San juan basin stratigraphic column

A diagrammatic stratigraphic cross section through the basin (Fig. In some areas, much of the Mesozoic formations are Jan 1, 2020 · Artesian overpressure is driven by a recharge area that is elevated above the basin interior. References. Today only Paleocene and Eocene rocks represent the Tertiary sediments of the San Juan Basin. Identify the 4 stages of rifting (described above Figure 5. The numerous pinch-outs of the Paguate and Twowells Sandstone Members offer stratigraphic trap opportunities for future oil and gas exploration in the San Juan Basin. Modified From Fassett et al [1]. Download scientific diagram | Map of New Mexico and stratigraphic column showing the geographic (San Juan Basin) and stratigraphic (Paleocene Torrejonian North American Land Mammal 'Age') location Complete a stratigraphic study of the Semilla Sandstone member of the Mancos Shale of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico using both outcrop observation and petrographic thin section analysis. Journey through time with maps, fossils and videos of Colorado over the past 550 million years. , 1992, Geologic framework of pre-Cretaceous rocks in the Southern Ute Indian Reservation and adjacent areas, southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico, IN Geology and mineral resources of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation: U. Beds here named Cutler formation compose greater part of "Red Beds" of region. These outcrops expose fluvial and Tectonics and stratigraphy of the Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina and its regional implications. See also. 02 ± 0. Summary: Cutler formation. In this paper, we report the results of recent ad-ditional rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic in-vestigations. General Geography of San Juan Structural Basin The San Juan structural basin is located largely in New Mexico (fig. graphic results from the San Juan Basin. Stratigraphic column for the San Juan Basin for late Turonian–early Oligocene (90–30 Ma). The Tertiary rocks of the basin were deposited after a hiatus during which time the topmost Cretaceous rocks were up-warped and truncated. , scale 1:62,500. 3). The San Juan structural basin is primarily in New Mexico and the southeast corner of the Colorado Plateau. , 1977; Lindsay, Jacobs, and Butler, 1978; Taylor and Butler, 1980; Lindsay, Butler, and Johnson, 1980; see also Tomida and Butler, 1980). Oct 11, 2019 · This digital dataset contains spatial datasets corresponding to selected contour maps from the Evolution of Sedimentary Basins—San Juan basin study. (1996a, b); Aleman (1983) and Guzm an (2007). from publication: COMPELLING Upper Cretaceous rocks investigated in this report include (in ascending order) the middle and upper parts of the Mancos Shale, Mesaverde Group (Formation), and lower part of the North Horn Formation. Stratigraphic column of major geologic units in study area and estimated thickness based on regional stratigraphic studies. 2) and to divide it into density units as ex-plained in the next section. Contents. Geological Survey Bulletin, 1808-J, p. W. Depositional History. Colorado Stratigraphy. Rusk County lies between the Sabine Uplift on the east and the East Texas Basin on the west. It is a nearly circular, bowl-shaped depression containing a thick sequence of sedimentary rocks, ranging in age from 570 million- to 2 million years old (Brister and Price, 2002). Abundant data and the long production history allow lessons to be learned, both from an exploration and development perspective, that can be applied in other basins. , Guidebook of the south and west sides of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Arizona: New Mexico Geologi cal Society Field Conference, 2nd, p. M. Dec 5, 2018 · Stratigraphy plays a large factor in the basin's prolific production, as there are multiple hydrocarbon-rich units throughout the stratigraphic column. The data help define the elevation, thickness, and extent of principal stratigraphic units of the basin. Read Sequence Stratigraphy of the Dakota Sandstone, Eastern San Juan Basin, New Mexico, and its Relationship to Reservoir Compartmentalization Read, C. a sense a structural embayment of the Colorado Plateau into the southwestern edge of the Rocky Mountains. Welcome! On this site you can explore the geologic history of Colorado. NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF MINES & MINERAL RESOURCES EXPLANATION Coal-bearing interval ,dashed where approximate or projected Stratigraphic unit boundary , dash- ed where approximate or projected Approximate stratigraphic position Of highest commercial coal bed in Apr 4, 2024 · Paradox basin. Not all formations remain in all areas. , 1992, New interpretations of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of uppermost Jurassic to lowermost Upper Cretaceous strata in the San Juan basin of northwestern New Mexico, IN Evolution of sedimentary basins; San Juan basin: U. San Juan Basin stratigraphic chart. 90°W. P. 11 MB PDF) New data acquired in the last decade, consisting of reprocessed seismic lines, geological cross-sections, stratigraphic data from wells, and new stratigraphic columns, are analyzed in this study. Determine the depositional environments for the different lithologies in the northeastern Brazilian Recôncavo Basin’s stratigraphic column in Figure 5. fully measuring and tracing stratigraphic units in the field, and by examining the lithologic characteristics and f aunal content of all the beds. These two prominent structural features resulted from faulting that began in the Triassic Period (200 to 250 million years ago). San Juan basin Publication: Condon, S. The eastern and northern boundaries of the basin are a complex fault zone along the western margin of the Sangre de Cristo uplift which merges, around the The San Juan Basin is in the Western United States in the states of New Mexico and Colorado (fig. The lowland part of the basin embraces 15-20 thousand square miles and is underlain by 25-30 thousand cubic miles of sedimentary materials above the pre-Cambrian basement. Simplified Stratigraphic Column from the Central Basin of the San Juan Basin (from Brister and Hoffman, 2002). In addition to hydrocarbons, the Permian basin is also known for its significant potash deposits. 1) illustrates these relations. Gregory in 1917 for exposures at Todilto Park in the San Juan Basin. T. Hydrogeologic Geologic Period Phase Stratigraphic Unit Unit. , 1981. A famous example of artesian overpressure is in the San Juan Basin, where an elevated recharge area in the Hogback monocline contributes to overpressure in an elongate fairway, which is the most productive coalbed methane trend in the world [60 The San Juan Basin is in. We employ a sequence stratigraphic framework for the Niobrara Formation in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, based on log character but. Jan 1, 1974 · The 257-foot section shown at the base of this column includes the Dakota Sandstone and possibly part of the Lower Cretaceous Burro Canyon Formation at the base. This Paleogene unit is in turn unconformably overlain by the Oligocene Sierra Formation, and unconformably, over the Sierra The San Juan Basin of northwest New Mexico and southwest Colorado is the second largest gas basin in the United States, second to the greater Hugoton Field of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. , 1951, Stratigraphy of the outcropping Permian rocks around the San Juan Basin, in Smith, C. (1999), Kerans and Fitchen (1995) and Kerans and Kempter (2002) established the foundation for the high frequency framework of the Permian basin sequence stratigraphy');">sequence stratigraphy. S. . Magnetic The San Juan structural basin is a northwest-trending, asymmetric structural depression at th9 eastern edge of the Colorado Plateau. 3 Figure 3. 27°N 107. Usage of Geologic Unit Name: Glen Canyon Group (AZ*,CO*,NV*,NM*,UT*) Glen Canyon Sandstone (CO*,UT*) Glen Canyon Group (undifferentiated) crops out in Glen Canyon. 80-84. Fig. similar faunal levels in the San Juan Basin has not been determined, nor has the technique of magnetic-polarity stratigraphy been available with which to do so. The paleomagnetic stratigraphy of these beds has been studied recently (Butler et al. Sep 12, 2022 · The present-day Magdalena Valley, Eastern Cordillera, and Llanos Basin were part of a regional multiphase basin that started as an extensional basin in the Jurassic. An example of specific assignments of these weight functions is given for correlation of well logs from the San Juan Basin. 1808, US department of interior, US Geological Survey DC, U. May 1, 2018 · The stratigraphic column for the San Juan Basin (Suárez-Rodríguez, 2007), includes the Cretaceous Dagua and Diabásico groups conforming the basement, which is conformably overlain by the Paleocene-Eocene Iró Formation. 1981) was under-taken subsequent to the original San Juan Ba-sin study. In the southern part of the San Juan Basin the Morrison has three members, from oldest to youngest, the Recapture, the Westwater Canyon, and the Brushy Basin (fig. Geological Survey Geologic Atlas of the United States Folio, Silverton folio, no. , ed. He assigned it to his (now defunct) La Plata Group. Ranges from 0 ft thick in southwestern part of basin in San Juan Co, NM, to about 2,400 ft thick in northeastern part in Archuleta Co, CO. Apr 1, 2014 · These TPSs are based on geologic elements of the basin and the potential development of Precambrian, Devonian, Pennsylvanian, Permian-Mississippian, and Cretaceous source rock intervals. Coordinates: 36. independent of lithostratigraphy sequence stratigraphy of the Permian Basin The works of Sarg et al. The axis of the East Texas Basin trends north to south generally along the western boundary of Smith County. 56). This view is along the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam. Its dimensions are about 120 miles in NEW MEXICO GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY * SECOND FIELD CONFERENCE * SAN JUAN BASIN HI I CRETACEOUS STRATIGRAPHY OF THE a broad Uniform variation has been established which SAN JUAN BASIN is illustrated by Figure I. Nomenclature for these rocks is complex and has been used inconsistently by previous investigators as shown in figure 2. Sandstone predominates to J the southwest, shale to the northeast; marine deposits make ¯ The depositional history of the San Juan Basin is focused during the Late Cretaceous - an epoch in which at least 6,500 feet of sediments were deposited. J1-J17. Strippable low-sulfur coal resources of the San Juan Basin in New Mexico and Colorado. Publication: Cross, Whitman, and Howe, Ernest, 1905, Description of the Silverton quadrangle [Colorado]: U. Figure 3 shows a general stratigraphic column for the basin. It has sometimes been included in the Morrison Formation. Download scientific diagram | -Stratigraphic column of the lower part of the Ojo Alamo Sandstone at the San Juan River site (fig. 3133/mf2068: Authors: Jan 20, 2017 · The Colorado Plateau is an elevated region sandwiched between the Southern Rocky Mountains (to the east) and the Great Basin/Basin and Range province (to the south and west) ( Figure 130 ). , 1899, Telluride folio, Colorado: U. A cross-section was then constructed across the central and western parts of the basin showing the stra-tigraphic and structural relations of these units (fig. Historical coal mining and more recently coal-bed methane production have generated well data to confirm the shallow stratigraphy of the Basin. The maps, reports, and other information and content on this website are provided as a public service for informational purposes only. Laramide. 63; Knight and Cooper, 1955, p. y. The southwestern part of the basin is bounded by the east-tilted Brazos uplift. Feb 18, 2023 · Stratigraphic Evidence of Continental Rifting. , and G. Mancos Group. 1,000-10,000. The sedimentary rocks clip basinward from the basin Jan 1, 2020 · Artesian overpressure is driven by a recharge area that is elevated above the basin interior. In this area, units dip generally eastward. The basin contains as much as 14,000 feet of sedimentary rocks overlying a Precambrian basement complex. Insights into the petroleum geology and stratigraphy of the Dakota interval (Cretaceous) in the San Juan Basin, northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado (6. separates Late Cretaceous from Tertiary rocks in the Basin. San Juan Basin. (Top) Tectonic Evolution. Dakota Sandstone. ments of the Nacimiento Formation in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico. Publication: Cross, Whitman, and Purington, C. The Recapture Member consists of sandstone, siltstone, The Twowells Sandstone Member of the Dakota Sandstone was correlated as a series of discontinuous sandstone lenses that extend into the Four Corners region. The sedimentary rocks clip basinward from the basin Apr 4, 2024 · Pg. 621. Glen Canyon Group. The San Juan Basin is a large structural basin in northwestern New Mexico that formed during the late Cretaceous-Paleogene Laramide orogeny about 75 million years ago. Summary: Mancos shale. Jul 1, 2021 · The general stratigraphic and architectural complexity of the full Niobrara section has long been recognized; however, fine-scale subdivision of the formation from a sequence stratigraphic aspect has been lacking and is critical for basin-scale analysis. This paper examines the relationships between stratigraphy and hydrocarbon production from the San Juan Basin of New Mexico and Colorado. 80−50 Ma. Earth sciences portal; Paleontology portal; List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in New Mexico North-south stratigraphic cross sections of upper Cretaceous rocks, northern San Juan Basin, southwestern Colorado: DOI: 10. Map: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Geologic Apr 4, 2024 · In the Todilto Park area, Beclabito Member of Wanakah Formation and Cow Springs Sandstone intertongue. The basin comprises all or parts of San Juan, McKinley, Rio Arriba, and Sandoval Counties, with a northern portion Aug 14, 2019 · Chronostratigraphic column for Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene strata in the San Juan Basin region of northwestern New Mexico, showing the stratigraphic terminology used in this report. Dark-gray or lead-colored shales, nearly always somewhat sandy. The group is a single regression - transgression sequence in its type location in the San Juan Basin, dividing the older marine Mancos Shale and younger Lewis Shale deposited in the Western marine transgression (Cliff House Sandstone) in the San Juan Basin, stratal accumulation rates in the axial part of the basin more than doubled to ~150 m/My (Table 1, Fig. Compare those findings to the time equivalent type 1 sand of the Codell Sandstone. Apr 4, 2024 · Replaces use of Summerville Formation in northwest NM, San Juan basin and northeast AZ, Black Mesa basin, where it is divisible into the Todilto Limestone Member (stratigraphic rank changed from formation and assigned to Wanakah as its basal member), Beclabito and Horse Mesa Members (both new names). Overview of Fresh and Brackish Water Quality - San Juan Basin. B. The basin comprises all or parts of San Juan, McKinley, Rio Arriba, and Sandoval Counties, with a northern portion cycles. 28) and mark them 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the right-most column in Figure 5. 1 ). Pedernal Member clasts in the San Juan Basin (Love, 1997) and southeast paleof low stratigraphic column (fig. [1] The Piceance Basin is an intracratonic basin that spans across an area of 5,500 square miles in the northwestern region of Colorado. The San Juan Basin's Paleocene dinosaur fauna is herein named the Alamoan fauna. East-west cross sections showing the evolution of the San Juan Basin area _____ _ 19. Magnetic polarity stratigraphic study of continental deposits in the Clark's Fork Ba-sin, Wyoming (Butler et al. Stratigraphic data presented in this report were ac­ cumulated by detailed geologic mapping in the Colo­ rado Kiver valley during the years 1950-54. P. These Sep 9, 2022 · Stratigraphic column of the lower part of the Ojo Alamo Sandstone at the San Juan River site (fig. 28. The northwestern part of the San Luis basin merges into the eastern flank of the San Juan Mountains uplift. Canyon is situated in the modern San Juan Basin, a structural and physical feature encompassing more than 67,000 km 2 (26,000 mi 2 ) in northwestern New Mexico and extending into southwestern the San Juan Basin which also contains large quantities of natural gas (Peach and Starbucks, 2009, p. About 15 percent of the basin is in southwestern Colorado and 2 percent is in northeastern Arizona and southeastern Utah. From its outcrop belt around the flanks of the basin, the Mancos dips into the subsurface of the basin. A hiatus of about 8 m. Situated in the Uinta-Piceance Province of Colorado and Utah, the Piceance is the second-largest It is found in the San Juan Basin in the states of New Mexico and Colorado, in the United States of America. The book focuses on the stratigraphy exposed by the Laramide uplift and subsequent erosion, and on the mid-Tertiary Navajo Volcanic Field. The San Juan Basin is a large structural and topographic basin that assumed its present shape during the Late Creta ceous and early Tertiary Laramide orogeny (Kelley, 1951). Methane cloud. Until the 1970s, most of the gas produced in the basin came from the three major fractured-sandstone reservoirs: the Dakota Sandstone, the Mesaverde Group Content may be subject to copyright. Skipp, 1992, New interpretations of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of uppermost Jurassic to lowermost Upper Cretaceous strata in the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico no. 520. Alluvium associated with present rivers. The total area of the basin is about 18,000 square miles. Laramide basin formations form multiple aquifers; include San Juan, Piceance and Sand Wash basins. independent of lithostratigraphy Jun 11, 2001 · Stratigraphic column of Sierra Ladrones and Arroyo Ojito Formation strata at mouth of Tijeras Arroyo. Dig into the details of individual basins using the basin map, stratigraphic charts and sections pages. hide. First good published description of Kayenta formation as the middle formation of Glen Canyon group. This provides the potential to develop multiple stacked producing zones from these different units. Apr 4, 2024 · National Geologic Map DatabaseGeolex — Significant Publications. The Mancos Shale (Upper Cretaceous) covers approximately 12,000 mi2 in the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado. 120, 34 p. 2), 190, 191. Colorado River Basin Stratigraphy. M. • Oct 25, 2019 · Covering more than 26,000 square miles (67,340 km2), the San Juan Basin is the dominant structural and physical feature in the northwestern part of New Mexico. 12; Fassett, 2010, this guide-book). 1 Stratigraphic column showing the five primary petroleum systems in the Piceance Basin. G. Faunas of late B: Stratigraphic column showing full thickness of Ojo Alamo Sandstone near San Juan River as measured and described by Reeside (1924) and showing relative positions of dinosaur bone and pollen Composite idealized stratigraphic columns of the Sinú and San Jacinto sub-basins compiled from Duque-Caro (1978, 1980, 1984, 1990); Duque-Caro et al. 187, 188 (fig. Article PDF References Agterberg, F. 28 below. Dark-gray, silty and sandy marine shale; contains some interbedded sandstones and limestones. Apr 4, 2024 · San Juan Mountains province. The basin is structurally asymmetric with a gentle southern flank and a steep northern flank. Pedernal Member clasts in the San Juan Basin (Love, 1997) and southeast paleof low The San Juan structural basin is a northwest-trending, asymmetric structural depression at th9 eastern edge of the Colorado Plateau. The basement rocks of the region are of Precambrian age. Geological Survey Geologic Atlas of the United States Folio, GF-57, 18 p. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1505-A, p. Usable yields probably limited to Farmington Sandstone Member. Abbreviations are: Naash. Deposition of Laramide strata occurred ca. In the southern part of the San Juan Basin, Peabody Coal oper-ates two surface coal mines, the Lee Ranch Mine, about 55 km 8. Map of oil and gas fields and coal mines in the Fruitland Formation and the Kirtland Shale _____ _ 20. The Mesaverde Group is a Late Cretaceous stratigraphic group found in areas of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, in the Western United States . We incorporated new data from the Llanos Basin and Eastern May 24, 2006 · The guidebook covers the geology of the Chuska Mountains region of the central Colorado Plateau, which crosses several major monoclines from the San Juan Basin on the east to the Deviance Plateau on the west. 13 Ma. Apr 4, 2024 · Aubrey, W. Below is a summary of the Sarg et al. Oil-production totals for the basin include both oil from oil wells and condensate and oil from gas wells. A persistent tongue of marine shale, separating the Twowells All correlations within a preset distance of the optimum likewise can be produced for any of these algorithms. 3) during deposi-FIGURE 2. Read Sequence Stratigraphy of the Dakota Sandstone, Eastern San Juan Basin, New Mexico, and its Relationship to Reservoir Compartmentalization Jan 1, 2017 · New Mexico Geological Society An improved new age for the C33n-C32r paleomagnetic reversal, San Juan Basin, NW New Mexico and SW Colorado The Geology of the Ouray-Silverton Area Annual NMGS Fall Apr 21, 2021 · Generalized stratigraphic column of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene units in the northwestern and southeastern San Juan Basin (SJB) near the towns of Farmington and Cuba, New Mexico, respectively (see Fig. . Feb 3, 2020 · Aubrey, W. Is generally a light- to dark-gray and black shale with interbeds of light-brown sandstone, sandy to silty limestone, calcareous concretions, and bentonite. Then, it was transformed into a retroarc foreland basin in the Late Cretaceous and subsequently separated into a hinterland and a foreland basin during the late Eocene. Mbr, Dec 1, 2016 · More than half a century later, the McCracken Sandstone Member of the Elbert Formation was proposed as a new stratigraphic unit for 34 m of sandstone with interbeds of dolostone recovered in a core in the Paradox Basin, San Juan County, Utah (Cooper, 1955, p. Table 11b-02-04-01. The maximum deposition age for the upper member is 160 Ma Figure 1 3B is a stratigraphic column of the entire thickness of the Ojo Alamo Sandstone as measured by Reeside (1924) near the San Juan River and shows the relative position of the bone-bearing The formation was first described by H. STRATIGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK The subject of this study is the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. Gallup sandstone. Contains thin calcareous layers which in places become almost Colorado Stratigraphy. In the southwestern part of the basin the Twowells Sandstone should be considered as the upper member of the Dakota Sandstone. Type locality is about a mile north of Kayenta, Navajo Co, AZ in the Black Mesa basin, and about 20 miles south of Monument Valley-Navajo Mountain region, San Juan Co, UT in We characterize relationships between stratigraphy and natural fractures in outcrops of Mesozoic strata that rim the San Juan Basin in New Mexico and Colorado. Cretaceous section in Alamosa Creek [now Alamocita Creek] valley area, Catron and Socorro Counties, northwestern New Mexico, reinterpreted, and stratigraphic names used in San Juan basin extended into valley. The region is famous for its high desert scenery preserved in a large number of national parks. The base of the Kirtland Formation and its lowest sub-unit, the Hunter Wash member, has been dated to 75. The entire Colorado Plateau region has risen nearly a mile Stratigraphic studies of Lower Cretaceous units in the southeastern part of the San Juan basin indicate that the Tres Hermanos Sandstone should be considered as the upper member of the Dakota Sandstone. Stratigraphy. 4 Figure 4. 2352 | 1955 East 6th Street, P. Summary: graphic results from the San Juan Basin. Hachured lies denote stratigraphic The total number of productive wells in the basin was 39,363; 3932 in Colorado and 35,431 in New Mexico. North-south cross sections showing the evolution of the San Juan Basin area _____ _ 18. and Gradstein, F. Hydrocarbon Plays. Colorado Plateaus Region. Gallup sandstone is split into upper and lower units by D-Cross tongue (new) of Mancos Recent studies have grouped the sedimentary rocks of this basin into six formations and, among those, the San Juan Raya is one of the most important and largest (Mendoza-Rosales 2010;Mendoza Dec 15, 2021 · Piceance basin. The Cretaceous rocks were formed by transgressive and regressive marine shore-zone sediments that were deposited in shallow seas that encroached into the San Juan Basin area from the northeast Hydrogeologic Geologic Period Phase Stratigraphic Unit Unit. O. Jun 11, 2001 · Stratigraphic column of Sierra Ladrones and Arroyo Ojito Formation strata at mouth of Tijeras Arroyo. the Laramide San Juan Basin. Box 210184, Tucson, AZ 85721. These dips reflect the shape of the San Rafael Swell, as the "peak" of the swell lies to the west; thus, units dip east as you move down the Eastern limb. A famous example of artesian overpressure is in the San Juan Basin, where an elevated recharge area in the Hogback monocline contributes to overpressure in an elongate fairway, which is the most productive coalbed methane trend in the world [60 Sep 10, 2012 · the Niobrara petroleum system. Sep 10, 2012 · the Niobrara petroleum system. In comparison to the upper strata, ages range from 157-2949 Ma and age peaks at 170, 243, 440, 545, 1082, 1467, 1681, and 1985 Ma. (1999) and the Kerans and Kempter (2002) models. Interbedded gray, brown and olive sandstone, shale, and coal. The au­ May 12, 2020 · The units in this map are based off of those discussed in the stratigraphy section of this report and the corresponding stratigraphic column. Chuska Mountains are used as an arbitrary dividing line between use of Beclabito to north in San Juan Co, NM, San Juan basin, Apache Co, AZ, Black Mesa basin, and San Juan Co, UT (as far north as Bluff), Paradox basin, and use of Cow Springs to south in McKinley Co, NM, San Juan basin. 65 8. Cretaceous. 17. E. 1). Basalt flows and small intrusives. New Mexico has produced 78 percent of the gas and 99 percent of the oil from the San Juan Basin. Petroleum Basins of South America, 62, 285–301. Use those comparisons to gain a greater understanding of the regional from better-studied regions such as the Denver Basin. Active coal mining operations are located in two regions. bs co mu ud al gp uk sr ml xh