Abaqus save xy data to file
Abaqus save xy data to file. The combine function appears in the expression window. rpt" which is silimar to a file ". xlBook = xl. txt file for easy further analysis (e. xls') xlBook. Nov 16, 2021 · During the compression test, how to output the maximum stress value at each time point without selecting an object. odb that contains 100 frames of data. Unfortunately, the plug-in for combining data from multiple output databases ( Plug-ins>Tools>Combine Locate the XY Data from Path options. The XY Data from ASCII File dialog box appears. combine( ) appears in the text field at the top of the dialog box. You can download Netscape Communicator from here. xls (Excel format). To save your X–Y data object beyond the duration of the session, you must save the data to a file. Element output, nodal output, contact surface output, energy output, modal output, and section output are available. The default value is an empty string. xyDataObjects [ xyCurveName] session. From the Operators listed, click append (X,X,). For X–Y data originating from sources other than output database history output, you must save your data to later produce an X–Y (For information on writing X–Y data to a report file, see Generating tabular data reports. X–Y plot probes. Nov 6, 2009 · Hello! I have XY-data that comes from an order tracking vi and is fed to a XY graph, but I also need to save the xy data to a text file. In this lecture, you will learn how to write the data to an ODB file. How to extract x-y type data from an Abaqus CAE session. Oct 9, 2023 · It contains all the information about your model, including geometry, mesh, materials, constraints, and boundary conditions. From the Operators listed, select combine(X,X). To limit the list for easier selection, type a filter pattern into the Name filter field, and press the Enter key to apply the filter. The abaqus odbcombine utility is intended for the combination of output databases containing different results. To establish a more meaningful name, you can use the Save XY Data As dialog box to overwrite this default with the name of your choice. integrate (X) Integrating an X–Y data object. odb files that is the simplest solution. Just copy the commands from that file and put that inside a loop. Abaqus/CAE generates an input file when you submit a job for analysis. From the list of previously saved X–Y data objects, select the X–Y data object that you wish to copy, and click Copy to ODB. The . Saving the X–Y data object allows you to subsequently plot, edit, rename, delete, or operate on it; it also allows you to copy the X–Y data object to an output database file for use in later Abaqus sessions. An example of an expression might be: currentMax(“XYData-1”)+2. currentAvg (X) Finding the current average of an X–Y data object. If you want to combine output databases from the same analysis before and after a Nov 27, 2017 · In this tutorial (part 1 and 2), I am showing you how to export information from ABAQUS ODB file and create your own script to do the same later on. This is the 9th lecture in "Abaqus Python Scripting - Learn with the Concepts" series. From the Operators listed, click combine (X,X). Available data consist of field output that were saved during the analysis. csv (comma-separated values), or . steps. You can then copy the X–Y data object to an output database file so that you can access it from a later session. job_name = 'Model-Job-20'. You can clear or sort this table, delete individual rows, and write these data to a file. ). 51. Award. But anyways. I understand what you mean, but I don't know how to doing. Jul 14, 2017 · Perform the following steps: 1- Open a Excel file. The fit function appears in the expression window with the linear least squares fit option selected by default. Select the file to which you want to export the part, or type the name of a new file in the File Name text field, and click OK. To append two or more X–Y data objects: Locate the Operate on XY Data dialog box. It is noted that all the variables including "Odb_0" and . The Query dialog box appears. If you are doing so, you can create a node set (or an element set), and then only export the data Dec 11, 2020 · odberrror: the . youtube. The plot represents the data you have configured in the dialog box, which ABAQUS considers temporary data whether or not you have clicked Save As to save it. For more details on how to write the data in text file in python refer below links. #shortsPlease don't forget to like and subscribe our channel for regular updates. dat) file. differentiate (X) Differentiating an X–Y data object. I don't know the solution to your exact problem, but you can figure it out by creating one part manually and then noting down the relevant commands from the file abaqus. 19K views 3 years ago ABAQUS Basics. To produce an X–Y plot, you first specify an X–Y data object. 1 XYData () This method creates an XYData object from a sequence of X–Y data pairs. Select Stress linearization, and click OK. Stand-alone sketches are maintained independent of any features; they can be subsequently retrieved into the Sketcher and will overlay any existing geometry. If exporting data is of your main concern, you could do it without the need of abq_ExcelUtilities. The database cannot be opened at this time. You define your new data by building a mathematical expression. Select Operate on XY data, and click Continue. Jun 4, 2022 · Abaqus/Viewer has some built-in features that allow you to export data from odb files in text format. You can import input files into Abaqus/CAE. Once this is exported, be sure to include the file in your Request For Quote. Basically, you want to delete the models and Abaqus files. Save () testing (Aerospace) 21 Jul 15 18:50. I am trying to export XY data objects from sets of the size of 20-40k elements, but Abaqus is slowing down considerably, and even crashing. Locate the XY Data from ASCII File options: From the main menu bar, selectToolsXY DataCreate. In fact, when I create the xy data, Abaqus gives me a warning saying that " the number of xyDataObjects is very large, and might cause performance issues ". Choices include all X–Y data objects previously saved within this session, listed Feb 19, 2021 · 目录方法一:通过Plu-ins > Tools > Excel Utilities,将XY Data直接到Excel文件里!. Tip: You can also specify X–Y data by clicking Create in the XY Data Manager or by using the tool in the toolbox. If you create a new X–Y data object using the Save As button provided in the XY Data from ASCII File or XY Data from Keyboard dialog boxes, Abaqus/CAE suggests a default name for your X–Y data according to the pattern XYData-1, XYData-2, etc. When you select File Save from the main menu bar and save the model database, Abaqus/CAE saves the following files: The model database file Save your data for the current Abaqus session. Abaqus/CAE displays the Open Database dialog box. To delete the Abaqus model you can use: del mdb. Use any of the following options to request output to the Abaqus/Standard data file: Mar 15, 2010 · Use report to send the XY data to a . 12. odb indicates that the analysis Input File Processor is currently modifying the database. There's a check box off to the side that says "Open read-only" or something like that. The expression can include the names of previously saved X–Y data objects, built-in functions, and mathematical operators. More traditional techniques are also available for importing and exporting geometry using standard CAD file formats. Select the transformation to apply from the list of coordinate systems that appears, or click and select To read X–Y data from an ASCII file: Locate the XY Data from ASCII File options: From the main menu bar, select ToolsXY DataCreate. A String specifying a label to be used for the X -axis when the X–Y data are plotted. Use the following commands to retrieve the example program and the benchmark input file: abaqus fetch job=odbFilter. Abaqus/CAE saves only items within the sketch. Reply. From the dialog box that appears, select Path; then click Continue. You can open it using a basic text editor, I would recommend something like Notepad++. While you are sketching, you can save the current sketch as a stand-alone sketch. To learn how to save your data, see Saving an X–Y data object. In addition, you can use a 2. Rather than write to an excel workbook, you can write the data to a plain text file using a comma delimiter. XYData-n. The XY Plot Options allow you to set the range of each axis and to customize the appearance of the X–Y To copy a session X–Y data object to an output database file: From the main menu bar, select ToolsXY DataManager. Dec 15, 2022 · 1. g in Matlab). Abaqus/CAE also saves the quantity types specified for each column in your X–Y data object, as long as the quantity types you select are among the preset quantity types available in the XY By default, ABAQUS computes the range of the X- and Y-axes from the minimum and maximum values found in the data read from the output database. Here we are trying to get nodal displacements to generate a stress strain type curve from the comput May 12, 2020 · 0. It is not clear to me how to resolve this error. Jul 1, 2021 · 1. Quit () You can also use that to open an existing workbook, modify and save it. Click here to know about opening and closing files in python. odb) file. You can refer in two cases: You have some data (from analytical method, etc. Step&question I created a field output,MISESMAX maximum mises equivalent stress-submit this job-creat XY data-click ODB field output- select MISESMAX(i chorse intergration point in this part)then I save,but abaqus hint “At least one entity should be selscted”. 6 of the ABAQUS Example Problems Manual. And so it does. Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit input files. are deleted at the end of each step of the loop prior to starting the further one. Produce a report of your X–Y data. Click Continue. Jul 21, 2015 · xl. The XY Data Manager appears. The field output that you created during the session is displayed in the table. Click Operate on XY data in the dialog box that appears; then click Continue. The Operate on XY Data dialog box appears. lck file for the output database D:/abaqus/Model/Job-1. A String specifying the content of the X–Y data (e. Other courses on my channel:Introduction to FEM: http://www. I understand that you are accessing the ODB through Abaqus scripting. Saving the current sketch as a stand-alone sketch. From the main menu bar, select ToolsQuery or click the tool in the toolbar. Run an analysis using the benchmark input file: abaqus job=ringshell. Click Save As or Save (as available). Workbooks. Please follow below simple lines of code which works for any number of node sets. xydata_object = session. An X–Y plot appears in the current viewport. Click here to know about writing format in python. Application. Open that folder in the Abaqus file browser, and you should find your ODB. Tip: You can also click in the File toolbar to open a model database or an output database. If you have created an X–Y data object in a previous session and copied it to an output database file, you must load the X–Y data object to the current session to manipulate it. 6K subscribers. Click the Path arrow to select the path for which to obtain data. You can either copy your X–Y data object to an output database (binary) file or write it to a report (ASCII) file. For more information, see Replaying an Abaqus/CAE session. The append function appears in the Since the number of nodes is many, it takes too long time to get the data and almost impossible with the conventional method (using XY data and report in the visualization module). Abaqus/CAE synchronizes multiple animations on the file by repeating the last frame of any animations that have fewer frames than the others. com or give us a call at (413) 397-8260. You can type data into a table using the keyboard, or you can read data in from a file. In the Results Tree, double-click XY Data. Accept the default name, or enter the data object name of your To learn how to save your data, see Saving an X–Y data object. From the Operators listed, click fit (X). If you create a new X–Y data object using the Save As button provided in the XY Data from ASCII File or XY Data from Keyboard dialog boxes, ABAQUS/CAE suggests a default name for your X–Y data according to the pattern XYData-1, XYData-2, etc. You have ODB file and you want to post-process Select User-specified to transform the results for the entire model into a specified coordinate system. Copy your X–Y data to an output database file. Make sure you are exporting in a format Abaqus has a default installed plugin to combine . The proc From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X–Y data object on which to operate and click Add to Expression. You can choose from all X–Y data objects previously saved within this session (listed alphabetically in the XY Data field). Use the script to read the variables of interest using the created path. Expand the Name field to see the full name of each curve. Disadvantage: Users have to discretize model and learn ABAQUS input file grammar I have an Abaqus ODB file and already have recorded a Macro that performs the task I need to produce the desired output (which is a report file containing deformation and coordinate data along a Jan 18, 2023 · I have defined the following in an attempt to export HISTORY OUTPUT data at specified nodes from abaqus odb file. From the XY Data choices, click the name of the X–Y data object on Jul 21, 2020 · Here’s a screenshot of what we prefer customers choose before clicking the Export button. The script performs the same function as the FORTRAN program described in Creation of a data file to facilitate the postprocessing of elbow element results: FELBOW, Section 12. The XY Data Manager lists the X–Y data objects that are available from two sources: the current session or the current output database file. But for a large number of odb files you could use Python scripting which allows you to automate pretty much everything in pre- and postprocessing. 1. Abaqus always saves this file as an “advocacy” file, and you should The script creates X–Y data that can be plotted with the X–Y plotting capability in ABAQUS/CAE. Abaqus/CAE creates a new Excel file and displays the exported data in a worksheet. Finding the average of two or more X–Y data objects. Abaqus/CAE can import part and assembly geometries from a variety of external sources and CAD systems. Dec 7, 2020 · Open the odb as editable, create a path of interest and save it in the odb. Once you've done that, the . Abaqus/CAE also saves the quantity types specified for each column in your X–Y data object, as long as the quantity types you select are among the preset quantity types available in the XY Data from ASCII File, XY Data from Keyboard, and Edit XY Data dialog boxes. g "Write to measurement file" or "Write to text file". If you export a single X–Y data object, Abaqus/CAE also plots the data in a chart; a chart is not created if you export multiple X–Y data objects. The Copy Session XYData to ODB dialog box appears. inp file by creating a job for your model and running 'write input'. rpy. rpt文件的数据,但可以手动修改为 . From the File Filter menu at the bottom of the Export Part dialog box, select the file format. From the Operators listed, click +. rpy) The replay file contains Abaqus/CAE commands that record almost every modeling operation you perform during a session. The Stress Linearization dialog box appears. From the main menu bar, select ToolsXY DataCreate. The Create XY Data dialog box appears. Jan 24, 2015 · Ideally I'd love to save it into an Excel or a . You can read X–Y data from field output in the output database. To export X–Y data to Microsoft Excel, select one or more X–Y data objects and click OK. ”) The output database file is binary, so it is efficient to save large amounts of data to this file for future use. First, generate the . For X–Y data originating from sources other than output database history output, you must save your data to later produce an X–Y By default, the X–Y data objects you save are retained for the duration of the session only. Enter the file name of your choice in the appropriate text field, or click Select to choose Abaqus/Standard analysis results can be written to the data ( . You want to make sure that is not checked. From the dialog box that appears, select one or more variables to plot and the step or steps of interest; then click Plot . Subscribed. , “field 1 vs. Hello, Alvaro. In the XY Data from ODB Field Output dialog box that appears, select Unique Nodal as the type of position from which the X–Y data should be read. values Job-1. To produce an X–Y plot of history data from an output database: Select ToolsXY DataCreate from the main menu bar to launch the Create XY Data dialog box; then choose ODB history output. When you select a point in Probe mode, Abaqus/CAE adds the legend text, sequence identification, and X - and Y -coordinates of the current point to the data table, which appears at the bottom of the Probe Values dialog box. Try to get the divide the nodes into 2 or 3 set of nodal sets and get the displacement data for all nodes in for sets using create XY data> ODB field output> unique nodal> all> nodal set. C abaqus fetch job=ringshell. Nov 13, 2020 · All Answers (12) It is probably faster to loop over all entries in your fieldOutput set, like in this code snippet, you can simply say: for stressValue in stressSet. You can then choose to simply plot the specified X–Y data object or to save the data object and plot it later. Input File Usage. From the XY Data choices, click the names of the two X–Y data objects to combine in the order you want Abaqus to combine them and click Add to Expression. for step in odb. The replay file (abaqus. , “Entered from keyboard”, “Taken from ASCII file”, “Read from an ODB”, etc. If you derive a different Mar 28, 2020 · 0. The XY Data from Path dialog box appears. writeXYReport (fileName=*. odb) into a single output database ( . inp. To select and accumulate values of interest, and to allow subsequent writing of these values to a file, click mouse button 1 while positioning the cursor over a node. Abaqus/CAE lists all the files in the selected directory with the appropriate file extension. Abaqus/CAE translates the keywords and data lines in the imported input file into a new model; however, a limited set of Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit keywords is supported, as Lec9_Write-Field-Data. From the File Filter menu at the bottom of the Open Database dialog box, select one of the following: Model Database (*. The model plot in the current viewport changes to highlight the path you have Plot the deformed shape of the lug. g. The tutorial describes how you can choose the variable to display, how you can step through the steps and frames in the analysis, and how you can create X–Y data from history output. ABAQUS divides each axis into intervals and displays the appropriate major and minor tick marks. You can use this utility to combine any output database files, including those with model data and results from the following: Output from different substructures in the same model. Saved data persist only for the duration of the session. inp文件里设置好,导出为. dat, appendMode=OFF, xyData= ( xyCurveName )) Look into session. I Generating tabular data reports. To read X–Y data from an ASCII file: Locate the XY Data from ASCII File options: From the main menu bar, select ToolsXY DataCreate. Generate a tabular report to save data values beyond the duration of the session or to print these values. 178. Click ASCII file in the dialog box that appears; then click Continue. Edit : I solved part of the problem, my macro works and all my data is correctly saved in the XY-Data manager. The xy-data consists of magnitude and time and the type is (according . Locate the Edit XY Data options: From the main menu bar, select ToolsXY DataEdit XY Data Object, where XY Data Object is a saved X–Y data object in your session. txt" Ingeniosus (Structural) (OP) 24 Jul 11 10:36. Enter the node labels directly into the table: The ODB is saved in the same folder that you set for your work directory. 1 XYData object. The plot represents the expression in the dialog box, which Abaqus considers temporary data, whether or not you have saved your new X–Y data object. Extract the data you need. The abaqus odbcombine utility combines the results data in two or more Abaqus output database files ( . If you save X–Y data from any other dialog box, the Save XY Data As dialog box appears. 方式二:Report > XY, 导出默认 . 5 – Go to the folder of Copy your X–Y data to an output database file. If you want to make X–Y data objects available for subsequent sessions, you can save them to an XML file, to the model database, or to an output database using the FileSave Session Objects option; or you can copy them to an output database file using the Copy to ODB button in the XY Data Manager. The associative interfaces for Abaqus/CAE provide straightforward and powerful techniques for importing geometry. Abaqus/CAE stores the data from the first row of the data table into the storage rows of the data table. writeXYReport in the abaqus ASCII type data will be written to the abaqus. easier way to record data (like save as txt file), please let me know! the procedure to export XY data to Excel By default, the X–Y data objects you save are retained for the duration of the session only. Mar 1, 2018 · So in the Abaqus Scripting Interface there is no direct way to delete data off an odb file or to duplicate an odb with some data removed from the database. models['Model-1'] To delete the files created by Abaqus after running job, you can use the following: import os. Mar 8, 2017 · example shows how to save/export XY data results in ABAQUS By default, the X–Y data objects you save are retained for the duration of the session only. fit (X) Performing curve fitting on an X–Y data object. This value may be overridden if the X–Y data are combined with other X–Y data. 4 – Select Apply. ) and want to visualize it as a contour. Any From the main menu bar, select FileOpen. Open ('path\filename. Inthis tutorial, we show you how to generate the Strain vs Temperature curve for a Jul 23, 2011 · Yes you can. You can produce a tabular data report of X–Y data objects, field output results, probe values, or free body cuts. If you want to make X–Y data objects available for subsequent sessions, you can save them to an XML file, to the model database, or to an output database using the File Save Session Objects option; or you can copy them to an output database file using the Copy to ODB button in the XY Data Manager. -Ing. 2 – Go to the tab à Report\XY…. I havn't succeded in converting this xy-data to dynamic data that is accepted by e. txt, . If you save data from the XY Data from ODB Field Output dialog box, the Save XY Data dialog box appears. field 2”). Have a look at Viewing results along a path in the documentation for path creation and obtaining xy results. rpt file which you can open up in notepad or whatever. Abaqus/CAE writes the report to the file name of your choice. com/watc Nov 18, 2021 · I think, it just basic file read write thing. Data tables are composed of input boxes, or cells, organized into rows and columns. Everything you do on abaqus GUI is converted to a relevant python script and can be seen in this file. The Edit XY Data dialog box appears with the X–Y data presented in tabular format. Now I'd like to save all the "Y" data in an excel or text file and I have no clue on how to do that. cae) A String specifying the source of the X–Y data (e. abq_ExcelUtilities doesn't seem to have an auto save option. Your browser is not supported by this document. Then in the menu bar, select "report", "xy", and saves the data to a file ". #abaqus #hnrwagner Tip: You can also access the XY Data Manager from the tool in the toolbox. In the Create XY Data dialog box that appears, select ODB field output as the source and click Continue. You can only append data to the output database; you cannot modify the contents of the file in any other way. You are encouraged to copy the tutorial output database to a local directory and experiment with the ABAQUS Scripting Interface. txt方法三:ABAQUS 计算之前就在. To edit any of the data points, click in the appropriate cell and The Combine ODBs plug-in enables you to combine model data and results data from two or more Abaqus output database ( . This creates an output database called ringshell. Understanding quantity types. 3 – Select the XYData created. From this output, you can select the following: a variable at an output position—for example, S11 (stress in the 11-direction) at integration points; and. In the Stress line name field, provide a name for the stress line. The Operate on XY Data dialog box allows you to create new X–Y data objects by performing operations on previously saved X–Y data objects. dat文件。. a single location or a set of locations To obtain linearized stress results: Locate the stress linearization options. The file will be organized by keywords indicated by an asterisk (*). rpt file is definitely the better way to go, but if you really like making things difficult for yourself or its just in small quantity, you can open the xy data plot manager, select your plot, press edit so it shows the raw data set of that plot The alternative is to do the following: 1 – Create XY Data\ ODB field output. Ronald Wagner. Abaqus/CAE evaluates the expression to derive the new X–Y data. 5. 3- Click 'All Files (*,*)' and open the rpt file that you saved. 2- In the ribbons go to 'DATA' and click 'From Access'. Tip: You can also access the XY Data Manager from the tool in the toolbox. contentDescription. Thank you very much! It works!! tetmesh (Mechanical) 25 Jul 11 04:27. If you save multiple viewports containing animations, Abaqus/CAE saves them all as a single image-based animation. The X–Y data object name appears within the expression window. 4- In the Apr 28, 2020 · Abaqus CAE: Make X-Y Plot & Export to Excel | Create Data from ODB Field Output & Operate on XY Data. rpt file in working directory. inp file is already just a text file. odb) files into a new output database. **Verify file format:** Abaqus CAE provides various file formats for exporting data, such as . If you have any questions, please reach out to us at info@worthingtonassembly. An X–Y data object is a collection of ordered pairs that ABAQUS stores in two columns—an X -column and a Y -column. Mar 2, 2021 · ABAQUS Tutorial: Fastest way to export XYDATA from ABAQUS to Excel ? Dr. 方法一:通过Plu-ins > Tools > Excel Utilities,将XY Data直接 Establish persistent curve style preferences for your X–Y data. So how can we edit the odb to remove un The Save Sessions Field Output Variables dialog box appears. sv rh vn jl ox vk pe ss wk zu