Top, Sliders. The bracket holding the clutch intake tube that runs up to the May 30, 2016 · rzr fryguy Discussion starter. Go get this wet and it starts all over again, BUT not always, I am thinking plug wire has some issue, connection is never a good snap into place Dec 4, 2013 · Air Leaks: Any source of fresh air into the exhaust system can create or worsen the conditions that bring about exhaust backfiring. I found it was the clutch cover rubbing the clutch. #2 · Mar 18, 2015. Your mixture screw should be between 1-3 turns out. We are at about 1000 feet elevation. Carb is rebuilt well. Replaced throttle cable. OK yet another won't start issue! I have a 2013 570 RZR EFI machine. The check engine light also came on. 2021 Polaris RZR 170 EFI MSRP: $5,399. I disconnected the fuel line to the carb it see if there was fuel being pumped but nothing was coming out. Apr 9, 2009 · Mine backfired on deceleration and it was an exhaust leak. 100% stock. I went to my dealer yesterday complaining about my 2013 570 LE backfire problem. You can pull the engine while leaving the transmission in the machine. Pro Armor Doors, Trailing Arm Sliders, Harnesses. This guide will detail each problem along with proven fixes. Dec 7, 2011 · General RZR. Jul 20, 2021 · Pricing and Which One to Buy. 22227 posts · Joined 2006. Feb 28, 2022 · Feb 28th 2022. Happened again on a ride at Brimestone this past weekend after a rough section of trail. Mar 3, 2016 · 2014 rzr 170 Stock motor and exhaust 35 and 110 jets I have read and read with no fix and stumped Here what it is doing: surging idle, backfiring, mash the gas and it revs crazy high for a while, backfires and then starts surging. Third trip on 2010 first trip broke both running boards. South Dakota (1) Texas (1) RZR 170, Polaris Sport Youth Side by Side: This vehicle is for recreational use by young operators under adult supervision and for drivers and passengers over the age of 10. If the sensor is damaged, you’ll need to replace it. The recall occurred when it was discovered that the fuel tank neck could crack or that the wiring harness could short-circuit or overheat-the outcome of this being a possible fuel leak and fire hazards. It will start fine and will idle but when you give it gas it will just die. Aug 9, 2022 · As a result of the potential for fuel leaks and fires, Polaris was forced to issue a recall for roughly 16,800 RZR 170 off-road vehicles. 9 minutes ago · #1. Jun 22, 2015 · Mumble Discussion starter. I suggest doing a new home run from the connector to the CDI or or just jumping the kill wires right out of the CDI. It has a big wheel kit. #1 · Sep 19, 2020. a crack in the manifoldmy 2 cents. My first thoughts when I heard it run was valve timing/issue. I have a Polaris 2009 900 rzr it seems fine when cold but starts once it is driven for a while. I heard about the parking brake needs to be released or it puts it in limp mode. Intake boot, wire shorted, bad sensor. Air filter letting too much dust into the engine. #4 · May 12, 2020. #6 · Jan 2, 2024. Attach your Negative lead from the Digital Volt meter. Oct 14, 2019 · Polaris RZR Fuel Pump Diagnosis:https://www. 90% of the deceleration back firing problems are caused by Nov 15, 2010 · The fuel pump is for a 1993 Jeep Wrangler 4 cylinder. Backfiring, stalling, no codes. Turns out it jumped timing and damaged some internals. 9% 2009 May 8, 2010 · Got my sons on trailer tonight sproket was rubbing on cover,then found welds broke. Cleaned up tools. Broken Driver Clutch: If your driver clutch is broken, it can cause serious transmission problems. Mar 6, 2013 · 2013 570 backfire problem. Ignition coil is working and even swapped with a buddy. Type. After a few minutes of sitting I can get it started again for a few minutes until the problem returns once it warms up again. Mar 14, 2011 · rzr 170 no start. Oil pressure relief valve gives out leading to a blown engine. Jul 16, 2009 · RZR 170 PROBLEMS. Re: 2010 RZR 170 starting and running problems. Not sure if the links will come through for the second one. Yes, I'm still waffling on which youth SxS to get The RZR 170 has resale benefits, and the new Pitster Pro Double x 200 is tempting too, but I just saw this for $2299 delivered! CAZADOR USA. Slide 1 clip beside the PURPLE wire on the harness side (or BLACK if you probe the TPS side). The single wire is connected to the parking brake - either the starter motor will not run or there is no spark until the parking brake is set. Oct 4, 2015 · Pumped out the remaining fuel and put in 3 fresh gallons. Oct 15, 2009 · Slide 1 clip beside the GREEN wire on the harness side (or YELLOW if you probe the TPS side). The carb has to be taken apart and cleaned if it sits for a week. L I tore into the spare motor and it ended up being spun rod bearing. Owner's Manuals | Polaris RZR Basically, I jacked the rear end to lift the rear wheels off the ground. Apr 29, 2012 · 170 posts · Joined 2011. It is oxigenated fuel. Wide Stance. The pilot controls fuel when idle whereas the other is used for acceleration. Opening the air/fuel mixture screw will richen it. Mar 17, 2015 · 1196 posts · Joined 2010. Then the fuel pump and drained the gas tank, no change. Jump to Latest Follow 2K views Feb 15, 2021 · 2020 xp4 turbo losing power up hill backfires. Oct 7, 2015 · Pull the fuel pump out of the tank and check the filter. The five most common Polaris RZR 800 problems are: The pinion nut destroying the rear differential. 30" Tires, 14. Nothing important had any damage so it looked to me to be in working order. This causes an intermittent short, which is worsened by moisture and vibration at first. PoPo only sells the complete unit for approx. Battery is fully charged and its good (checked with a load tester). If I give it throttle and let off the Excelerator pedal it decreases RPM but then surges 3 to 5 times before it starts to idle rough. Mar 10, 2022 · 2 posts · Joined 2021. Even a small air leak can dramatically increase the intensity or likelihood of exhaust system backfiring. #3 · Jan 30, 2017. in limp mode. My brand new (only had it for 5 days) 570 has started bogging down and backfiring when I accelerate. Let's start with; the 570 has been put away for a couple of years (bad news). This explosion is what causes the infamous May 30, 2010 · 2928 posts · Joined 2009. Hopefully this electrical problem is only a few. I’ve tried to bridge the wires in the throttle assembly and that just results in high rpm. Aug 9, 2018 · Hi everyone, I have a 2018 RZR 900s with 3664 kms on the clock. Attach your Positive lead from the Digital Volt meter there. Sep 5, 2017 · 33 posts · Joined 2014. The trail we were on had some fairly deep water sections and they stalled it out in about 18 inches of water. Got it with a grenaded motor but got a spare 2013 motor with it. It was likely salvageable with a good soaking and lube but due to the difficulty Apr 11, 2023 · 5 posts · Joined 2023. It’s always hard to start and back fire occasionally while driving. Engine overheating. A couple weeks ago I was going down the driveway at about 20 and the rear diff blew up. 74" stance for stability. #3 · Jul 20, 2020. Wipe out the interior of the tank. A straight pipe intake like most manufactures are building & Muzzy,Alba,FUTV ect mufflers should all be close to 40 pilot & 130 main @ less than 5000ft. Jul 27, 2019 · In other words, ATV backfiring occurs due to a short, sudden instance when the engine is too lean or too rich. it is the ground for the coils. 2008 Sportsman 500 EFI. Boomba Racing is now a recognized name in the automotive world and Nov 28, 2010 · jexter. I had blown a belt and replaced the fuel pump but nothing major. Purchased a 2012 170 RZR for the g-kids a while back. a 2013 RZR 800 trail EPS (awesome machine - never broke down. Reinvented. Backfire Problems. Does your RZR170 Backfire? Does your RZR 170 Backfire, and what year do you own? YES Votes: 130 80. :greenrzr: RZR#2 Sep 19, 2020 · 92 posts · Joined 2020. 5-2 turns out should be very close. #3 · May 6, 2013. #1 · Jul 29, 2017. R. RZR #1=Green Gen 1, ITP mudlites, 2" lift, FMF pipe, UMP air filter, Polaris Roof, rock sliders, front and rear bumpers, wink mirror, 3000 lb Warn winch, 10 million scratches, 9th place 2010 GNCC UTV Open/Limited class. You can do this by removing the sensor and checking for any damage or debris. #6 · Nov 28, 2010. 2007 Sportsman 500 EFI. But to me it sounds like you still may be a tad rich . My next choice would be a bad fuel pump. 2nd trip ran killer until last Find a Polaris ATV/SxS Dealer Near You. Jun 7, 2017 · The abrasion just wears through the cheap coating used by Polaris, check bends and pinch-points first. #1 · Jan 18, 2017. #1 · Jun 22, 2015. Yes, backfiring is a lean condition, too much air not enough fuel. 2011 model has ran perfect since christmas. Jan 11, 2006 · The problem is on the coil. I installed a 2011 crankshaft and balance shaft and used my 2012 flywheel. I hear the fuel pump or whatever solenoid going in and out, does anybody have any ideas I can try first?? Oct 14, 2012 · Later in the ride the the rzr began to backfire, misfire on a cylinder, and had low idle. MSRP. 338 posts · Joined 2011. Engine would have to spin longer before starting. rockymountainatvmc. I have a 2011 or 12 900xp. It doesn't sound like rev limiter as the "sputter" doesn't get quicker or closer together. Apr 25, 2014 · 419 posts · Joined 2012. You can either replace the header with another one or the "S" header will also work with some mods or you can have the original header crack welded Jun 20, 2017 · 8978 posts · Joined 2013. 7% NO Votes: 24 14. After a week of chasing my tail tuning the carb, going up and down in jets, t Oct 17, 2016 · 91 posts · Joined 2012. Regards, Mark. On your year model 2006 check plug end connections on your PCM or Control Module under the hood on the fire wall passenger side. Trail Agility. I could turn the engine off and restart and the rzr would run normal again, however the 75% thottle issue continued and the backfire/misfire/low idle problem occurred 3-4 more time. In fact, a backfire creates an explosion in the exhaust or intake of your engine. The most common entry point is the junction of the header pipes and mufflers. All-New 114 HP ProStar 1000 Gen 2 Engine. Take the fuel line off of the fuel rail and blow with compressed air from fuel pump side to get any crud out of the line. The unburnt fuel builds up in the exhaust and ignites when it gets too hot, causing a backfire. I have a Polaris Razor 170 and the starter just spins free. Feb 2, 2008 · So first I changed the belt and spark plugs and after driving in low for 15 minutes it finally came out of limp mode. 5 reviews. #8 · Jul 23, 2013. We had been manufacturing high performance car, truck and powersport parts for several years, private labeling them for other companies but in 2003 we decided to market our products under our own name. That is another source of trouble on that year model. Other possible causes: Air Leaks: Any source of fresh air into the exhaust system can create or worsen the conditions that bring about exhaust backfiring. I cannot seem to get the timing right, This is my second rebuild on a XP and I've never had this problem before. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated Jul 28, 2017 · 9 minutes ago · #1. I would make the dealer fix it right. You are looking for a crack in the header at the "Y". Max Clearance. :scared2: 2010 Robbie Gordon RZR 4 epper1: 2010 RZR S Orange Madness. Jul 10, 2014 · 08 RZR 800- 11 front end conversion w/ LED headlights, Dakota Digital dash, SATV +6 offset long travel kit, Rhino axles, 900XP shocks, 900 front hub/ brake conversion, QSC clutch turning 30" Carnivores, 3500lb Polaris winch, EMP 1/2 windshield, Air box relocation w/ custom snorkels, BoeschBuilt parking brake, dual Venom LED whips, 30" Totron Jun 1, 2020 · 2014 RZR 170 (R14VA17AA/AF) - Electrical Parts. Suggest drain and catch fuel in a glass container (big ass pickle jar) allow to settle and look for water in the bottom of the jar. So I'm no expert but mine was doing the same thing. he can run though small amount of water and it dies. carnivore. 61 CJ5 - fully restored. Also might what to carefully check the wires at the fuel injectors and the TPS. my problem sounds identical to yours. $275. #1 · Apr 25, 2014. 2010 RZR S. Available in 2-seat and 4-seat models. After I put in the new fuel pump I add Aug 1, 2017 · fuel pump pressure too high, engine backfire. No codes are present. it had 297 miles when I got it. If I let it set for awhile it would run. The CDI is DC and needs 12v to generate spark - the GY6 CDI units are AC. #5 · Oct 18, 2016. I thought it would backfire or bitch but it didnt just wouldnt pull more than 6400rpm(turbo motor mind you) that had been pullinh 9500rpm with no seaming problem other than symptom. Tommy, double check the SERVICE MANUAL for the ohms spec on the 2010 800 CPS . ) Based on the number of 170 owners who have this issue, I can almost guarantee that this is the issue. I just rebuilt my 2012 RZR XP 900. Sputtering and back fire are signs of fuel starvation. Jan 8, 2024 · Boomba Racing is a manufacturing company located in Wood Dale, Illinois. Starting at $37,499 US MSRP. I removed the fuel filter to see if it was plugged but everything seemed to be fine there. Dec 24, 2010 · 433 posts · Joined 2009. It has a little over 100 miles on it and has no other problems. No side-by-side has covered more miles of dune and desert terrain and no brand has more history. Jan 18, 2017 · JarRZR3311 Discussion starter. Well, not in so many words, but got my point across. I have a 2015 rzr 900 4 seater. May 1, 2013 · A backfire could mean your too rich as well. I drove a couple miles and it did it again. #2 · Sep 5, 2017. Most of the time they are broken inside the plastic insulation and are very hard to find. Started it back up and right back into misfire and limp mode. It didn't want to start for a couple minutes and then it fired up and took off like nothing was wrong. I disassembled the carb for cleaning and found obvious signs that someone had already opened it up for work. Sep 20, 2023 · Polaris RZR 800 Problems. 4 posts · Joined 2020. Jan 11, 2006 · It’s now sputtering around 5,000 rpm and backfiring constantly til I get off the gas. #1 · May 29, 2010 (Edited) Killed the 170's Transmission TodayNeed Some Advice!!! Took my kids out to ride their RZR 170 today and ended up towing them back. Pricing starts at $5,399 before taxes, fees, or any factory accessories you may want bolted on at time of purchase. After those two mods the carb becomes the choke point, so jetting any larger than that is just in essence flooding Apr 2, 2021 · I show you how I fixed my spitting and sputtering issue on the Polaris rzr 170. I wasn't happy but we got a different one put In and it ran great for about 2 weeks. I have tried adjusting the TPS with no change. 64" Width, 90" Wheelbase. Probably a solenoid but the dealer is 30 miles away and was just seeing if anyone else had the same problem and maybe Quick Acceleration. I have even changed the throttle body and TPS with a unit from a parts RZR of the same year. Mar 16, 2015 · Tossed that out put in a manual adjuster and reset the cams (AGAIN) ran like a top after that. #4 · Oct 4, 2014. On hot days after a few hours of riding it will begin to loose power, back fire and eventually die. Long story made short, all of that got fixed with a new battery, flushing the tank, cleaning the inside of Oct 3, 2014 · 2007 Polaris Ranger700 XP LE. Check both top and bottom for the crack. Most articles and blogs tend to lean towards the more "interesting" aspects of fixing or modifying a UTV. com/Sales/2898/Polaris-RZR-Fuel-Pump-Replacement?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=rzrfuelpumpdiag Jan 27, 2022 · In this video I show you how to diagnose the fuel & Ignition systems, determine the problem, fix it, and get your Polaris RZR 170 running again. 1196 posts · Joined 2010. Aug 8, 2018 · Mudd Dogg Maldo. Nov 30, 2022 · A new OEM Polaris RZR 1000 transmission drive belt will cost you between $75 and $80. Jan 12, 2011 · priming the Fuel pump on a 170. I saw that too, but it was in the book so Founder, American Sand Association - 40,000 Glamis acres re-opened with 9,000 to go. All of a sudden my 2013 Rzr 900 4 xp wont start, it keeps cranking, but wont start. Jan 26, 2015 · Running rough/Backfire through intake. #1 · Mar 10, 2022. The dual coil is mounted to a panel inside the front left fender well. #2 of 12 Polaris Sport UTV ATV's. Have only been messing with it for a few, but thought I would get some input Oct 3, 2012 · Idle Problems with Backfiring. Custom cage, Boonedocker programmer,Dirty Dawg Clutch, S&S cycle 7000 rpm valve train kit, S&S reprogramed ECU to 7000 rpm, 46mm throttle body, Muzzy exhaust, Affco silver series Dec 22, 2011 · hoser. i have two RZRs. 5" Ground Clearance. 2013 Ranger 900XP OMLE. there. List of what I have done. Jan 2, 2024 · 93 posts · Joined 2016. I had a guy drop it off last week. 30" Bighorns on STI 14" Beadlocks. So next i changed the spark plug wires, no change. RZR 170 Specific Discussion. -Snorkel mod. 14" Hiper Dakar Dual Bead Locks with 30" Dominator Tires and Nascar Valve Stems. #1 · Oct 16, 2018. 16 RZR Turbo. I looked underneath and noticed that the wires were disconnected probably from loading it in my toy hauler and high centering it. I told him of the 2012 backfire problem and suggested that the cure might be the same for the 13 as for the 12. The spare motor only had 5-6 hrs on a complete rebuild. #1 · May 12, 2015. The all-new RZR XP is engineered to deliver with an optimally balanced chassis and the perfect combination of power, suspension and agility. Every time I push the throttle it dies. ts iy gb de mv zn rq zy je fm