Spring oscillation lab report

Spring oscillation lab report. 200 kg, 0. Oscillation Lab (Graph is Below Simulation Window) In this lab you will able to see how different variables affect the rate of a spring's oscillation. Jun 21, 2013 · The oscillation will proceed with a characteristic period, τ, which is determined by the spring constant and the total attached mass. •To find a solution to the differential equation for displacement that results from applying Newton’s laws to a simple spring-mass system, and to compare the functional form of this Objective: To investigate simple harmonic motion using a simple pendulum and an oscillating spring; to determine the spring constant of a spring. Validate the need to include extra terms of the Taylor expansion for the oscillation period when using larger angles. A block of unknown mass is attached to a spring with a force constant of 6. Oscillations of a Spring Lab Report Date of Lab: Sept , 2016 Introduction: Simple harmonic motion (SHM) occurs Jun 21, 2013 · The oscillation will proceed with a characteristic period, τ, which is determined by the spring constant and the total attached mass. Open a Microsoft Word document to keep a log of your procedures and your results. Lab 1: Simple Harmonic Oscillations. So a = − (k/m)x, i. examining the displacement with various masses. A hookean spring obeys F = − kx, where k is called the spring constant. Calculate and record the total displacement of the last coil of the spring, Δx, by Δx = xi –. Introduction. Based on the properties of simple harmonic motion (SHM) discussed in the lab manual answer the following questions, and explain why or why not for each: a) If a mass on a spring is displaced and its period is measured to be 1 second, how will the period change if the mass is displaced even more (i. Lab 12. docx from FOUNDATION MF006 at UCSI University, Cheras. 1. 00 s, but the initial position is near position x ≈ − 0. Reference slides 3A . Data Table 1. Select known 100g mass and attach it to Spring. Horizontal Oscillation Lab. There were two methods we experimented with which were the mass-spring and pendulum system. For the blue spring, add mass between 100g and 550g in increments of 50g. When you are ready to start this activity, click on the begin button. Students can use the position vs. To study the undammed free vibration of equivalent spring A scale for measuring actual mass of weights used, accurate to +/- 1 gram. The purpose of this activity is to investigate the motion of a mass oscillating on a spring. Add 20 grams of mass to the end of the spring (be sure to include the mass of the hanger). Record the difference between the new position and the equilibrium position as [Delta]x or "Stretch" (in meters). 96N). time graph to find the amplitude, frequency, period and/or angular frequency of oscillation. The thin mass is Introductory Physics 1 Lab. Two pendula are coupled by a spring. Hang masses from springs and adjust the spring stiffness and damping. There are countless examples of simple harmonic oscillation. 2. A pendulum exhibits simple harmonic motion (SHM), which allowed us to measure the gravitational constant by measuring the period of the pendulum. This was done in quintuplicate for total masses of 200, 300, 400, and 500 grams. In summary‚ a net-gain of 8 NADH‚ 2 FADH2‚ 2 ATP and 6 CO2 are produced for each glucose molecule converted to pyruvate that enters the mitochondria. 300 kg, and 0. wrt date title: spring constant in series and parallel department of basic sciences and humanities submitted to samuel gbemi nicosia, turkish republic of Feb 27, 2019 · These videos are part of a unit of instruction created by NJCTL. Purpose: Measure the oscillation period for a simple pendulum oscillator and explore the different regimes (small angles, larger angles). Record your results in table 2 and 3. Press red stop button at the side of Spring to stop oscillations. The To study the damped torsional oscillation & to determine the damping coefficient. From the slope of this graph, calculate the value of the spring constant, including the uncertainty. To compare the two methods of determining the spring constant, you decide to try them both in the lab. Ryan Hamel Physics 151 Lab 6 Report ABSTRACT: The purpose of this week’s lab section was to demonstrate simple harmonic motion. •To find a solution to the differential equation for displacement that results from applying Newton’s laws to a simple spring-mass system, and to compare the functional form of this Jan 27, 2006 · where is the body's displacement. Equipment needed: 1. Method: The spring is suspended from a firm support and is loaded, by means of slotted masses is attached to the free lower end, until it is possible to measure the time taken by the suspended load to execute 20 complete vertical oscillations. When you are ready to start this activity Experiment 11: Oscillations Report: In addition to the standard elements of a well written lab report described in the introduction to this manual, your report must include: 1) The data from each of the three experiments in neat, well organized tables, which include units and measurement uncertainty. Repeat the above steps for the other two springs (blue and green). to find Spring Oscillations Lab Description The goal of this experiment is to discover what determines the period of oscillation for a mass on the end of a spring. Physics 111 - Lab Report 9; Related documents. CONCLUSION: Transcribed image text: OSCILLATIONS OF CART AND SPRING PHYS 1401 LAB REPORT Name (s): GOAL: (briefly state what experiment (s) will be performed and with what purpose) RESULTS: Part I. 407 0. 357 0. You can even slow time. Goals and Introduction. Answer all questions. UM–SJTU Joint Institute Physics Laboratory (Vp141) Laboratory Report Exercise 3 Simple Harmonic Motion: Oscillations in Mechanical Systems Name: Peng Kaiwen Name: Wang Tianze Date: 21 July 2016 ID: 515370910116 ID: 515370910202 Group: 14 Group: 14 f1 Introduction [1] The objective of the lab is to study the simple harmonic oscillations. The change in position caused by the oscillation of the spring at an amplitude of 2 cm was analyzed Download spring constant , lab report and more Physics Lab Reports in PDF only on Docsity! USKUDAR UNIVERSITY PHYSICS LABORATORY Objective: Calculation of the period and the spring constant by observing the harmonic motion of a mass attached to the end of a spring, the weight of the mass connected to the springs and the spring constant according to the oscillation period Materials: Spring In this lab you will be examining the relationship between the mass on a spring and the period of the pendulum. In the second section of the lab you will observe the oscillations of a spring loaded with a specific mass. will it increase, decrease, or stay the same). Become a spring oscillation master and help determine the magnitude and epicenter of an earthquake using just a mass and a spring. For each of these times, write an expression for the displacement (x), the velocity (v), the acceleration (a), the kinetic energy (KE), and the potential energy (PE) in terms of the amplitude of the oscillations (A Question 2C Calculate the predicted period of oscillation if the total mass attached to the spring is 200 g Answer 2C : T = 2 π √ m k T = 2 π √ 0. (b) Use stopwatch to time for ten (10) oscillations. Report how well these two values agree with each other (the percent difference between the two). The static method had a spring constant (ks) of. c Period and frequency of oscillations (4 cm spring) T = 1 s f = 1/1 s =. 1) or, rearranging d2x dt2 + !2 nx= 0 (1. Record the value of the spring constant, based on Hooke’s Law, as determined from the slope of the trendline. spring force kxacting on the body will tend to restore it to its equilibrium position. Measure the new position of the end of the spring. You can change the mass, the spring constant, the gravity and the friction. 200kg mass is added to the mass pan, the spring is stretched to the 0. The purpose of this lab was to discover how changing the amplitude, mass, and spring constant would affect the period of the oscillation of the spring. 307 0. PHYS-1320-M59, College Physics I Laboratory Date: 12/06/ Abstract The purpose of this lab was to study mathematical relationships and calculations necessary to determine the oscillation period of a hanging mass that was bobbing up and down due to a spring. Adjust the initial position, damping, spring stiffness, and initial rest length. To study the longitudinal vibration of helical spring and to determine the frequency and time period of oscillation theoretically and actually by experiment. Check or uncheck boxes to view/hide various information. This log will form the basis of lab report. Lab 3A: Vertical Mass-Spring. The objective of this lab was to determine the spring constant using the data collected from the spring’s oscillations. Students and teachers can find additional free instruction on this topic at the site listed lab report laboratory iv oscillations you are familiar with many objects that oscillate tuning fork, pendulum, the strings of guitar, or the beating of heart. Calculate a) the mass of the block, b) the period of the motion, and c) the String, spring, masses, mass hanger, photo-gate timer, meter stick and protractor. Based on this limited data, how does the oscillation period depend on the amplitude of the oscillation? Compare this behavior with the effect of amplitude on the period of the simple pendulum, which you measured in an earlier lab. Shane Johnson. Spring Mass Oscillations Lab Lab Report by Vivek Jayaram ID #00735180 Physics 201 Section 5 Performed This video could be used as part of a lab experiment on oscillations for an introductory physics class. This period is the time it takes for the spring to complete one oscillation, or the time necessary to return to the point where the cycle starts repeating (the points where x, v, and a are the same). Figure 15. Observe the position, velocity, acceleration, and Read xi, the position of the same last coil of the spring as in step 1. 00 cm , so the initial position does not equal lab report lab 11. If the period of oscillation is measured, the spring constant can be determined by k = 4 π 2 m T 2 eq 10 cm and 20 cm and release to begin oscillations. The periodic motion of the object attached to the spring is an example of harmonic motion – a Lab 13. (f) Determine energy of spring at equilibrium position. Observe the position, velocity, acceleration, and View Lab - Oscillations Lab Report from PHYSICS 151 at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Position of mass suspended by spring Weight (g) Position (m) 207 0. EQUIPMENT Simple harmonic motion can serve as a mathematical model for a variety of motions, but is typified by the oscillation of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the linear elastic restoring force given by Hooke's law. Stopwatch, or clock with a second hand. Simple Harmonic Motion: Mass on a Spring. . Guided Oscillation Lab. Spring-Mass Oscillations Goals •To determine experimentally whether the supplied spring obeys HookeÕs law, and if so, to calculate its spring constant. In the first part of this laboratory exercise you will measure the moment of inertia of three different objects about a specified rotational axis and verify the parallel axis theorem. Lab 12 – Mass on a Spring/Harmonic Oscillations Objective. 7 Data collected by a student in lab indicate the position of a block attached to a spring, measured with a sonic range finder. 4 Procedure 3. 8±0 2 . When the block is halfway between its equilibrium position and the end point, its speed is measured to be 30 cm/s. As the mass moves downward past the equilibrium point, start the clock and count "zero. For Entry #2, type in the value of [Delta]x (in meters). 3. 8 T = 1. View Notes - Spring Mass Oscillations Lab from PHYS 206 at Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Use the Run, Pause, Reset, and Step buttons to examine the animation. Experiment 4 Title Experiment with a spiral spring (Oscillation ) Objective 1. Time period of spring with hanging masses. A realistic mass and spring laboratory. First you need to calculate the spring constant as a function of the forces on the system and the properties of the system that you can measure using each method. Lab 10: Simple Harmonic Motion (Note: This lab requires a formal lab report. We will learn how to find the spring constant and View Lab - Oscillations of a Spring Lab Report from PHYS 130 at University of Alberta. The motion is sinusoidal in time and demonstrates a single resonant frequency. In each experiment, the microcontroller would be released from the spring 65 cm above the floor, moving up and down along the axis of the Mar 22, 2001 · Hooke's Law: the force a spring exerts is proportional to the distance it has been displaced from rest: F = -k * x. By summing the forces in the vertical direction and assuming m F r e e B o d y D i a g r a m k x k x Figure 1. Pull the mass down a short distance and let go to produce a steady up and down motion without side-sway or twist. This experiment aims to calculate the spring constant of a spring in a mass-spring system; This is done by investigating how the time period of the oscillations varies with the mass. 9. In this guided lab you will develop a calibration equation to relate the rate of a spring's oscillations to the mass of the object on the spring. ) In order to determine the spring constant, k, from the period of For many systems this is strictly true only for small amplitude oscillations. This system has two natural modes: 1. Repeat steps 2-5 for masses approximately equal to 0. If Hooke's Law holds for the spring and the data fits a straight line, then the motion of masses vibrating up and down on the spring should be simple harmonic Mar 27, 2024 · Springs in Series and Parallel For a mass attached to a spring, the theoretical period of oscillation is given by eq 1 where T is the time for one complete back-and-forth motion, m is the mass that is oscillating, and k is the spring constant. F is force exerted by spring (Newtons) x is distance spring is displaced from rest (meters) k is the "spring constant". 0 cm. The Lab 10. Glycolytic oscillations Oscillation is a phenomenon that regularly occurs. A static method where the extension of the spring was measured as a function of an applied force and the dynamic method where a weight was suspended from a spring and the frequency of oscillations was measured. May 20, 2024 · This “spring-mass system” is illustrated in Figure 13. Table 2. Transport the lab to different planets. 00 cm x ≈ − 0. NADH through the complete oxidation of the molecule (generating water and CO2). e. Spiral spring, stands and clamps, slotted masses and hanger, stop watch. When a 0. In this lab, we explore a vertical mass-spring system. Mar 28, 2024 · Theory. simple harmonic motion is only determined by the amplitude of the oscillation. Practical Significance This experiment illustrates the value of collection and display of data in assisting thinking about the phenomenon of oscillation. STEP 1: Find and photograph your springs. Physics 111 - Lab Report 8; Lab 1: Simple Harmonic Oscillations. where x is the position of the mass. 3. Graph the displacement of the spring over time, with the rest position having displacement = zero. The spring constant k will be the slope of the straight line. Objective: For our final lab of associated with physics I, we will dissect the motions of a mass on a spring. Do two time trials and get average of these two runs. To show how the time of vertical Dynamics – Forced vibration – Resonance of spring – Dashpot system with spring = 9 hertz For experiment 3, to find d,3, Free body diagram (FBD) of the beam (experiment 3) Kinetic diagram How Does the Amplitude, Mass, and Spring Constant Impact the Oscillation of a Spring? Lab Report. Make a graph of the force, F, versus displacement (Δx). Results: Report your results (in complete sentences) for the value of k as determined by the method using Hooke’s law and by the experiment measuring the period of oscillation of the spring. Lab: Spring Oscillation Goal: To determine the spring constant for a 5" spring and observe oscillation dependence on amplitude and load. Water 4. Two different sets of trials were conducted, first being a simple pendulum released from different heights to obtain the of oscillations and period T. Explore the properties of masses and springs in this HTML5 simulation. The data are collected starting at time t = 0. 7. The spring was released and the time for one complete oscillation (mass moved up and then back down) was recorded. 457 0. Use an electronic kitchen scale, a scale from your school lab, or a postal scale. The spring-mass oscillator consists of an object that is free to oscillate up and down, suspended from. You will make predictions based on the model you develop in this lab. ‪Pendulum Lab‬ - PhET Interactive Simulations ‪Pendulum Lab‬ Measuring the Spring Constant Attach your data tables and graphs illustrating re mass, and spring constant k. In this experiment, we will examine and quantify the behavior of the spring-mass oscillator. For the simple harmonic motion of spring with hanging masses, the tension is the force that wants to ‘drag’ the hanging masses back to its equilibrium position, so the restoring force of. A set of masses is hung from a spring. The period, T, of a pendulum of length L undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by: T = 2π L g−−√. Hence k/m = C = 4π2/T2 (2) Many lab activities can be conducted with our Wireless, PASPORT, or even ScienceWorkshop sensors and equipment. When one of the pendula is held at rest and the other is set oscillating, the energy of the oscillating pendulum is transferred to the other pendulum by the spring. 300m. •To determine the spring constant by another method, namely, by observing how the oscilla-tion frequency changes as the mass hanging on the end of the spring is varied. Measurements were taken of changing mass and corresponding changes in spring length. Lab 11. 8. 00 s, t = 0. x0. The experiments involved hanging an Uno 3 microcontroller off a stand with a spring. Stopwatch 5. In this lab you will be looking at the different changes that take place for horizontal oscillations when the speed or mass of an object is changed or the spring constant of the spring is varied. . We assume that the force exerted by the spring on the mass is given by Hooke’s Law: →F = − kxˆx. Method #2: Determine the period of each oscillation from your videos. 200 6. Adjust the initial position of the box, the mass of the box, and the spring constant. " Then count every time the mass moves downward past the equilibrium point, and on the 50th passage stop the clock. 2) where!2 n The diagram below shows an oscillating mass/spring system at times 0, T/4, T/2, 3T/4, and T, where T is the period of oscillation. Other phenomena can be modeled by simple harmonic motion, including the motion of a simple The Mass-Spring-Damper model discussed in Lab 1, Eq 1. 400 kg. 50 N/m and undergoes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 10. 320m-mark as shown in Figure 4. a spring (Figure 19. Materials The simplest mechanical oscillating system is a mass, subject to the force of gravity, attached to a linear spring. Experiment. 2. For a mass m attached to a spring moving in one dimension without friction, we have a = F/m, where F is the spring force. View Lab - Physic lab report 4. Then we will observer the period of oscillations for a few different masses. Spring-Mass Oscillations Goals •To determine experimentally whether the supplied spring obeys Hooke’s law, and if so, to calculate its spring constant. Adjust mass measure to value greater than 250g. In this lab you will be examining the relationship between the mass on a spring and the period of the pendulum. Theory: Simple harmonic motion describes an object that is drawn to equilibrium with a force that is proportional to its distance from equilibrium. 1). For assistance with substituting compatible instruments, contact PASCO Technical Support. However, you may notice that the spring will oscillate even when there is no mass attached ( = 0) in section 2. , C = k/m. The spring force must balance the weight of the added mass ( = 1. Thus, by measuring the period of a pendulum as well as its length, we can In the second section of the lab you will observe the oscillations of a spring loaded with a specific mass. oscillations goals to determine experimentally whether the supplied spring obeys law, and if so, to calculate its spring constant. A chart shows the kinetic, potential, and thermal energy for each spring. Measuring the Period T of Oscillations A. (For this lab the spring cannot be treated as massless so you will add 1 3 of its weight to the hanging mass when calculating m used in Eq. This is just one example of how this required practical might be carried out; Variables. Figure 13. This simulation shows the oscillation of a box attached to a spring. ANALYSIS. We're here to help. Oct 21, 2020 · Purpose. STEP 2: Write out a lab report which includes the items from the rubric below including your photographs and graph. ) 1. 1. We will learn how to find the spring constant and collect both the ultrasound and accelerometer data for oscillations by using the Arduino as the mass in the mass-spring system. The two pendula swing in phase with each other. 078 s T = 1. Compare your results with different planets and scenarios. 1 Mass on aSpring We will first determine the spring constant of the spring but placing different forces on the spring and measuring the stretching of the spring. Address the points highlighted in blue. In the second part you will measure the oscillations of a mass on a spring to investigate Hooke’s Law. Glycolytic Oscillation Lab Report. For example in Figure 3, the initial position of the body is 0. 507 0. You will be able to change the mass on the spring, the spring constant of the spring, the amplitude of oscillation, and the acceleration due to gravity. View Lab - Simple Harmonic Motion Lab Report from PHYS 211 at University of Cincinnati, Main Campus. Spring—I recommend that you re-use the spring from the "Spring Force Scale" lab 2. 6. The spring constant and effective mass of a given spring can be determined by recording the vibration of the spring along a vertical line when its one end is loaded with a mass. Optionally, you can use a smartphone to measure your spring's period instead (see the Using a Sensor App section of the procedure for more details). Physics Lab 1, Course 2221 Section 013 University of Cincinnati March 10, 2022. To verify the Dunkerley ˇs Rule Viz. 1 Spring-Mass System motion about the static equilibrium position, F= mayields kx= m d2x dt2 (1. Review the behavior of a spring using the My Physics Lab simulation. Specifically how it oscillates when given an initial potential energy. A Motion Sensor measures the position of the oscillating mass, and the Force Sensor is used to determine the spring constant. 4. Results (50 points) Table 1: Red spring 2. Method #1: Make a graph of displacement versus weight for the object-spring system. 5. (e) Determine energy of spring at the top of oscillation. Part II. simple harmonic oscillation: when a spring is moved from its rest position, then released, it Lab Report 2 - This is the second lab for General Physics II. This should give you the result you need since the oscillation period of a system also depends on the spring constant. Time period of a spring pendulum depends on the mass suspended as T∝ √m, greater the mass greater will be the inertia and so lesser will be the frequency of oscillation and greater will be the time period. 1: A horizontal spring-mass system oscillating about the origin with an amplitude A. You can also measure the energy, the period and the amplitude of the oscillations. Set Spring Constant and Damping such that Spring Constant is greater than Damping. The two pendula swing 180 degrees out of phase. 6, has three mea-surable parameters; m, the mass of the cart and weights, k, the spring sti ness, and c, the damping coe cient. Brendon Burke Physics 151 Lab Section NR 16 December 15, 2016 Oscillation Lab Report Abstract: In this The lab report examines a vertical spring-mass system to determine the spring constant and frictional forces. Bucket or Bottle 3. LAB SESSION 11: OSCILLATORY MOTION. Calculate the spring constant of the spring and 2. 08 s Question 2D: Calculate the predicted period of oscillation if the total mass attached to the spring is 400 g Nov 6, 2014 · In today’s lab where k is the spring constant and m is the hanging mass, assuming the ideal case where the spring itself is massless. You will then use this calibrated system to determine the mass of an unknown object. Results: From our experimental data, the spring constants for both methods were calculated and we were successfully able to observe the harmonious oscillation that the spring created with the different masses, thus fulfilling the objective of the lab. Introduction: The objective of this experiment was to determine the spring constant of a spring by. Independent variable = mass, m In this lab you will explore the motion of a mass attached to a spring hanging vertically from a fixed support and the motion of a simple pendulum. In this lab, simple harmonic motion will be demonstrated by hanging an object from a spring and analyzing its changes in velocity and acceleration in correlation to its displacement from equilibrium. 80 cm ≠ 3. oscillation period of a system also depends on the spring constant. For the green spring, add mass between 200g and 1000g in increments of 100g. The Factors That Impact the Period of a Spring PHYSICS 207 Simple Harmonic Motion Lab. 020m. (c) Determine periodic time, T (d) Calculate Spring Constant. Lab partner: Serena-Lee Martin & Samia Robinson Lab TA: Nate Avish. 257 0. SHM in a Mass-Spring System. where. Therefore the displacement is 0. hs yx vl hb ar jf nv av qw bz