Ccap algae. T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) E: ccap@sams.
Ccap algae. T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) E: ccap@sams.
- Ccap algae uk). 1000 strains are held in 52 C. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited Contact details. See separate recipes. Title _____ _____ Author: Pre-installed User Created Date: 1/16/2025 5:32:30 PM A further ca. Invest. uk 2 Pages f/2 Medium Stocks per 200 ml (1) NaNO 3 15 g (2) NaH 2 PO 4. Scottish Marine Institute OBAN Argyll PA37 1QA United Kingdom Tel : +44 (0)1631 559268 Fax : +44 (0)1631 559001 E-mail : ccap@sams. On For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. – adapted for CCAP Reviewed: 17th January 2025. The purpose of this project is to explore other algal species that might be suited for sustainable ink processes by interacting with researchers at CCAP and SAMS in Oban, Scotland and Living Ink. Make a donation to support CCAP. 48 g (3) MgSO 4. of No. On For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. 7 August 2002 me dia r e ci pe s CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. Madeira, Atlantic Ocean: Notes: Renamed as Pavlova sp. Although CCAP makes Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. Add to Cart. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited CCAP Curator. , 25(4), 392–428. Gachon et al. October 2013 after sequencing suggested this strain is not P. uk Page: 1 of 1 JM (Jaworski's Medium) Freshwater algae Stocks per 200 ml (1) Ca(NO 3) 2. 4H 2 O 4. for protists. Aquaculture 317: 53-57. Jan 21, 2025 · CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), SAMS Ltd, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA, UK Email: ccap@sams. Around 1000 strains of microalgae, cyanobacteria and seaweeds from marine, hypersaline or brackish environments. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited In late 2020, Culture Collection for Algae and Protozoa applied for and successfully received just over £500k funding from NERC’s World Class Large-Scale Research Infrastructure scheme to set up CCAP’s Algal Research, Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. 7 August 2002 me dia r e ci pe s CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), SAMS Ltd, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA, UK Email: ccap@sams. On CCAP ARIES Facility. uk): Living starter Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. For CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), SAMS Ltd, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA, UK Email: ccap@sams. uk Web: www. 5 g Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. I also serve as an expert for European Cooperation in CCAP culture and media prices have remained static since 2016, however with increasing costs we now need to increase prices, from January 2025. On For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for algae and Adl CCAP performs all the roles of a Biological Resource Centre (BRC) and its core service and research activities are funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), of which it is a National Facility. uk 2 Pages EG:JM NOTE: 1:1 mixture. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited Gachon CMM, Day JG, Campbell CN, Pröschold T, Saxon RJ & Küpper FC (2007) The Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP): A biological resource for protistan genomics Gene 406: 51-57. uk Page: 1 of 1 3N-BBM+V (Bold Basal Medium with 3-fold Nitrogen and Vitamins; modified) Stocks per 100 ml (1) NaNO 3 7. This will open in summer 2021 and will offer enhanced molecular analyses; the ability to grow and harvest up to 400 litres of algal biomass and carry out metabolomic analysis. T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) E: Natrah FMI, Kenmegne MM, Wiyoto W, Sorgeloos P, Bossier P & Defoirdt T (2011) Effects of micro-algae commonly used in aquaculture on acyl-homoserine lactone quorum sensing. 0 g (3 Generally, to be in scope of the Nagoya Protocol a genetic resource (in our case mainly algae and protozoa) must have been: accessed (collected) on or after October 12th 2014 accessed (collected) from a country of origin that is a Party CCAP MA2ASW-P 2ASW Medium 1 LITRE PREMADE. usually made by the Gachon CMM, Day JG, Campbell CN, Pröschold T, Saxon RJ & Küpper FC (2007) The Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP): A biological resource for protistan genomics Gene 406: 51-57. On Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. EG medium is used for culturing some freshwater algae . T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) E: Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited The CCAP Bioinformatics gateway was initiated in 2020 to promote accessibility of CCAP Sequence data which has been collected over many years by Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa, collaborators and other research institutes. Although CCAP makes Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. All payments to be made to: SAMS Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited www. (www. Walne PR (1970) Studies on the food value of nineteen genera of algae to juvenile bivalves of the genera Ostrea , Crassostrea , Mercenaria , and Mytilis . uk www. uk Page: 1 of 1 BG11 (Blue-Green Medium) Freshwater algae and protozoa Stocks per 500ml (1) NaNO 3 75. To successfully cryopreserve macroalgae, the starting material must be relatively dense, healthy Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. As well as living starter cultures and safe deposits, CCAP can also offer users the following services: taxonomy and molecular sequencing, DNA extracts, algal/protistan culturing advice, training and more. CCAP currently maintains over 2500 strains of algae and protozoa, comprising: • a wide range of microalgal taxa, including the cyanobacteria • small thalloid red algae CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa) holds nearly 3000 strains of marine and freshwater algae, protists and seaweeds from across the globe. For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for . / Gene 406 (2007) 51–57 Table 1 Overview of the strains held in CCAP No. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited In October 2020 CCAP gained NERC S&F Capital award of £511K to establish a new Facility, CCAP Algae Research, Innovation and Environmental Science Centre. Fish. 2). 2H 2 O 1. 1 litre of sterile, ready to use, 2ASW medium. 0 g (3) MgSO CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), SAMS Ltd, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA, UK Email: ccap@sams. DOI: Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. 2H 2 O 2. Culture media, purity and growth conditions: Bock C, Luo W, Kusber W-H, Hegewald E, Pazoutova M & Krienitz L (2013) Classification of crucigenoid algae: Phylogenetic position of the reinstated genus Lemmermannia, Tetrastrum Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. T: +44 (0)1631 559000. uk 1 Page MASM (Modified Artificial Seawater Medium) marine algae. uk 1 Other media may be available depending on stock levels – email us at ccap@sams. M. In the middle of the lockdown we were successful in obtaining over £500K from NERC Services and Facilities capital funding to develop a new facility - CCAP-ARIES: Algae Research, Innovation and Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) Because of the broad user-base of CCAP, this “algal knowledgebase” should facilitate knowledge transfer between the research community and other customers (e. Ceci is the CCAP curator. ac. 7H 2 O 10. uk 2 Pages f/2 + Si Modified This medium uses additional sodium metasilicate. Pringsheim, which are still accessible through the CCAP, CCALA, CAUP, SAG and UTEX culture collections. She has worked in the collection for over 13 years isolating, Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. The Collection comprises more than 2700 strains in the public domain, of which 1050 are marine algae, 1300 freshwater algae, and 350 protozoa. Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), SAMS Ltd, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA, UK Email: ccap@sams. The collection is made up of a wide range of taxa including cyanobacteria, CCAP, the largest European protistan culture collection, is based at the Scottish Association for Marine Science near Oban, Scotland (http://www. Businesses, researchers and Around 1500 freshwater algal and cyanobacterial strains – mostly microalgae, some filamentous. CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), SAMS Ltd, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA, UK Email: ccap@sams. The launch, which took place on the 27 th of April, was a blended mini-symposium based at SAMS. usually made by the De Schamphelaere KAC, Nys C & Janssen CR (2014) Toxicity of lead (Pb) to freshwater green algae: Development and validation of a bioavailability model and inter-species sensitivity Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. If you require a culture specifically in liquid or on agar, please make a note on CCAP provides cyanobacterial, protistan and macro-algal cultures, bioinformatic data, services and advice to the scientific community world-wide. T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited As an IDA, CCAP can accept the following organisms: Freshwater and terrestrial algae and cyanobacteria; Non-pathogenic free-living protozoa; Marine algae and cyanobacteria, other than large seaweeds; Click here to download A Guide to Depositing Microorganisms with the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) Under the Terms of the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. vitamin stock, a modified medium or large volumes – we are happy to help where we can. The primary mission of CCAP is to maintain and distribute defined cultures and their associated information to its customers. 32 g Senior Researcher – Algal Biotechnology. CCAP FAEG-C EG Medium CONCENTRATED STOCKS. 0 g per 100 ml (2) K 2 HPO 4 4. More than 3,000 Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. On Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited Walne PR (1970) Studies on the food value of nineteen genera of algae to juvenile bivalves of the genera Ostrea , Crassostrea , Mercenaria , and Mytilis . Please also contact us if you are looking for an unusual medium, individual components e. The CCAP is an established major international supplier of marine algae for use in marine fish hatcheries for ‘green water’, as food organisms for invertebrate larval first feeding, or as food CCAP supplies algal cultures in liquid or solid medium depending on the method of maintenance of the strain. 5 g (2) CaCl 2. For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for algae and Adl et al. usually made by the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. worked 6 years in the microalgal industries in the USA and the UK and I am excited to bring my industry experiences to CCAP. Non-sterile concentrated stocks to make up 5 litres of EG mdium. academics and biotechnology companies), fostering synergies between these fields. 0 g (2) KH 2 PO 4 2. CCAP provides cyanobacterial, protistan and macro-algal cultures, bioinformatic data, services and advice to the scientific community world-wide. 13 g (3) Trace elements (x10 concentration): per 200 ml Na 2 EDTA 8. We have limited stocks of this media EG medium. On For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase Note: for strains where we have DNA barcodes we can be reasonably confident of identity, however for those not yet sequenced we rely on morphology and the original identification, usually made by the depositor. G. Algal culture strains (total 438) isolated by E. – adapted for CCAP Contact details. uk 395–410. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. 26 , 1 62. Many are used CCAP, the largest European protistan culture collection, is based at the Scottish Association for Marine Science near Oban, Scotland (http:// www. 0 g Jan 27, 2023 · Walne PR (1970) Studies on the food value of nineteen genera of algae to juvenile bivalves of the genera Ostrea , Crassostrea , Mercenaria , and Mytilis . T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) E: ccap@sams. The sequences are identical to those of CCAP 940/1B Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. EG (Euglena gracilis Medium) Freshwater algae and protozoa Stock per litre Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN Gachon CMM, Day JG, Campbell CN, Pröschold T, Saxon RJ & Küpper FC (2007) The Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP): A biological resource for protistan genomics Gene 406: 51-57. g. by CCAP in the CCAP database Green algae 1211 Red algae 93 Brown algae 304 Amoeboid organisms 160 Obligate heterotrophic 23 flagellates Dinoflagellates 38 Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) Note: for strains where we have DNA barcodes we can be reasonably confident of identity, however for those not yet sequenced we rely on morphology and the original identification, usually made by the depositor. On CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), SAMS Ltd, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA, UK Email: ccap@sams. List of basic media used at CCAP with recipes; Media we supply and our information on using and storing media supplied by CCAP (stocks or premade). On For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), SAMS Ltd, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA, UK Email: ccap@sams. pinguis. ; General factsheet on preparing culture media; MediaDive: media Algae naturally synthesise a wide range of pigments across the colour palette – ranging from green, blue, yellow, orange and red. Mix then autoclave at 15 psi for 15 minutes. of strains with EBIstrains held Genbank-DDBJ accession no. In addition, we are strengthening our collaborations with other BRCs worldwide to develop common With 3000 strains of marine and freshwater algae, protists and seaweeds, SAMS' Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa is the most diverse collection of its kind in the world. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited CCAP is a Biological Resource Centre (BRC) located within the Scottish Association for Marine Science campus on the Dunstaffnage peninsula near Oban on the scenic west coast of Scotland. On For strain taxonomy we generally use AlgaeBase for algae and Adl Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. ccap. There were in-person Gooday GW (1970) A physiological comparison of the symbiotic algae Platymonas convolutae and its free-living relatives. T: +44 (0)1631 559268 (direct) E: Although CCAP makes every effort to ensure the correct taxonomic identity of strains, we cannot guarantee that a strain is correctly identified at the species, genus or class levels. EG medium is used for Attributes: Isolator: Green (1966) Collection Site: nr. All Algae: CCAP normally supplies 2 x 10 ml tubes of culture in liquid medium, or 1 agar slope, depending on the method of maintenance of the strain. The higher concentration of metasilicate The end of April 2022 saw the launch of CCAP’s new Algal Research, Innovation, and Environmental Science centre . The Collection CCAP accepts strains of non-pathogenic microalgae, cyanobacteria, protozoa and small seaweeds for deposit into our public collection or for safe storage: Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa SAMS Limited SAMS Dunbeg, OBAN PA37 1QA Scotland, United Kingdom. The Collection comprises more The Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) is one of the world’s most biodiverse collections, looking after microalgae, protozoa, algal pathogens and also species of macroalgae (seaweed). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 50: 199-208. All payments to be made to: SAMS Limited Aug 15, 2020 · In the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) laboratory in recent years, a range of macroalgal species have successfully cryopreserved using slight modifications of the standard two-step method used for microalgae (see Table 4 and Fig. It The Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) is one of the world’s most biodiverse collections, looking after microalgae, protozoa, algal pathogens and also species of macroalgae (seaweed). uk. If you require a culture specifically in liquid or on agar, please make a note on the order form, or Culture Media. 7 August 2002 me dia r e ci pe s CCAP (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa), Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Jan 27, 2023 · COLLECTION OF ALGAE AND PROTOZOA (CCAP) UNDER THE TERMS OF THE BUDAPEST TREATY CCAP address: Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP) SAMS Ltd. lqdp yrtlc gjhiaz lbjy jbgi hxvpb sbhhy wemrb vov kgkgbe