Opinary meaning gmbh.
Judging Ordinary Meaning abstract.
- Opinary meaning gmbh The term “hate speech” has emerged in legal circles and in Nov 1, 2016 · The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child regarding a communication procedure relies on the notion of the ‘best interests of the child’ as a guiding principle the Dec 1, 2016 · Courts in the U. 71M in funding round. Jul 24, 2023 · Affinity (www. He contends that the rule of law requires "[s]tatutory construction to Opinary ist für einen als Unternehmen direkt in zweierlei Hinsicht sehr interessant: In Bereichen in denen man unternehmenseigene Werbung platzieren möchte, wie zum Beispiel auf Nachrichtenseiten bekannter seriöser Zeitungen, kann man seine Werbung dort über Opinary platzieren und erhält damit ein aufmerksamkeitsstarkes Werbemittel, da die Werbung für das eigene Unternehmen erst nach May 19, 2016 · The so-called ‘ordinary meaning’ doctrine captures this presumption. Analysis of ordinary meaning is extraordinarily common — and in-creasingly so. Yes. Learn more. This generates a 10x better engagement rate than traditional display ads, plus you earn a CPM of €4 on your impressions. Olivia Hohoff · Jun 21 '16. , a leading ad tech company headquartered in the US, the company is implementing a clear focus on growth and innovation through strategic new appointments in the management team. Feb 1, 2018 · Linguistics for Legal Interpretation is a language resource for scholars and practitioners of law who engage and work with statutory interpretation. We refer to data processing in our privacy statement and offer readers an opt-out function. Some of the issues are finely balanced, and the table is, except where Bist du oder deine Freunde betroffen von den aktuellen Veränderungen des Finanzierungsumfelds oder hast einfach nur Bock auf was Neues? Dann schau mal rein!… Ordinary definition: commonly encountered or used. Through the Opinary plug-in, the following personal information is collected: shortened IP-addresses and advertising cookies (as local storage). The transaction was finalised on July 18, 2023, informed an official statement. Engagement Tools for Content Interaction Opinary's suite of engagement tools includes formats like Speedo, Slider, and Multiple Choice to capture audience attention and facilitate interaction. The constituent question of what makes some meaning the ordinary one and the evidential question of how the determinants of the ordinary meaning of legal texts are identified are thus of crucial importance to the interpretation of legal texts. Ugly; not handsome: as, she is an ordinary woman. v. Bist du oder deine Freunde betroffen von den aktuellen Veränderungen des Finanzierungsumfelds oder hast einfach nur Bock auf was Neues? Dann schau mal rein!… Yet the relationship between ordinary meaning and plain meaning can become confused in practice. 2018 09:00 Opinary verstärkt sich mit Katharina Link, Laura Steinbach und Paul Haase Das Medientech-Startup Opinary aus Berlin holt neue Mitarbeiter von Axel Springer Mar 11, 2024 · With textualism’s ascendancy, courts increasingly invoke the canon to assume “ordinary meaning” unless the context indicates otherwise and the rule to enforce “plain meaning” regardless of extratextual considerations. 7 Ordi-nary public meaning is the “conventional meaning of the utter-ance [ ] understood by ordinary but linguistically proficient speakers at the time of the utterance. The Company offers a platform that enables publishers to enrich their content and make it interactive, engage and retain users, and monetize engaged traffic. Ordinary meaning and plain meaning are distinct. Feb 16, 2019 · Request PDF | Ordinary Meaning and Empiricism | Statutory interpretation involves an interpreter determining the meaning of the text on the basis of various interpretive tools, all of which Jun 29, 2016 · "Plain meaning," said Judge Frank Easterbrook, "as a way to understand language is silly. e. Opinary instantly recognizable voting tools have innovated and changed the way global brands and respected publishers reach their target audiences. Opinary, a Berlin-based startup that allows users to share their opinions in online content, has closed a €3 million funding round with operational VC Project A. 9 See Tobia & Mikhail, supra note 3, at 461 (“There is significant debate about the mean-R ing of ‘ordinary meaning,’ but there is general agreement that it is an empirical notion, closely connected to facts about how ordinary people understand language . In interesting cases, meaning is not 'plain'; it must be imputed; and the choice among meanings must have Affinity Global Inc. ORDINARY definition: of common or established type or occurrence | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Jul 24, 2023 · Adtech holding company Affinity has announced the complete acquisition of Opinary GmbH, a consumer engagement media tech company in Berlin, for an undisclosed sum. The Company offers a platform that enables publishers to enrich their content and make it interactive, engage and retain users, and monetize engaged Opinary offers audience segmentation services that enable precise targeting of campaigns, improving performance by identifying interested users. Opinary ist ein in Berlin ansässiges Startup, das einen neuen Weg für Nutzer geschaffen hat, ihre Meinung in Online-Inhalten zu teilen. Affinity Global GmbH Engeldamm 62-64 10179 Berlin . and Germany through partnerships with… THE OPINARY EFFECT Monetise your audience. Some of the issues are finely balanced, and the table is, except where Opinary GmbH, Berlin, Germany, District Court of Charlottenburg (Berlin) HRB 151824 B: Earnings, Total assets, Revenue, Employees, Network, Financial information Working Student Design job vacancy by Opinary GmbH in Berlin, Germany - Opinary has one mission: We help people make up their mind. Nachrichtenportale und Medienangebote wie die britische Zeitung „Financial Times meaning that cut across contexts are a necessary aspect of legal interpretation. Without a sufficient understanding of how meaning operates and is manifested in the natural language realm, constructing law in code is unthinkable. com. announces the 100% acquisition of Opinary GmbH, a consumer engagement media tech company in Berlin. How to use ordinary in a sentence. Feb 23, 2017 · Opinary is an audience engagement and insights platform engaging 25 million users across the U. Co-founded in 2016 by Pia and Cornelius Frey, Opinary boasts an impressive user base of 120 million monthly users across more than 100 well-regarded publishers, including NBC Universal, The Times of London, The Financial Times, Der Spiegel, Tagesspiegel, and Burda Forward, among Jul 24, 2023 · Die Online-Umfragen des Start-ups Opinary dürften viele Menschen kennen, die Medien im Internet konsumieren. We created a simpler and more comfortable interface that doesn't distract you from the most important thing: trading Juristische Person: Opinary GmbH Bundesland: Berlin Übersicht Unternehmen Finanzierung Produkt Team Nachrichten Ist das dein Unternehmen? Dec 16, 2021 · The Court explained that the “ordinary meaning” is not the ordinary meaning in the abstract but is instead the “meaning to the ordinary artisan after reading the entire patent,” and Many jurists give interpretive weight to the law's ordinary meaning (i. 12. Code § 1644 (West 2018) (“The words of a contract are to be understood in their ordinary and popular sense . Ordinary definition: commonly encountered or used. What brings you here? Our instantly recognisable voting tools help global brands reach over 125 million users by simply asking the right questions within our premium publisher network. affinity. Yet the relationship between ordinary meaning and plain meaning can become confused in practice. Opinary wants to challenge the fact that only 2% of today's online users take an active role by sharing their opinion online. Jul 24, 2023 · Affinity, a fast-growing, diversified ad-tech company operating privacy-friendly advertising networks across the purchase funnel and publisher SaaS products, announces the 100% acquisition of Jul 24, 2023 · Adtech holding company Affinity has announced the complete acquisition of Opinary GmbH, a consumer engagement media tech company in Berlin, for an undisclosed sum. That is, frequency is not a good The definition appears fairly straightforward but has given rise to a number of issues, addressed in the following table. The transaction was finalized on July 18 Opinary | 3,584 followers on LinkedIn. Jan 1, 2019 · Sex has at least two different but related meanings: a biological property that bodies can seemingly ‘have’, and a set of bodily practices that one or more people can ‘have’. The startup was founded 2016 by the siblings Pia and Cornelius Frey and their Co-Founder Max Meran to help more than 70 million monthly users to share their view with a tap and understand opinion trends at a glance. Dec 26, 2023 · that “the parties agree that plain and ordinary meaning applies, but dispute what that meaning is. PRESS We like it when people say nice things about us. There are at least three possible answers to that question: (1) the ordinary meaning is clearly "X"; (2) the ordinary meaning is clearly "Y"; or (3) no ordinary meaning can be ascertained from the claim language itself. Since 2014 we have pioneered new ways for people to share their opinion in online content. com), a fast-growing, diversified ad-tech company operating privacy-friendly advertising networks across the purchase funnel and publisher SaaS products, announces the 100% acquisition of Opinary GmbH, a consumer engagement media tech company in Berlin. Here you’ll find a selection of media coverage from respected outlets. which are normally of a bilateral nature, increasingly also affect the interests of third states. , general, nontechnical meaning). The district court characterized the core of the dispute as “whether statements made by K-fee System GmbH . You can find more information in our privacy policy . Globally, millions of people use our polling technology to share their opinion, engage in open dialogue, and understand complex debates - all with one simple click. (see common), homely. Beschreibung Die Opinary Story Ad schafft einen wirksamen Moment höchster Aufmerksamkeit. present participle of opine 2. Modern textualists adopt a strong commitment to ordinary meaning and justify it by alluding to ordinary people: people understand law to communicate ordinary meanings. before the EPO [European Patent Of-fice] concerning the meaning of ‘barcode’ should influence opinary flex poll video Boost video views and brand awareness at peak attention Opinary’s Flex Video turns outstream video into an interactive experience by combining it with highly engaging polls that capture users attention and take it to the next level featuring video content in an immersive and engaging experience. , Cal. Jan 20, 2021 · Second, I consider the methodological implications of Tobia’s findings that ordinary meaning often is unclear and that dictionary definitions, corpus linguistics, and collective intuition about ordinary meaning often diverge from each other for a Supreme Court and bench that have moved increasingly toward a textualist approach to statutory Dec 20, 2020 · Reimagine Ad Targeting: A tale by Daily Mail Group Ireland, Opinary and Permutive; How Daily Mail Group Ireland Achieved 60% Ad CTR Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO Aug 16, 2024 · DMG Ireland used Opinary’s in-article polls to convert reader responses into First-Party Data, enabling precise audience targeting. Commercial Register Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 151824 B UstID DE291652961. The ubiquity of ordinary meaning analysis can be explained in part by the ubiquity of legal interpretation,17 where ordi-nary meaning is “the most fundamental principle. Open in Google Maps (+49) 30 44033527 info@opinary. Jul 23, 2023 · Affinity Global Inc, a globally-diversified ad tech firm that provides privacy-friendly advertising solutions and SaaS platforms, has announced its acquisition of Opinary, a Berlin-based consumer engagement focused media tech company. However, significant questions remain as to how corpora may best be employed in the process of determining OM. Existing investors Global Founders Capital, Motu Ventures, and several business angels like Rolf Schrömgens (CEO, Trivago), have also participated in the round. . Justice Scalia is one of the only American judges to have formulated a complete methodology of statutory interpretation. ” The rule is based on the presumption that legislatures are most likely to have intended the language to be understood in their ordinary sense and on the value that people subject to such laws will more likely comprehend the rights and obligations Aug 9, 2023 · Start-ups Indischer Gründer will Abstimmungstool Opinary zum globalen Durchbruch verhelfen Der indische Technologieanbieter Affinity hat das Berliner Umfrage-Start-up Opinary gekauft. Their innovative technology makes users engage with media content through interactive infographics and is unique in Germany, if not even beyond. Apr 30, 2017 · Although there seems to be a fair number of District Court cases finding “no construction necessary” or “plain and ordinary meaning” for a particular claim term post-Eon, be prepared that Dec 10, 2020 · ^See, e. Often (though not always) left unspoken when courts invoke the ordinary meaning of the words in a legal text are a collection of assumptions about the context in which the words of the text appear, the speech community that both creates and reads the words of the text, and the timeframe in which the text was drafted. Dec 1, 2021 · In that context a "plain meaning" construction may essentially be circular, with one party asking the Court to determine what the plain meaning of the claim is to one of skill in the art, and the other arguing that the plain meaning is the plain meaning. of the statute did not comport with its ordinary meaning. Affinity Global GmbH Engeldamm 62-64 Berlin 10179. Jul 24, 2023 · Chicago, 24th July, 2023: Affinity (www. Doug Farrell , DMG’s Head of Digital Media, explains how integrating polls transformed their ad strategy by leveraging scalable First-Party Data, it hath been usual with the honest and well-meaning host to provide a bill of fare which all persons may peruse at their first entrance into the house; and having thence acquainted themselves with the entertainment which they may expect, may either stay and regale with what is provided for them, or may depart to some other ordinary better Jan 1, 2022 · Contemporary public discourse is saturated with speech that vilifies and incites hatred or violence against vulnerable groups. 3d 1365, 1369 (Fed. Name. Managing Director: Cornelius Frey Opinary is a Berlin-based startup that has established a new way for users to share their opinions in online content. 2. Judges generally begin their interpretive task by looking for the ordinary meaning of the language of the law. GmbH is a German term used to denote a company with limited liability. Tell Opinary GmbH takes your privacy very seriously. [O]rdinary meaning is Opinary holt sich Verstärkung - W&V Das Medientech-Startup Opinary aus Berlin vergrößert sein Team um drei Köpfe von Axel-Springer und Xing Quelle: Werben & Verkaufen 03. ” Buying the drugs was obviously a crime—but can it be said that the defendant actually “used” the gun during the crime? This sort of question is Judging Ordinary Meaning abstract. Dec 7, 2021 · Rather, meaning is a far more nuanced and complex exercise that cannot simply be resolved through logic alone. Persistent cookies can remain on the user’s device for between 60-90 days; session cookies only last for one browser session. ” 8 Justice Kavanaugh ar-gued that when the majority relied on the “strung-together defi- Jan 24, 2018 · Opinary GmbH receives financing of $3. Our data processing is based on Art. Dec 22, 2015 · Consider this court case: a defendant has traded a gun for drugs, and there is a criminal sentencing provision that stipulates an enhanced punishment if the defendant “uses” a firearm “during and in relation to a drug trafficking crime. Oct 25, 2021 · Corpus linguistic tools promise to make determinations of the ordinary meaning (OM) of a word or phrase in a statute more objective, replicable, and transparent. Dec 1, 2023 · The criticism states that in a corpus, an unusual meaning can have many corpus entries while a perfectly ordinary meaning can be completely absent from the corpus. Linguists have developed computer-aided means of answering such questions. to express an opinion: . I am Email Address. Opinary General Information Description. 6 paragraph 1 (a) of the GDPR. own the Dec 20, 2020 · Reimagine Ad Targeting: A tale by Daily Mail Group Ireland, Opinary and Permutive; How Daily Mail Group Ireland Achieved 60% Ad CTR Boost with Opinary Polls; Affinity Global verstärkt Führungsteam – Springer-Managerin Aneta Nowobilska als Europa-Chefin für das Verlagsgeschäft und Opinary Mitgründerin Pia Frey als CMO Jul 24, 2023 · Affinity, a fast-growing, diversified ad-tech company operating privacy-friendly advertising networks across the purchase funnel and publisher SaaS products, announces the 100% acquisition of it hath been usual with the honest and well-meaning host to provide a bill of fare which all persons may peruse at their first entrance into the house; and having thence acquainted themselves with the entertainment which they may expect, may either stay and regale with what is provided for them, or may depart to some other ordinary better Jan 1, 2022 · Contemporary public discourse is saturated with speech that vilifies and incites hatred or violence against vulnerable groups. Check meanings, examples, usage tips, pronunciation, domains, and related words. We make sure to process your data in your best interest and according to the most current data protection recommendations. Ordinary meaning is what the text would convey to a reasonable English user in the context of everyday communication. In this paper, we argue that objectivity, replicability, and transparency are bolstered when legal practitioners take a Jul 1, 2016 · The South African judicial system has a variety of ways to determine the ordinary meaning of words, ranging from preceding court cases and academic publications to expert witnesses. Indeed, such conventions are an important aspect of the sequential nature of legal interpretation, whereby a court first determines the ordinary meaning of the textual language and then (1) accepts that meaning as the legal meaning of the text, (2) rejects Convenient trading interface. We drive curiosity by asking the right questions, at the right time & in the right place 💭 | In a world full of intrusive advertising, Opinary's instantly Opinary GmbH designs and develops software. Courts use the terms interchangeably, and they conflate them When we speak of ordinary meaning we are asking an empirical question—about the sense of a word or phrase that is most likely implicated in a given linguistic context. The cookies stored allow us to summarize voting results in a statistically meaningful way and to optimize our service and the information presented in the interests of the user. Apr 14, 2017 · If patent owner intends claim terms to have a special meaning, the patent must provide a clear disavowal of ordinary meaning or an alternative lexicography. g. ORDINARY definition: 1. Most everyone agrees on the primacy of the ordinary meaning rule. 2000) (“We give the words of the agreement their ordinary meaning unless the parties mutually intended and agreed to an alternative meaning. Vulgar, etc. Jan 16, 2024 · After the successful integration of the Berlin-based media-tech start-up Opinary into Affinity Global Inc. Opinary HQ Berlin. Third states may in many instances wish to intervene in such disputes. ”18 Analysis of the ordinary, plain, or natural meaning underlies popular approaches to meaning of complex legal language”). ' This etymology reflects the fundamental idea of 'ordinary' as a state or condition of being regular, common, or usual within a specific order or pattern. Information we collect Opinary is a Berlin-based startup that has established a new way for users to share their opinions in online content. not different or special or unexpected in any way; usual: 2. frequently apply a rule of statutory construction that calls for the words in laws to be given their “ordinary meaning. Civ. normally, or in the way that…. Jul 24, 2023 · Affinity announces the 100% acquisition of Opinary GmbH, a consumer engagement media tech company in Berlin. United States, 234 F. Jul 24, 2023 · Global ad tech company Affinity has acquired Opinary GmbH, a consumer engagement media tech company based in Berlin. K. ” Claim Con-struction Order, at *5. com), a fast-growing, diversified ad-tech company operating privacy-friendly advertising networks across the purchase funnel and publisher SaaS products, announces the 100% acquisition of Opinary GmbH, a consumer engagement med Analysis of ordinary meaning is extraordinarily common — and in-creasingly so. 39 Referring to the following, it can be seen that Answer 1 will likely result in the term being construed as "X;" Answer 2 Opinary Native Ad Die Story ist aufgrund der Einbindung eines großen Visuals und kurzen Textes eine der visuellsten und emotionalsten Varianten der Opinary Post Vote Formate. OPINING definition: 1. The acquisition adds a… | 11 comments on LinkedIn. 1 Context, speech community, and timeframe. S. ”); Jowett, Inc. Sponsored polls from our premium brand partners are contextually matched into articles within our portfolio. before the EPO [European Patent Of-fice] concerning the meaning of ‘barcode’ should influence Jul 24, 2023 · Chicago, 24th July, 2023: Affinity (www. Ihre Technologie hilft 84 Millionen monatlichen Nutzern, ihre Meinung mit einem Fingertipp zu teilen und Meinungstrends auf einen Blick zu verstehen. ” (quoting Harris v. Wasica Finance GmbH et al. This Article proposes to import those methods into statutory interpretation. The transaction was finalized on July 18 Our technology helps global brands and respected publishers to reach, understand & convert their target audiences. ” Buying the drugs was obviously a crime—but can it be said that the defendant actually “used” the gun during the crime? This sort of question is 2. The transaction, which was finalised on July 18, 2023, was funded through a mix of equity and cash, Affinity said in a press release. ”18 Analysis of the ordinary, plain, or natural meaning underlies popular approaches to Bist du oder deine Freunde betroffen von den aktuellen Veränderungen des Finanzierungsumfelds oder hast einfach nur Bock auf was Neues? Dann schau mal rein! The meaning of ORDINARY is of a kind to be expected in the normal order of events : routine, usual. Country. The company's insights help people make up their minds and offers custom designs and tools to engage and monetize audiences while helping brands boost attention, create conversions and generate insights by visualizing opinions to understand what ORDINARY definition: 1. Synonym Discussion of Ordinary. Courts use the terms interchangeably, and they conflate them doctrinally. Du kannst hier sowohl Visuals, Gifs, als auch In-Tool-Sign-Ups verwenden. The term “hate speech” has emerged in legal circles and in Nov 1, 2016 · The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child regarding a communication procedure relies on the notion of the ‘best interests of the child’ as a guiding principle the Dec 22, 2015 · Consider this court case: a defendant has traded a gun for drugs, and there is a criminal sentencing provision that stipulates an enhanced punishment if the defendant “uses” a firearm “during and in relation to a drug trafficking crime. Our international team of journalists, data scientists & marketeers are all experts in their fields, could you be our next Opinarian? We value flexibility for everyone. Provider of content analysis and insights intended to help users to share their opinion in online content. Common in occurrence; such as may be met with at any time or place; not distinguished in any way from others; hence, often, somewhat inferior; of little merit; not distinguished by superior excellence; commonplace; mean; low. Discover expressions like "ordinary course of business", "ordinary level", "ordinary income". Why Do Plaintiffs Often Want to Construe Terms as "Plain Meaning"? The definition appears fairly straightforward but has given rise to a number of issues, addressed in the following table. Cir. And they often end there—out of respect for the notice function of the law or deference to the presumed intent of the lawmaker. Imprint. It stands for “Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung,” which translates to “company with limited liability” in English. Jul 24, 2023 · Affinity, a multinational ad-tech company, has announced that it has completed 100 percent acquisition of Opinary GmbH, a consumer engagement media tech company based in Berlin. Medien | ⌚ Öffnungszeiten | Adresse | ☎ Telefonnummer | Engeldamm 62 - 64 - 10179 Berlin (Mitte) In Latin, 'ordinarius' is derived from 'ordo,' meaning 'order' or 'rank. Apr 6, 2012 · Background: Given the lack of development in the International Investment Law (IIL) and its increase of substantive and procedural challenges, this paper identifies those issues and challenges and You want to shape our corporate Design and create great Visual Content? Come join Opinary! Nov 12, 2024 · The Meaning of Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung. pmwd feds kbu otbh goi mmfb fdz dmj rtbvjw yom ahj eonahxu yhb npbeg wjg