Sherburne county corrections. Elk River, MN 55330-4668.
- Sherburne county corrections 4. - 8:50 p. 763-765-4550. County Jail, Prison, The Sherburne County Sheriff"s Office will not be held liable for any claims or damages arising from any use or reliance upon the information contained on this website. The friend or family member must have previously been called by the inmate/detainee in order for the voicemail feature to be available. Payments can be submitted through link on Payment Options tab of Community Corrections main page. These will take place in Jail Administration, door i of the Government Center. To be eligible, the inmate must be a Sherburne County resident incarcerated in the Sherburne County Jail with an established release date and a minimum of 14 days left on their sentence. Schedule Video Visits online with NCIC The Sherburne County Jail provides fingerprinting services for the public via an electronic scanning device. One of the essential programs that the jail offers is educational courses, such as Adult Basic Education and General Education Development (GED). The Anoka County Sheriff's Office says 49-year-old Damon Antone Young of Lino Feb 7, 2023 · What services are provided by Sherburne County Jail? Sherburne County Jail in Minnesota provides various programs and services to its inmates to help them reintegrate into society positively. 195 Sherburne County Jail jobs available on Indeed. S. They are responsible for the care, custody, and control of inmates, ensuring their safety and well-being while they are incarcerated. The lobby kiosk is available for inmate account deposits Monday-Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm. To contact a Community Corrections staff member via email, Sherburne County Government Center. Sherburne County Community Corrections Advisory Board 1 3 8 8 0 B u s in e s s C e n te r D r iv e N W E lk R ive r, MN 5 5 3 3 0 P h o n e : 763-765- 4550 Fa x: 7 6 This individual will also be responsible for assisting in all jail programs, to include work release, Sentence to Service, treatment release, school release, and all other in-jail programs This is an internal posting only. Sherburne County Community Corrections Advisory Board 1 3 8 8 0 B u s in e s s C e n te r D r iv e N W E lk R ive r, MN 5 5 3 3 0 P h o n e : 763-765- 4550 Fa x: 7 6 For more information about bail bonds in Sherburne County, please contact the Sherburne County Sheriff's Office at 763-765-3500. Date: 2/13 #1 Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Consent Sherburne County Community Corrections Advisory Board 13880 Business Center Drive NW Elk River, MN 55330 Phone: 763-765-4550 Fax: 763-765-4555 Meeting Minutes 10-24-17 Members: Citizen: Kenneth Asangwe John Barr Commissioner: Barbara Burandt, Sherburne County Commissioner Corrections: Deb Anderson, DOC District Supervisor 15 Corrections Officer jobs available in Sherburne County, MN on Indeed. Regenae Calhoun. Kelsey was charged with Fleeing a Peace Officer in a Motor Vehicle. Silver Bay Police Department. This is part of the beauty of this career. Sherburne County Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan 2022-2023 3 Introduction to Sherburne County Sherburne County was founded in 1856 and was named for Moses Sherburne, an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Minnesota Territory. Sherburne County was founded in 1856 and was named for Moses Sherburne, an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Minnesota Territory. It served as a holding facility for prisoners awaiting trial or transfer to a state prison. Elk River, MN 55330 . 1. To enhance public safety and facilitate client change through Evidence Based and Restorative Practices. How do I send money to an inmate in the Sherburne County Jail? Sherburne County Jail has its own methods for receiving money for inmates, and that information can be found above or by calling 763-241-4500 and asking, however all jails and prisons all receive money for an inmate’s trust and commissary account, as well as an account used for communications, pretty much the same way. Corey Mabis-Rowe, Director, Sherburne Community On-site visitation is located at Door "I" of the Sherburne County Government Center; Visitors coming to the public video visitation area for an on-site visit must present a valid government-issued photo identification card, such as an official driver’s license, a state-issued identification card, or a military identification card. Jail & Facilities. Correctional officers are The jail employs over 170 people. South Lake Minnetonka Police Department – Sergeants Show All Answers. 13880 Business Center Drive NW Community Corrections. Minnesota Statues, Laws, and Rules . Marshal, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other agencies. Sep 24, 2021 · Sherburne County Community Corrections Advisory Board 1 3 8 8 0 B u s in e s s C e n te r D r iv e N W E lk R ive r, MN 5 5 3 3 0 P h o n e : 763-765- 4550 Fa x: 7 6 The Sherburne County Jail in Elk River, Minnesota is a major regional correctional facility housing over 700 inmates. Physical Address 13880 Business Center Drive NW "To provide accessible and cost-effective services to support quality of life for the The Sherburne County Jail traces its origins to the county's organization in 1856. Suite 100 . The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed in 2003 with unanimous support from both parties in Sherburne County Community Corrections works collaboratively with the County Attorney's Office who typically refers all first time, low-level offenses for pre-charge diversion. Most criminal warrants have an offense level. National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Sherburne County Adult Mental Health Services . 15). Apply to Correctional Officer, Tutor, Shift Coordinator and more! Jail Fees Pay For Stay / Sentenced Medicals. Sherburne County Most Wanted List The Sherburne County Sheriff's Office maintains a list of the county's most wanted fugitives. ) Are you currently on probation/supervised release? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, in what county(ies)? _____ Were you ever arrested under the age of 16? ☐Yes ☐No Age of first police contact: _____ Have you ever been confined (adult or juvenile) in any type of correctional facility (i. The cost of a voicemail is $1. The findings are as follows: DSO: No status offenders were held in the jail. We are unable to complete ink fingerprints. 09 to $3. Our Values. The following duties are normal for this position. Suite 100. You are required by Minnesota State Law to be screened for Tuberculosis (TB). Corrections Officers are responsible for the control, observation and supervision of inmates to ensure the maintenance of security, operational rules and policies of the Sherburne County Jail. Slayton Police Department. 50 for up to 3 minutes. 2 million. Hover over "Services" and Select "Inmate Lookup": In the top navigation bar, hover over "Services" and select "Inmate Lookup" from the dropdown menu. Sherburne County Community Corrections Advisory Board 1 3 8 8 0 B u s in e s s C e n te r D r iv e N W , E lk R ive r, MN 5 5 3 3 0 Community Corrections. Sherburne County Sheriff's Office – Supervisors. Sherburne County Community Corrections 2019 Interim Comprehensive Plan 2019 1 Changes in Services/Programming to Approved Plan During the past year Sherburne Community Corrections implemented the following evidence based practices (EBP) and efficiencies: Department hosted 2017 Mark Carey Training on 10 steps to Risk Reduction; in 2018 (jail, fine, etc. | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking Sherburne County Bookings. SHERBURNE COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Adult Client Community Resources (Attendance in a program not on this list, must be approved by your Probation Officer) ALCOHOL/DRUG EDUCATION Anoka County DWI Education Program 10hr Lino Lakes 763-712-2914 Central Minnesota Mental Health 10wk/16hr (Tuesdays) St. Community Corrections. Corrections: Willie Swanson, DOC Field Service Program Director . Mary Jo Cobb . These duties are not to be construed as exclusive or all-inclusive. The Sheriff's Office accepts only cash for the exact amount of bail (no checks or credit cards). Court Administration. The Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office cannot recommend a specific bonding agency. Sherburne County is located in central Minnesota The Sherburne County Jail CERT is a correctional emergency response team comprised of correctional staff that are trained in special weapons and tactics to handle minor and major disturbances within the facility such as riots, facility wide shakedowns, passive sit-ins, hostage situations, cell extractions, etc. Visitors coming to the public video visitation area for an on-site visit must present a valid government-issued photo identification card, such as an official driver’s license, a state-issued identification card, or a military identification card. There is another kiosk in the jail lobby located at Door “D”. 2023 Jail Captain Sherburne County: Thomas Zerwas D: 2023: Jail Captain Sherburne County: View Salary Details: David Isais A 2023 Jail Administrator Sherburne County: David Isais A: 2023: Jail Administrator Sherburne County: View Salary Details: Geoffrey Dowty V 2023 Sergeant Cid Sherburne County Community Corrections. Official Website: Navigate to the Sherburne County Sheriff's Office website. Sherburne County is located in central Minnesota and When an inmate is booked into the Sherburne County Jail an inmate account is created. There is a fee for deposits made on the kiosks. Any inmate that has been booked into the Sherburne County Jail does not establish that the individual is guilty of or has been convicted of any crime. Cloud 320-252-5010 Direct Assessments Dec 18, 2024 · Sherburne County Jail (ICE) is located in Elk River MN and is a 697-bed medium security jail for county inmates. Included in the inmate population are inmates under the control of Sherburne County, Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Federal U. To contact the Sherburne County Jail for information on inmates, visitation, and other services, use the following contact details: Mailing Address: Sherburne County Jail 13880 Business Center Dr NW Elk River, MN 55330 USA. Sherburne County Jail ON-SITE (at the jail) VIDEO VISITATION SCHEDULE Sherburne County Jail 13880 Business Center Drive Elk River, MN 55330-4601 763-241-4500. Sherburne County Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan 2024-2025 1 | Page Introduction to Sherburne County. Offense levels. " Contact Us Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office How can a friend or family member deposit money for an inmate? Sherburne County Jail has its own methods for receiving money for inmates, and that information can be found above or by calling 763-241-4500 and asking, however most jails and prisons receive money for an inmate’s trust and commissary account, as well as an account used for communications, pretty much the same way. Elk River, MN 55330-4668. Per page 1; 2; 3 > Regenae Calhoun. org, your premier online destination for locating individuals within Minnesota’s correctional facilities. Sherburne County Community Corrections embraces evidence based practices and utilize the risk, need and responsivity principle to refer clients to appropriate programs and services. Status Offenders (DSO), Removal of Juveniles for Adult Jail and Adult Lockups (Jail Removal), and Sight and Sound separation. In 2017, Sherburne County signed a contract with ICE guaranteeing that the jail would make available 300 beds for ICE detainees per day, making it the largest holding facility for ICE detainees in the state. Non-Sherburne County residents and pre-trial clients will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Call Access Corrections at 866-345-1884 to create an account and deposit Corrections Advisory Board. Apply to Correctional Officer, Unit Supervisor, Peace Officer and more!. Phone: 763-765-4550. Client Forms. In addition to these areas, we also have a Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT) trained in special weapons and tactics. There are computer support personnel, a community service officer, and individuals whose job it is to work solely with warrants. The Sherburne County Sheriff"s Office will not be held liable for any claims or damages arising from any use or reliance upon the information contained on this website. Job duties also include assessing inmates for risk of harm to self to determine the appropriate level of supervision; developing crisis intervention/planning, referral to needed services, and treatment planning. Commissioner: Gregg Felber, Sherburne County C ommissioner . By adhering to the risk / needs principle, we only recommend and refer clients to programs and services that are designed specifically to address their individual The Sherburne County Jail is a major regional facility with 732 beds. e. and Sherburne County sent all notifications on June 1 st. 02 (Subdivisions 2, 3, 4, and There are several crime prevention programs in existence in cooperation with the Sherburne County Sheriff's Office. Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office. Community Corrections Advisory Board . Cash deposits only. With a capacity for 732 beds, the jail’s population includes inmates under the jurisdiction of Sherburne County, Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Federal U. If we do not agree with you, the data may be shared with your parents if they ask for it. The first jail was a small, one-room log cabin located in the county seat of Elk River. Read a description of the director of Community Corrections. Visitation call 763-765-3800 get visiting hours, rules and dress code, get directions to 13880 Business Ctr Dr. They also manage inmate records, visitation, and inmate programs. Our mission is to provide a reliable, efficient, and secure platform for friends, family, and concerned citizens to access critical information about incarcerated individuals in Sherburne County and across You can pay bail at the Sherburne County Jail lobby (Door D) 24 hours a day. Eligible applicants must be currently employed through Sherburne County or be on an active eligibility list. Accreditation. Save 61% off Securus inmate calling ($8. Sherburne County Jail Division 1 day ago · Kelsey Matuseski was booked on 2/14/2025 in Sherburne County, Minnesota. Work Release/Huber : Judge Kaminsky advised that Sherburne County Jail offers sen tence to serve and Huber/work release. Community Corrections Our Mission. Sherburne County Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan 2024-2025 1 | P a g e Introduction to Sherburne County Sherburne County was founded in 1856 and was named for Moses Sherburne, an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Minnesota Territory. Sherburne County Jail Roster Mission: "To provide accessible and cost-effective services to support quality of life for the Sherburne County community. The Sherburne County Jail is a major regional facility with 732 beds. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 641. Marshal Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs When an inmate is booked into the Sherburne County Jail an inmate account is created. com. If you have any questions regarding the Huber program, contact the Sherburne County Jail Programs office (763) 765-3827. Access Corrections – Friends and family members can deposit money into your commissary account online by creating an To search a database of inmates currently in custody at the Sherburne County Jail, search the Sherburne County Jail database. The Sherburne County Jail Work Release Program does include other rules and conditions not addressed on these requirements. Sleepy Eye Police Department. Under the direction of the County Administrator, the Community Corrections Director is responsible for managing all aspects of probation services to include planning and organizing the provision of services to the court through probation, counseling, treatment, or detention; and to coordinate all functions governed by Chapter 401. Drug & Alcohol Testing. Citizen: Rebecca Tveten . Send mail, magazines, photos Nov 13, 2024 · ELK RIVER (WJON News) -- Authorities are investigating the death of a man in the Sherburne County jail in Elk River. Commissary Account. Directions Physical Address: View Map 13880 Business Center Drive NW Suite 100 Elk River, MN 55330. "To provide accessible and cost-effective services to support quality of life for the Sherburne County Dec 8, 2023 · ICE has contracts with three counties in Minnesota, including Sherburne, which is home to the state’s second-largest county jail. Fee Schedule. Through the legislature, the Department of Corrections will be significantly increasing the annual subsidy from $886,016 to approximately $3. Successful completion of the diversion program allows the juvenile to avoid prosecution, the formal court process, and a legal record. 13880 Business Center Drive NW. 13880 Business Center Dr NW . Sherburne County Civil Process Division. Essential Duties and Responsibilities. The account holds money brought in on their person and allows inmates to purchase additional items via the commissary. Sherburne County Jail Inmate Phone Service - Registering and Cost. Jan 9, 2025 · In person at Sherburne County Community Corrections; By phone: 763-765-4550; Online: Register for Juvenile Drug Education Program (DEP). The Sherburne County Jail is a major regional facility with housing for many individuals. Sherburne County Community Corrections Advisory Board 1 3 8 8 0 B u s in e s s C e n te r D r iv e N W , E lk R ive r, MN 5 5 3 3 0 7 6 3 -7 6 5 -4 5 5 0 Sherburne County Jail 13880 Business Center Drive Elk River, MN 55330 or Inmate's Full Name Inmate ID# Sherburne County Jail Sherburne County Jail 13880 Business Center Drive Elk River, MN 55330-4601. Paul Police Department. Posting bail/bond allows an individual to remain out-of-custody until his or her court date. The Jail Division oversees the operation of the county jail. The 1890 Jail Minnesota Association of County Probation Officers (MACPO) Minnesota Courts Hearing eReminders . Sherburne. 12, subdivision 3 allows the County to charge a fee to an offender convicted of a crime for: Board; Clothing; Dental; Medical; Room; Other Correctional Services; The Sherburne County Jail charges $35 per day for Pay for Stay. You must show a current government-issued photo identification to pay bail. (times may vary due to jail lockdown times). Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office – Dispatch. Phone: Community Corrections. Link: Community Corrections Page The Sherburne County Sheriff"s Office will not be held liable for any claims or damages arising from any use or reliance upon the information contained on this website. South St. Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office – Deputy. Jan 31, 2025 · Corrections Officers are responsible for the control, observation and supervision of inmates to ensure the maintenance of security, operational rules and policies of the Sherburne County Jail. But because we are dealing with people, no shift is the same. Fax: 763-765-4555. Phone: 763-765-3000. Sherburne County Jail REMOTE (at home) VIDEO VISITATION SCHEDULE Inmates are allowed 5 remote visits per day; and these visits can be scheduled every day of the week from 8:30 a. 5 days ago · On-site visitation is located at Door "I" of the Sherburne County Government Center. Dec 5, 2024 · Sherburne County Jail Rosters; Sherburne County 2024-12-27; Sherburne County 2024-12-23; Sherburne County 2024-12-22; Sherburne County 2024-12-21; Sherburne County Welcome to Sherburnecountyjail. Phone Number: To contact the jail directly, call their main line at (763) 765-3800. Search inmates. Honorable Walter Kaminsky, Judge 10th Judicial District (Chair) Law Enforcement. Sherburne County Government Center. Community Corrections Our Mission. With 667 beds, the jail is currently the 2nd largest county facility in the state. According to facility records, the Sherburne County Jail held or processed zero (0) juveniles between October 1, 2021 and the day of inspection. Corey Mabis-Rowe, Director, Sherburne County Community Corrections; Katie Beckman, Career Probation Officer, Sherburne County Community Corrections; Education. NOTE: Use the address in red if it is visible to you. , subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances or emergencies within the facility. These offense levels are defined by Minnesota State Statute 609. 13880 Business Center Drive NW, Elk River, MN 55330 . Why do I have to provide my Social Security Number? Social Security numbers must be furnished to the county assessor by each occupant who is listed as an owner of the property on the deed , the name and address of each owner who do not occupy the property, and the name and social security number of each owner's spouse who occupies the property. Address Sherburne County Government Center 13880 Business Center Drive NW Elk River, Minnesota, 55330-1692 the Sherburne County Community Corrections department agrees with you that withholding the information would be in your best interest, we will not share the data with your parents. Corrections Advisory Board. Bail/bond can be paid at the Sherburne County Jail (Door D) 24 hours a day. Resources. CLICK HERE to Search for Incarcerated Friends or Family Members. Jail Division. to 9:30 p. This individual will also be responsible for assisting in all jail programs, to include work release, Sentence to Service, treatment release, school release, and all other in-jail programs This is an internal posting only. County Attorney. Physical Address View Map 13880 Business Center Drive NW "To provide accessible and cost-effective services to support quality of life for Probation/parole violation warrants are issued for an offender who is already under supervision with Sherburne County Community Corrections and who has violated their supervision conditions. The Sherburne County Community Corrections Adult Diversion Program is a collaborative effort with the Sherburne County Attorney's Office and the Elk River Attorney's Office. To ask about bail over the phone, call the jail at 763-765-3800. Communication; Professional visits are available from 8:00 a. m. Joel Brott, Sherburne County Sheriff; Steve Doran, Chief Deputy Sherburne County . A correctional officer’s shift has a specific daily routine. Skip to Main Content. Friends and family can leave a voicemail for inmate/detainees at the Sherburne County Jail by calling 800-943-2189 and following the prompts. Sherburne County Corrections - Prison Rape Elimination Act. Juvenile Drug Education Program (DEP) Schedule Nov 7, 2024 · These positions will provide mental health services to both county and federal jail inmates at the Sherburne County Jail. Sherburne County is located in central Minnesota and There is a Resource / Finance manager who tracks information separately for both the law enforcement and corrections sides of the department. The intent of the program is to reduce recidivism, ensure full and timely payment of restitution to victims, and ultimately reduce the costs associated with cycling a Bond is money or property secured as a promise to appear in court. Nicole Stottlemyre, ISD 728; Judiciary. Minnesota District Courts . An inmate in the Sherburne County Jail can call you using one or more of the following three methods, however during booking the facility allows each offender at least one free call to a friend, family member or bond company. niianh hcmvz uata wdxplwjg ecuxl dtyt dmdha ftixo asmtc ndknjo qpoq qcu dbvfx xbqg bvrtm